
Harry Potter :Magic injuries

Before the start of fifth year Dumbledore changes the plans. Unfortunately he didn't bother to inform Harry. At his trial, Harry realises that it is down to him to save his own skin. To do so his Slytherin side must come out to play, and once it's out it sticks around turning life at Hogwarts on its head. . . . Subscribe to my patreon for advanced content... patreon.com/Fernandodavid . . . The novel is available in PDF format so those who wish to continue it can visit my store

FDRowling777 · Película
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63 Chs

Chapter 21

Susan decided to not ask what he meant and continued on.

"Current Newblood families are Cornfoot, Cresswell, Entwhistle, MacDonald, Quirke and Tonks."

"Is that all?" asked Harry.

"Quite a few Muggleborns were either killed or fled the country in the last war," said Susan "And don't forget there are those like your mother, my mother and Hannah's mother who married into other families."

That gave Harry pause. That was the first time Susan had mentioned on of her parents. Susan seemed to realise it to, and looked down at the table top, her face wrought with embarrassment.

"Was it," Harry began awkwardly "Was it the war?"

Susan shook her head sadly "No. They survived that. But a few years later a few Death Eaters who got off with the Imperius Curse claim got together for old times' sake. My parents didn't have a chance. Only two were caught and sent to Azkaban, the other five who were involved got away with it. Lucius Malfoy was implicated, but no follow up was ever made. This was before my Aunt Amelia was head of the DMLE."

"I'm sorry," said Harry, and he meant it.

Tears began to build up in Susan's eyes "I was six when it happened. They were going out for the evening, and left me at my Aunt's house. They said they'd see me the next morning, but they never came back. I came down the stairs the next morning expecting to see them, only to find my Aunt crying and grave looking two Aurors standing there having just delivered the bad news."

And just like that Harry had gone from finding out about the families of the wizarding world to sitting in a library with a crying girl, something he had no clue as to how to deal with.

Just as he was reaching out to try and awkwardly pat her on the back, as shout came from the kitchen "Susan! Harry!"

Quick as a flash, Susan darted from the room, but rather than go into the kitchen she fled upstairs.

Harry made his way into the kitchen to find Amelia standing there with Cyrus Greengrass and a man who Harry did not recognise.

"Um, Susan's not coming," said Harry "She's a bit upset."

"Why?" asked Amelia.

"We were talking that the subject of her parents kind-of came up," said Harry awkwardly.

Amelia smiled kindly and said "I'll talk to her. Cyrus, would you?"

Cyrus Greengrass gave a nod and Amelia left the room.

"Harry," said Cyrus "This is Algernon Croaker, he works within the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry. He has agreed to help you with your scar issue, but would like to examine you himself, it that's alright."

Harry nodded and said "That's fine, I guess. Can't be too careful I suppose."

It took fifteen minutes for Croaker to confirm that the thing in Harry's scar was indeed a Horcrux.

"Can you get rid of it?" asked Cyrus.

Croaker gave a nod and answered "I believe so. That exorcism idea you told me about should work. I'll need to obtain a few things, but we should be able to do it on Friday."

Harry sat up, alarmed "Friday? But that's three days away. I can't go without sleep for that long."

"You should be fine with a dreamless sleep potion," replied Croaker "I know that Healer Abbott was wary of giving it to you, but I cannot see there being any problems. And three nights is not enough to cause an addiction issue."

Cyrus nodded and said "I'll contact Healer Abbott once I get back to the Ministry. Thank you, Croaker."

"Yes, thank you," said Harry.

Croaker nodded to the two of them and then turned and left.

Cyrus made to follow, but the concern must have been showing on Harry's face. The man smiled reassuringly at him and said "Harry, relax. We know what it is and that in and of itself is half the battle won. Just you wait, come Saturday morning, you'll feel like a new person."

Harry nodded, though he was not entirely convinced.

Not long after Cyrus Greengrass left, Amelia left as well. On the way out she informed Harry that Susan had fallen asleep.

Healer Abbott stopped by a little later to drop of a few bottles of the dreamless sleep potion, but apart from that Harry spent the rest of the afternoon on his own.

It was not until dinner that evening that Harry saw Susan again. She wouldn't look at him, and he quite rightly guessed that she was embarrassed about breaking down in front of him like she had done.

They began their meal in silence, though thankfully Amelia's return home a few minutes later put paid to that.

"Well, the Minister is livid," she informed them as she sat down.

"Why?" asked Harry.

"Dumbledore has scuppered his plans to get Dolores Umbridge into the Defence job by filling the post," replied Amelia as she added some vinegar to her meal.

"Who did he employ?" asked Susan.

"None other than Nymphadora Tonks," replied Amelia with a smirk "Dear old Cornelius just about hit the roof."

"I'm not surprised with the way she was kicked out of the Ministry," said Harry.

"Yes, and Fudge did try to argue that point, but Dumbledore had a better argument. As a recently trained Auror, Miss Tonks is far more qualified to teach defence to the students of Hogwarts that the Undersecretary could ever hope to be."

"So that's it then?" asked Harry "Fudge's plans are scuppered."

"Not entirely," said Amelia "He is still adamant that there will be a High Inquisitor at Hogwarts, and he is determined that Dolores Umbridge will be the one to fill that role. The defence thing was just to try and get her into the school without seeming too forceful. Dumbledore employing Tonks means that Fudge will now have to resort to other measures. Dolores Umbridge will be inside Hogwarts as the High Inquisitor whether Dumbledore likes it or not."

"Fan-friggin-tastic," muttered Harry darkly "I wouldn't mind it is it was a decent person being put in the job, but that Umbridge woman gives me the creeps."

Amelia nodded in understanding and said "I know what you mean. She is not very well liked at the Ministry. I don't think even Fudge is all that fond of her to be honest, she's just a yes person. I think he chose her for the role just so he doesn't have to see her every day. Be warned though, Harry, she's prejudiced. She might not be homicidal like the Death Eaters were, but she does think that Muggleborns only belong on the bottom rung of society. And she hates werewolves, goblins, centaurs and giants, so Rubeus Hagrid will be having problems. And she may try and pick a fight with the centaurs to try and get rid of them."

"Charming," said Harry "I'm beginning to rethink my plans if they mean having to endure working with her."

Amelia shook her head "You can't back out now, Potter. I've set up a meeting between you and the Minister for tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock. "

Harry nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. Madam Bones was right. His lies at the trial might have saved his neck from an unfair and unjustifiable punishment, but now Hogwarts, or more specifically its students, were now threatened because of those lies.

Damage control was needed, and as the person who told the lies in the first place, it was up to Harry to try and put things right.

Well, he'd give it a bloody good go at least.




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