After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.
In a hospital one can hear many sounds ,voices or even echo's ,ranging from quiet to laud from tiniest of wipers to full on arguing of people at full volume ,but the most prevalent sound as of now are screams of woman undergoing an labor. Even with soundproofing of the room her screams can be heard all the way in lobby. One can also hear man voice trying to calm her down not as loud as her ,they are more like after sounds or echo's of the time long gone ,then full fledge voice of a man trying to calm her down ,but it was without success. If one brave soul were to come closer to those door's or even just the wall separating hall from the room ,one could hear her swearing at the man for doing it to her ,that it's all his fault and that she should have listen to her mother and not married him in the first place. And so her banter goes on and on ,she started to pour out all her worries. Even shoemaker's ears could have wilt just from listening to her rambling ,her word's were like a molten iron ,poison/acid or spear jabs to heart they where straight to the point and and hurt like sledge hammer. After each one of such comment man would grasp his heart and later try to swallow something probably blood or just saliva. With more and more of such comment man started to look more pale than moment before ,but even so man didn't loosen his hold on her hand. After all he know it all do to the moment her stress and worries that something might go wrong during childbirth ,after all it's their first child. Even he is worried that something might happen ,but he didn't want to think about bad thing's so as not to jinx it. With a smile on his face hiding his own worries and uncertainty he once more grasp her hand with a firm ,but gentle grasp on it he said:
" You have calm down Dear ,it's not good for our child. It's just one more push ,one little push and everything will be over. Soon you will be recalling it with fondness and smile on your face ,so you just have take a deep breath in and then slowly breath out. Just like this..."
" Calm down ,you are telling me to CALM DOWN are you out of your fa*king mind! Do you even know about how much pain I feeling right in this moment. You Man will never understand about how much pain we are filling during childbirth ,but we still going with this thing be it for our species survival or do to love of our partner. It's useless to ramble about it ,because you want get it ,maybe only after you experience it. Only then you will/would {probably [-Said in a low voice]} get it."
While they were talking they hear voice of a nurse asking them to calm down and saying.
" Madam if you could calm down ,everything will be over in just a moment. You just have to make 'ONE' last push and everything will be over. Just like that slowly and steady ,big breath in and slowly breath out. Yes ,just like that ,good a little bit more I can see a head. One last time Madam and soon you will be holding your child in your own hands."
" Honey end is near ,just a little bit more and everything will be over. Push!"
" I'm TRYING or maybe you want to switch places with me."
" No ,thank you I'm good with just watching from the sideline. You have it under control honey ,so why would I chime in."
Soon they saw nurse hold a baby in her arms ,a baby boy to be exact their baby boy. Next think they saw was nurse holding him by his torso with one hand with his head slightly tilted forward in case if he were to threw up. After that using her other free hand she slap his butt chicks ,which made them bright red. Do to sudden pain baby took his first breath and soon after started to cry with all might of his new lungs. After seeing such scene they become very proud and relive ,because it's mean that their child is healthy or at very least don't have problem with breathing.
But one thing they didn't know was that reincarnated person took place of their child. He took it from the beginning so it wouldn't change a thing. Only being that remotely know about it is 'World Will' ,but it won't take sudden action or say it them. Even if they know about it ,it wouldn't change their opinion of him ,because they only know him so they won't have comparison. And why would they need to know that in the first place. It's his to know and only him ,but if he decide to share it with them they would be happy to listen. After all it's a parent job listen to child worries and later on share with them their thought or wisdom about them.
" Waaa....waaa...waaaa!!"
Scared by sudden pain in the buttocks our MC woke up from his deep slumber.
" It hurt's like hell ,what is going on here? Last thing I remember was crossing the street after I left Company building after I was fired from it ,then what? Hmm ,now I seems to remember something. I.. I.. I was hit by a speeding car ,then there was sudden weightlessness and then a lot of pain and then darkness. Looks like I died shortly after I touch the ground or sometime later. I wonder if someone will at very least remember me. Who am I kidding ,my whole family died before me I didn't have any love one ,so who would remember me. Calm down you have to first take care of the thing's at hand time for sulking will come later. Now what is going on ,who are those people and where/when the hack am I? Why I can only make such sound ,maybe it's for better. I was reincarnated that for sure ,after all I'm not transmigrate and I don't have some foreign memories and I'm in child body ,but the question is how? Hmm ,why am I filling so drowsy out of blue? Hmm ,a little power nap didn't hurt anybody as of yet. At very list I hope so."
