
Harry Potter :Magic injuries

Before the start of fifth year Dumbledore changes the plans. Unfortunately he didn't bother to inform Harry. At his trial, Harry realises that it is down to him to save his own skin. To do so his Slytherin side must come out to play, and once it's out it sticks around turning life at Hogwarts on its head. . . . Subscribe to my patreon for advanced content... patreon.com/Fernandodavid . . . The novel is available in PDF format so those who wish to continue it can visit my store

FDRowling777 · Película
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63 Chs

Chapter 45

"You do not need to do this, Harry," said Dumbledore "If there are problems with the prefects, or any other student, then the teachers are there to handle them. That's what they are there for."

"You're right," said Harry "That is what they are there for. Unfortunately I have four years' worth of evidence that proves that the teachers do not do that job. And most of that evidence centres on the four students that Professor Snape just escorted out of the room, as well as Professor Snape himself of course."

"Professor Snape has my complete trust-" Dumbledore began, but Harry cut him off.

"That may be good enough for you, Headmaster, but it isn't for me."

"Nor for the Ministry," added Umbridge "There have been more complaints about that man registered with the Wizarding Examinations Authority than all your other current members of staff combined, and most of them have been here for a lot longer than Severus Snape has."

"Certain staff and pupils have been allowed far too much free rein, Professor," said Harry "and other members of staff have left a lot to be desired in helping the other students deal with these issues. That is why I have my new role, to help those who no longer feel that they can go to the teachers with their problems."

"If students do not come to us, then we cannot be expected to help them," said McGonagall.

"There are reasons that they do not come to you," replied Harry "They need someone, Professor, and in my time here I have time and again been shown that going to a teacher proves to be nothing more than fruitless."

Seeing that McGonagall had no answer to that, Dumbledore tried to change his approach by asking a different question "Why do you feel that the Ministry saw fit to give this position to you specifically, Harry?"

"Mr Potter was chosen because the Ministry believes him to be the best candidate available for the job," said Umbridge, answering for Harry "And it was he, after all, who brought the need for such a role as the one he now has to the attention of the Ministry. We also believe that, through his excellent performance when he represented this school in the Tri-Wizard Tournament he has shown himself to be an exemplary student that others should be able to respect."

"I will not stand for the Ministry using a student in my care for their own purposes." said Dumbledore.

"But I'm not," said Harry "I get paid a salary for my role."

"How much are you being paid?" asked McGonagall.

"That is between me and the Ministry" replied Harry "as it is they, and not the school, that pays me. And of course this role will look good when I eventually apply for a full time job after I finish school."

"And how do you plan to fit these new responsibilities around your studies?" asked Dumbledore.

"Well the Prefects and Head Boy and Girl seem to manage alright," said Harry "Of course I won't be having to attend Quidditch practices, so that frees up more time. Oh, and I will be dropping Divination class altogether."

"You cannot drop classes during your fifth year, Harry." said Dumbledore, warningly.

"We've already approved it with Madam Marchbanks of the Wizarding Examinations Authority," said Umbridge "Any student can opt out of one of the optional subjects in favour of a work-based course that will potentially lead to a job offer, you know that Dumbledore."

Harry could tell by the look on the man's face that he did know this. It was an interesting fact that Harry had not been informed of this when he was choosing which extra classes to take for his O.W.L. years. He would have liked to have pursued one of the alternate courses a long time ago, and would have dropped Divination in favour of one the moment he knew that such things were available.

Hannah actually went to work with her mother for a few hours every week, building up a few basic skills that were required to become a healer. Susan took a class provided by the DMLE at the Ministry studying law. And they told him that their fellow Hufflepuff Ernie Macmillan would go and work in his Dad's office at the family's ink production factory, aiming to one day take over the family business. Harry had never noticed until this was mentioned, but most of the inkpots he purchased for school use had a small bit of writing beneath the logo on the label that read "Manufactured by Macmillan & Sons. Est. 1655."

Harry had somehow been completely denied the opportunity to do such things and wasn't very happy about it. As the majority of these extra classes occurred outside of the school, he supposed that this was just more evidence of Dumbledore attempting to keep him under his thumb.

Apparently Dumbledore did not like the direction that the course of the conversation had switched to and so made an attempt to change it "Where did you go this summer, Harry?"

Harry stood up from his seat and replied "I am afraid that that information is no concern of yours, Headmaster."

"I am your magical guardian," responded Dumbledore "It is my right to know what happened to you during the time you were missing."

"I was not missing." replied Harry "Nor was I ever officially reported as such. I informed the Ministry of my new location and received their approval. And they were the only ones who needed to know."

