
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Prolog Pt: 2 (Redone v.02)


After some short moment of silence our MC took deep breath close his eyes and then slowly breath out ,after he calm down a bit he open his eyes and shouted with all his might.

" You must by kidding me! How can I go to that godforsaken realm where there is so many crazy people and mind boggling things. Okey! I have to calm down I need to be calm and collected as much as I can so as not to make some mistakes. So for starters I'm going to be reincarnated into a Potterverse. Just my f**king luck ,quick question? Can I choose with memories I'm going to remember and will I be protected from 'World Will' influence ,things like 'Prophecies' ,'Mind/Memory Reading' and other sh*t?"

" I don't see a problem in it if your 'Soul' will be protected from it influence ,but you will look more out of place if he/she won't be able to search your soul/mind so I will place something akin to 'Censure ship' it will only be active whenever you will think about your past life. Your past life memories will be protected ,but new one that you will make in your next life won't be ,so you will have to come up with your own way of protecting them or you can just go easy way and choose 'Natural Occulmency' and/or 'Natural Legimency' as your boon/perk. It's all up to you and your decision. It won't be foolproof ,but it should be enough until you come up with your own way of protecting your own mind/soul. As for your memories you cannot remember only those about this Universe witch would make it to odious in what Universe you are and it would be weird if you only remember those thing. It could make you craze ,because you would think that someone did something to you. So you have to have a little bit more memories like about 10 times more than you are thinking right now and they cannot be only about books or this Universe ,but they also have to contain life experience ,miscellaneous memories/ideas/dreams and other un-/useful ones as to make them complete in a sense. They have to be stable enough until your new memories ,personality can function as a stabilise agent for your soul. So you have to think about them more carefully after all you don't want to die young once again. Are you?"

"Question? Do I have ability to choose my own boons/perks as you call them or will they be random. And if Yes ,will I be an Wizard in the first place or better question will I be able to controle this 'Magic Energy'? If it is something like "Because you are 'Reincarnated Person' you are able to do this." ,then there is some big problem with this whole System ,but I want say No to free staff. So how it is?"

" Normally you would be able to do so as you said ,but your case is different. Your Soul will be in a weaken state do to 'Void Energy Corruption' and later my treatment ,so there is higher chance for you to become 'Squib' then 'Wizard' ,so to be sure and as a precaution I would choose 'Maggleborn Wizard' as a boon/perk just to be sure. Take it with a grain of salt or as a rambling of a old men. It's always better to choose now then cry later over spill milk or curse over World fairness and equality. If you choose to be an reborn as a 'Maggleborn Wizard' it will be more helpful to this old man as it will faster for me to find you new Body ,Parents and Life. Do you have more questions?"

"I'm Good ,some doubts about which memories should I choose ,but I can handle it. So could you give me some pan, paper and something that will show me how much of those 'Karma Points' I still have and must spend. If you be so kind ,Please."

With a simple a snap of his fingers a new table with pen, paper and what looks like computer appeared. After closer look one could only see a single logo of cart with boxes ,which probably is a mall or program from with I can choose my boons/perks. Our MC walk up to it ,sat down on a chair and start to contemplate about what he should choose as his 'Cheats'.

POV 3 |Unknown amount of time later|

After countless plans ,ideas and combinations of different boons our MC finally stud up from his place and sighed with a relief. Not even our MC know how much time and ideas he has use up with before he come up with this perfect combinations of boons. But if someone were to look behind him one could see countless crumpled sheets of paper with many scribe word's and cross out line's of text written in different fonts and sizes.

" Finally! I come up with perfect combination for me to survive in that dark world."

" It must be great if it took you a week to come up with this idea."

" A week! Sorry, I didn't want it to took so long ,but to be true with you I come up my idea as my fourth ,but I wanted to test other idea that I have. Later I return to it ,combine it with my other ideas to make it better and later I spend some time on full proofing it. To have to be sure that is the best one I can come up with."

" Tell me and I'll be your final judge ,I can tell you if it's doable or not."

" Okey. For starter I want to be able to control my 'Magic Energy' and be born as an 'Maggleborn Wizard' with loving and well-off family. Preferable if they are going to be Teacher's or Professors."

" Hmm.. Acceptable. What's next?"

After hearing answer of R.O.B. our MC sigh with relief ,because it's important part of his 'Plan' and his future 'No.1' alibi if people start to wonder about him and his intellect and maturity.

" Next one will be all about my body. So I want my body to easily adapt to changes and in process make it stronger. "

" Next think I want to have is for my brain to be slightly modified. I want it to work faster and be better develop than others. Much like computer ,but not any computer. Not in the list ,I want it to be like Hi-Spec Computer from my time. But that's not all ,after 5 years I want it to be upgraded to Super-Computer level and after another 5 years I want it to be on Quantum-Computer level..."

