
Harry Potter :Magic injuries

Before the start of fifth year Dumbledore changes the plans. Unfortunately he didn't bother to inform Harry. At his trial, Harry realises that it is down to him to save his own skin. To do so his Slytherin side must come out to play, and once it's out it sticks around turning life at Hogwarts on its head. . . . Subscribe to my patreon for advanced content... patreon.com/Fernandodavid . . . The novel is available in PDF format so those who wish to continue it can visit my store

FDRowling777 · Película
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chapter 18

It was Gringotts that first reported the books as being missing," replied Madam Bones before turning to Harry "Part of the clean-up that took place after Voldemort came for you as a baby included a team of Goblins coming over to remove all valuables to the Potter family vaults. They would take things like money, jewellery and other items of good monetary value, such as paintings or statues. They also take things important to the family, such as books on the family's history. In this way it is all much easier to distribute when the wills are read. Unfortunately someone got to those books first."

Harry frowned again and said "I don't know much about that night, but one thing I do know is that Hagrid was the first on sight. He told me he pulled be from the wreckage and took me to my relatives. All on Dumbledore's orders, of course."

"Dumbledore has always been a suspect," commented Madam Bones "but we've always lacked the necessary evidence to carry out a search of his home or his quarters at Hogwarts."

Harry looked thoughtful for a moment before asking "So, how likely is it that Dumbledore or one of his followers will come here looking for me?"

"It's very unlikely," replied Madam Bones "They would have to very stupid to come snooping around here. Not only that, but Dumbledore's got a lot more on his plate as of this afternoon."

"What do you mean?" asked Susan.

"The Ministry just passed an educational decree," explained Madam Bones, "Educational Decree Number Twenty-Two was made to ensure that, in the event of the current Headmaster being unable to provide a candidate for a teaching post, the Ministry has the power to then select an appropriate person."

"Nice to see the Ministry stepping in," said Harry "We've had a few dodgy teachers in the past, what with Lockhart, Trelawney and Quirrel…"

"What positions are vacant?" asked Susan "Except for the obvious, of course?"

Madam Bones replied "The role of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor is the only currently vacant post. Dumbledore is always struggling to fill that position, and The Minister is already lining up his undersecretary to take the post."

Harry's brows furrowed in thought "His undersecretary? That that hideous toad-like thing that was dressed all in pink at my trial?"

"Yes, her," replied Madam Bones "The Minister is trying to get someone inside Hogwarts to keep a close watch on Dumbledore and prevent him building up an army with which to overthrow the Ministry."

At Harry's slightly incredulous look, Madam Bones added "That's what Fudge took from your meeting with him."

Harry blew out a breath and said "Okay, well I won't say that this is an all-round bad thing. Dumbledore does need to be reined in a little. I must admit though that I am a little concerned that the students will suffer at the hands of an overzealous Ministry."

"Madam Umbridge is not exactly qualified to teach defence, I'll admit," said Madam Bones "But I don't think she'll do too much damage in the role. They're planning to do a theory based course which, although not ideal, is far better than what that fool Lockhart had you all doing. However the real damage may come from Madam Umbridge's primary role."

"Her primary role?" asked Susan.

"Yes, it's not official yet, and The Minister is waiting for her to be inside Hogwarts before putting it into effect, but her primary role will quickly switch from teaching to that of High Inquisitor."

"High what?" asked Harry.

"High Inquisitor," answered Madam Bones "It means that she will be given the task of reviewing all teachers and other staff at the school and any who don't come up to scratch with be booted out."

"Well that's not such a bad thing," said Harry.

Madam Bones shook her head "Ordinarily no, it would not be a bad thing. However, due to circumstances, Madam Umbridge may well be looking to remove more than just the incompetents. Remember, Fudge is concerned about Dumbledore building up an army."

Harry could see where potential problems could lie in that area.

"She will also be looking at the Hogwarts community as a whole," added Madam Bones "And it is likely that she will try to change many other things as well."

"Looks like some damage control might be in order," said Harry "Can you get me a meeting with the Minister?"

"Shouldn't be too hard," replied Madam Bones "But why?"

"We need to put some control measures in place," said Harry "A couple of things here and there to reduce the amount of damage that this Umbridge woman can do."

"What makes you think that the Minister will listen?" asked Susan.

"Despite what Snape says," replied Harry "I have never used my moniker of "The-Boy-Who-Lived" to get anything. Maybe it's time I did so."

Madam Bones looked at him in surprise "You would endorse the Ministry on this matter?"

"If it gets us some necessary changes then yes," replied Harry "Hogwarts is supposed to be a place for learning. I'd hate to see it torn apart by a political battle between Fudge and Dumbledore."

Madam Bones agreed to set up the meeting.

Harry had a lot on his mind when he went to bed that night. As such, it took him a long time to get to sleep, but he eventually nodded off.

His dream was a fairly normal one. He was walking out onto the Quidditch Pitch at Hogwarts, his broom swung over his shoulder.

The sky above was a beautiful clear blue, and there was hardly any wind. That made for perfect flying conditions.

The stands were empty, as this was not a match. It wasn't even a proper training session. Harry was just here to have a relaxing fly about, a couple of laps around the stadium to allow his mind to clear, and for some of the stress of school life to leave him.

He was on his third lap when he noticed it. There was a small figure down on the stands. Harry stopped his broom and turned to get a better look.

The figure crawled beneath one of the benches.

Harry flew down towards the stands and landed a few levels lower than the point where he had seen the figure. He dismounted his broom and set it aside before climbing the few levels to the figure.

Reaching the point where he had last seen it, Harry crouched down to look beneath the bench.

There was nothing there.

He stood up and looked around, puzzled. He was quite surprised to find that the sky above was now red, through occasionally broken by thick black clouds.

He heard a sort of snuffling sound and turned towards it. It had come from two rows above him, slightly to his left.

He made his way there and crouched down to look.

Red eyes stared back at him, filled with hate.

Harry tried to scream, but no sound came out.

The figure jumped out at him, and crashed against his chest. Harry fell backwards and saw that the stadium around him was ablaze.

"Wake up Harry."

Harry Potter's eyes opened and he found himself looking into a pair of blue eyes, framed by auburn hair.

"Are you alright?" Susan asked him.

Harry shook his head, still shaking.

"Was it him again?" Madam Bones asked from her position by the door.

Harry nodded in reply.

"I'll contact Sarah and Cyrus," said Madam Bones as she turned to leave.

Harry sat up slightly. He was covered in sweat, and shivering.

Susan called for a House Elf to get Harry some water. When the Elf returned with a goblet she handed it to Harry.

Harry took a sip and felt its cool wetness soothe his throat.

He looked to Susan and said "Sorry to wake you."

She shook her head "Don't worry about it. You can't help it."

Harry gave her a look of scrutiny before asking "How much did you hear yesterday?"

"Not much" replied Susan "But what I did hear I swore a magical oath not to reveal to anyone who doesn't already know."

Harry nodded.

A few moments later Madam Bones returned to the room. A short while later Sarah Abbott arrived with a bag of potions, and a little while later came Cyrus Greengrass.

After downing a calming draught given to him by Sarah, Harry turned to Greengrass and asked "Any idea what this thing is yet?"

"I haven't been able to undeniably confirm it yet," replied Greengrass "But at the moment all signs are pointing to it being one thing."

"What?" asked Harry.

Cyrus Greengrass glanced towards Madam Bones before answering "A Horcrux."

Madam Bones gasped in shock, but she was the only one.

Instead the other three people in the room asked as one "A what?"




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