And before Dumbledore could say anything more, Harry turned and left, Umbridge following him after offering "Good night Albus, Minerva."

Neither said anything to her in response.

Once the door was shut, McGonagall turned to Dumbledore and asked "Why did you just let him leave?"

Dumbledore took off his glassed and rubbed the bridge of his nose before replying "We would have gained nothing more out of him tonight. That boy can be very stubborn when he wants to be, and now he has the Ministry's backing."

"How bad is our situation now?"

"I honestly cannot say, Minerva. Harry clearly is not happy with us and is convinced that the staff cannot handle bullying students effectively."

"I've warned you time and again that allowing Severus so much freedom to rule Slytherin House as he sees fit would only come back to bite us."

"I trust Severus' judgement, Minerva, and I ask that you do too."

"It's is had to trust that man's judgement when he chose two of the biggest bullies in that year group to be prefects. What were you thinking when you approved them for the role?"

"I was hoping that by having responsibility thrust upon them that they would respond appropriately and grow up. That, as I recall, is the same thing that you and I both hope to achieve by appointing Ronald Weasley to the same position. I would say that buy implementing a three strikes plan; all three of those students may be stripped of those badges before they can learn their lessons."

"Or it may help them learn it quicker," offered McGonagall with a touch of hope in her voice.

"Perhaps." replied Dumbledore. He gave a weary sigh and said "We knew that there was going to be a storm coming from the Ministry, but I never suspected that Harry Potter would be on their side for it."

"Well what did you expect, abandoning him like that?" demanded McGonagall "Who knows what he was thinking all those days he spent alone at his Muggle relatives' house. You betrayed his trust, Albus. We all did."

Dumbledore rubbed a hand over his face and heaved another sigh.

This was going to be a long school year.

"When I arrived here earlier this afternoon, I took the liberty of talking to a few House Elves and having them organise an office and private quarters for you Mr Potter, as per the Minister's request." said Professor Umbridge as the two made their way along the corridor that led away from the Headmaster's office "They chose one that is situated close to the approximate half-way point between all four house common rooms, ensuring that it will be easy to find for any student that needs you."

"Thank you," said Harry politely "Once I receive my class schedule tomorrow at breakfast I will be able to organise a timetable for when I can meet with students. Oh, and thank you for assisting me back there. I think your presence really helped in getting Snape to hold his tongue."

"You mean he's usually worse than that?" asked Umbridge sounding surprised.

"Much worse," replied Harry "especially when I'm around."

"And Dumbledore just lets him get away with it?"

"Oh yes. I mean, they can't control students who bully, so why would a bullying teacher be handled any better?"

"I'll have to keep a close eye on him then."

"You should. By rights potions has the potential to be one of the most enjoyable classes at this school. Instead it is one of the most dreaded, and that is purely due to the fact that it is Snape who teaches it."

By now their path had led them to the corridor in which Harry's new office and sleeping quarters were located.

The door was situated behind a suit of armour.

Professor Umbridge instructed him that he only had to inform the suit of armour of what his password would be and the door would be opened.

Harry waited for her to leave before turning to the suit of armour and stating "The password is "liberation"."

The suit of armour nodded its head in understanding before stepping to the side and opening the door for Harry, who stepped through and found a small yet cosy office located within, complete with his own desk.

It was late though, so, deciding that he would have a look around in the morning, he made his way over to the door that was located on the opposite side of the room. Beyond he found a small sitting room, complete with a fireplace, a sofa and two comfy looking armchairs.

But it was in the next room that he found what he was looking for; a large and comfortable looking bed.

Harry reached into the pocket on the inside of his robes and pulled out the sample of treacle tart that he had taken from the Great Hall earlier.

"Tippy!" he called out into the darkness of the room.

With a faint pop Tippy the House Elf appeared. She belonged to the Bones family and had been the one that usually cleaned Harry's room when he stayed at their house during the summer. Madam Bones had arranged it so that Tippy could travel to Harry at Hogwarts if he had need of her.

"Yes, young sir?" she asked him.

Harry held out the package and said "Please take this to Madam Bones. It needs testing for a suspicious potion."

"Right away sir!" said Tippy with a bow before popping away.

With that last job for the day done, Harry stretched and turned towards the bed.

Deciding to let his inner child out to play, Harry took a running jump and landed spread-eagled on top of the bed, the soft mattress easily cushioning his landing.

'Well,' he thought as he lay there 'that's day one over with…'

And with that thought, he fell into a deep and peaceful sleep, on top of the bed and still fully clothed.




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