After seeing that child didn't have any problems with his respiratory organs nurse took him to another room to wash him, weight and do all the required check ups. After some time she return with boy wrap in warm towels ,she place him on his mother embrace and give some space to new parents. As if feeling that he is safe and secure in embrace of his mother he slowly to wiggle in it and slowly woke up. Fuelled by feeling of comfort ,security and warmth our MC wake up. He open his eyes with a lot of effort only to see unknown face of woman. Do to this unknown situation he become frighten and started hurriedly look left and right as if searching what is going on.
" That was a really good nap maybe I should have sleep a bit longer. What is going on here ,why are everyone looking at me? A now I get it I'm a baby right now ,so they are waiting for me to do something. Their are becoming more impatient ,what should I do? Okay ,this is starting to become creepy. What should I do for them to stop staring at me like that? Think brain think ,what would baby do in my place? Think ,think faster you stupid brain they are becoming impatient."
After some time of searching through his hazy memories at brake neck speed ,our MC come up with an idea it was as if revelation from up above.
" I seems to remember seeing once a child waking up look left then right as if lost ,then he make a short pause then he started to giggle out of blue and try to grab closest thing in it's reach with his little hands. That should work out ,I hope it will if not then I'm royally screwed. Time for thinking about my fate will come later ,now I have to execute my plan. You are living once."
POV 3 |At the same time as MC thinking|
After moment of strange silence everyone in this room could hear child giggle and see him trying really hard using his little hand to touch face of a women his mother. Which make her smile grow wider and made her forget about previous torments that she endured. As if someone press play button on a man he came to life got closer to his wife and newborn son with a goofy smile on his face ,took a deep breath and said.
"I'm Father ,I have become father it ought to be the happiest day of my life ,shortly after meeting you ,our marriage and now this. Thank you." With tears in his eyes man said.
And as if prepared for her husband antics she said to him with caring yet tired voice.
" Yes ,Yes you are. Do you expect me to have someone else child other than you. Who else other than you big dummy? Do you think I would have cheated on you. I give you my virginity and now you think I would have someone else child. Huston to Theodor if you finally come to your senses how are you going to name our Child?"
As if enlightened by this revelation that he have to name his son men starts to think very hard about good name for him. After all he don't want to be hated by his son later on for choosing bad name for him. After some time man took deep breath and said with confidence and certainly in his voice.
" His name will be Allan James Princeton Son of Elizabeth and Theodore Princeton."
After man's declaration one could see women nodding her head with an approval with a smile on her face and nurse noting it down on her papers to later fill it on a birth certificate and other important state documents. Few minutes later everyone in the room could hear sound of door being open and doctor coming in. Nurse got up from her place ,come up to the doctor and after some small talk and handing over Ms. Princeton and little Allen papers to the doctor. Doctor took some quick glance through the papers of mother and her child and asked.
" How are you're feeling after childbirth Ms. Princeton? Any discomfort what so ever?"
" I don't think so ,maybe a little pain in the back that's all."
" Good. So I going to prescribe you some painkillers and after 2-3 days of observation we'll let both of you go home. So please rest well ,take care of yourself and your child. Goodbye."
Doctor got up from his sit than said something to the nurse and soon after left their room to look after other patients. After doctor left Mr. And Ms. Princeton look at each other briefly ,smiled and breathed a sigh of relief after all doctor didn't find anything wrong with her and there child. As if trying to discharge tension in the air man open his mouth and said to his wife.
" Honey I'll leave you with our child he probably need some alone time with his mother. You also need some rest even I can see that."
" Thank you dear. I really appreciated it and if you could please prepare home for our arrival ,Dear."
" For you always honey ,see you tomorrow after work also take care of yourself and little Allan."
After man left women look at her son and as if feeling her gaze baby look at her straight in the eyes and with his out stretch hands started to demand his food. As if understanding his signals she took her breast out and started to slowly feed him. Soon suction force on her breast stopped. She look at her son and what she saw was her son with satisfy smile on his face ,but soon as if he took some sleeping drags he started slowly open and closing his eyes trying to stay awake with all his might ,but as if his struggling was for nought he fall asleep shortly after. Trying to make easer for him to fall asleep women started to hum him an lullaby.
Some time later one can hear soft ,but rhythmical breath's of mother-son duo sound asleep. Shortly after they fall asleep nurse return to the room ,seeing both of them sound asleep she come closer to them take him from his mother embrace and placing him in a small bed next to her. After checking him one last time she left room, close the door to let them have there much needed rest.
Due to the comment of one of the readers, I decided to correct some errors that I found and change the vocabulary in some places a little