" Stop! I wave to stop you there before you start to run to fast here with your thought's. And I will have to change some thinks or to be more specific I have to ad something. Do to your 'Soul' state such ability will only be able to awake it after 4-5 years as not to damage it. During those yours it will be in a state of semi-dormancy ,but it will still force you to consume more food than other's children your age to repair your Soul and for you to develop better. Another think is do to your peculiar state you will have constant filling of sleep as to conserve energy and better administrate your healing process. And to reassure you if your parent's do some test to you they will only find that your brain is work faster than your whale body making it need more energy which force rest of body is in 'Energy Saving Mode'. To compensate for it your body will have faster metabolism as to balance itself. So you don't have to worry that they will think you are quiet or weird. You can also use it as another alibi."

" Okey. I can accept it. Can I continue? My original idea was to only have computing power of a computer and use it to become 'Academic Genius' and later 'Magic Prodigy' ,but later I remembered about interesting story in which 'Protagonist' have ability to program in his brain and later he program his whole body to become something equal to 'Metamorpho Magus'. So my thought was like this 'Can I do something like him?' ,but later I remembered that he live 300 years in future and have technology to boot and then I won't even know in which Era I'll I will be living. Do to this I threw it at the back of my mind ,but later I come across 'Knowledge Section' and as if light bulb up in my mind I though it's a doable ,so my next think is."

" I want to be able to program using my brain as a 'Motherboard' and my body as an 'Hardware' and be able to manipulate and program myself and thinks in my general vicinity."

" Good. You have come up with rather interesting idea it is very versatile and you can hide really easily just by saying that you are 'Metharmorpho Magus' or that you are using magic. Look's like you have head in the right place ,not bad lad."

With sheepish smile and sweat on his his forehead our MC nodded ,but only he know that it wasn't his original thought ,he just thought it was 'Super OP' and worthy of him. He sigh with relief and thought it would be better if this misunderstanding stay like this than for it to see light of day. But our MC overlook something really important that his mental defence is non existing and that he was standing before Random Omnipotent Being. What he didn't saw a slight smirk on R.O.B. face as if he know about his thought from beginning and just let it stay like this.

" Returning to my thinking proces I want it to be able to use 'Magic Energy', 'Mental Energy' and energy I get from food alternately depending what I choose. To achieve it I want a 'Desktop Screen' of my computer be seen as my 'Golden Finger' or at list to look like it before I fully 'Awaken' it and during it's un-awaken state I want to see it as a program with 'Progress bar' showing that my body is in 'Energy Saving Mode' and how much time it is needed for it to fully awake."

"Hmm.. Can be achieve. Not so bad reasoning and it can save me some time on how to present your boons to your future self ,you just save me this hassle. Any think else?"

" Yes. I was worrying about 'Storage Space' and problems that it will make in my next life ,so to mitigate them in the bud I came up with two possible solutions. My first idea how to mitigate it was inspired from this old movie 'Inside out' where memories are encase in orb's ,stored on shelf's and unneeded memories are thrown to deeper recesses of mind and gradually forgotten with time and it was good idea ,but doom to fail later ,because I remember that I'll probably learn 'Occulmency' in my next life to protect my mind/memories ,which will slowly start to recover my memories/data so I will just return to 'START'. So my first idea come to nought."

" My second idea was just to have more space to store information's in my brain ,but later I remembered that human brain can store up to 150 years of information or in different terms it can store up to 2,5 PB of data . So I thought to just double this space ever so often like every 10 or so years. It was easy and fast fix to the problem ,but than as if strike by lightning I though why not to combine those ideas. And just like that my ideal fix for this was born."

" So I want that my 'Storage Space' in my brain to rise as I age that I will never have to worry about it ,also I want to be able to compress and decompress my memories/data like using 'Winrar' ,but better and faster."

" Interesting and it's coherent with all your previous wishes. Making it a less of a hassle to organise them. So what's next ,because I can see that you still have a little bit more points left. What are you going to use them for?"

" A Yes! I left it there for purpose ,because I want to ask for some 'Programming Knowledge' from beginning to master from 'Hi-Tier Knowledge Section'. I know it's over the top ,but could you give me this think."

" Sorry little one ,but no can do. Don't loose hope because of it I cannot give you this ,but I can at most give you 'Beginner and Intermediary Knowledge' and from rest I can give you something like 'Programming Instinct/Gut feeling'. It's widely known fact that 'Solid Foundations' are better then having non. So are you okay with it?"

" Yes ,thank you for accommodating my wishes even if you didn't have to."

" And last think before I forget you won't remember our whole conversation and your stay with my ,because this whole part is going to be destroyed. It's for your good and can ease your worries a little. Only thing that you'll remember is that you are 'Reincarnated Person' and that you came from different 'Earth' then you are now or you will think that it the same ,but its Future or Past. After some time you'll remember that you have 'Golden Finger' and that it. I wish you to live a happy and fulfilling life. We will see each other after you die once again to decide if you are returning to your previous world or stay in your current one. Good luck in your new adventure ,also here have my 'Blessing'."

" Thank you."

Soon after our MC took last look at R.O.B and what he saw was such kind smile that he couldn't be angry at him for long it look like smile of 'Uncle Iroh' from 'Avatar: Last Air bender' and his eyes were emanating so much wisdom and elderly patient. As if waiting for exactly this moment darkness overtook him. After unknown amount of time our MC saw light and with pure instinct and determination started to move in it's general direction using all his strength and his still new and unfamiliar body. And that's how new adventure of our MC started.