
Harry Potter: It's just a billion points of dark magic

Facing such a terrifying purgatory on earth, Lester didn't panic at all, quickly took out his wand, and skillfully released the Dark Mark towards the sky. A day later, the Dark Lord Voldemort launched another terrorist attack, and the news that he used Fiercefire to destroy the entire Diagon Alley has spread throughout the magic world with lightning speed. Just when wizards from various countries decided to form a coalition of wizards to enter the British magic world together and destroy the Dark Lord.

sabina_ali · Película
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89 Chs

Chapter 1 Unjustly Imprisoned, Unlocking the Devil King System

Today's weather is frighteningly cold, with clouds all over the sky.

On the endless sea, a strange ship is ignoring the waves on the sea, sailing towards the destination without any hesitation.

On the wide deck, Lester was wearing a gray prisoner uniform and sat on a bench with blank eyes. Around him were all prisoners like him.

Standing in front of the bench was an Auror wearing a black windbreaker, holding a wand high in his hand, and slamming Fang Qiu at Lester and the others, educating them that these prisoners should reform themselves after being imprisoned and be a new man.

Many prisoners curled their lips in disdain when they heard Auror's ridiculous education, and sneered at his statement.

The place where these criminals are going is not an ordinary prison, but the most dangerous place in the entire British wizarding world.

'Azkaban! '

The guards inside are not Aurors who are also wizards, but a terrible magical creature, a dementor.

They often feed on the happiness of prisoners, and those who are sucked away by them will also be swallowed by sorrow, and the whole person will lose their soul until they die in a daze.

While the Auror was still spitting, many wizards noticed Lester beside him in surprise.

Unlike their group of adult wizards, Lester looked to be about 10 years old.

With a handsome appearance and a tall and straight figure, even wearing a lifeless prison uniform, he still couldn't hide his expression.

It was in stark contrast to their group of wizards and criminals who were like dead parents.

Soon, the Auror who was spitting all over the place also noticed Lester who was obviously out of tune with the criminals around him.

A trace of pity for the boy and dissatisfaction with the Ministry of Magic flashed in his eyes.

As an Auror, he still knew something about Leicester's imprisonment.

In fact, Lester went to prison entirely to take the blame for a son of a dignitary, and he was a poor scapegoat.

Sighing without leaving a trace, the Auror looked at Lester with even more pity.

What does he want to do as an Auror, but he is just an ordinary Auror, what can he do for this child?

At this time, Lester in the crowd also noticed Auror's sympathetic gaze, but he didn't care about it.

Because he is completely stupefied right now. One second ago he was sleeping in the dormitory, but the next second he appeared on this cruise ship that was suspected of escorting criminals, and there was a strange man in a black windbreaker. Shu Mi looked at herself very strangely.

Soon, Lester, who was still in a dazed state, only felt a pain in his head, and then a huge memory flooded into Lester's mind.

In Lester's mind, a black light curtain is rapidly showing a movie.

The movie tells the story of a little boy living in the magical world, who lost his parents since he was a child, was abandoned to a Muggle orphanage, and was inexplicably caught here until the day before.

Lester, who had successfully absorbed the memory of his predecessor in "Wori", finally couldn't help but uttered a swear word.

He didn't expect the experience of his predecessor to be so miserable that he could make a large-scale documentary that deceived people to tears.

The predecessor's parents were both Aurors of the Ministry of Magic and heroes who fought against Voldemort.

As a result, in a confrontation with Voldemort, he was brutally killed by Death Eaters.

The only son, Lester, was also orphaned.

Because he died for the Ministry of Magic, Leicester, as an orphan of a hero, should have been able to enjoy generous government policies.

As a result, because Leicester was too young, this treatment was replaced by a pure-blood noble son in power.

The young Lester was not convinced, and appealed several times to ask for his rights back.

However, facing the powerful pure-blood family, the weak Leicester is like a babbling baby, posing no threat at all.

The pure-blood family that took the place of Lester just gave Lester a crime, and then sent him to the wizard prison, Azkaban.

Because Lester was too young, and the pure-blood family didn't think that Lester, who was only 10 years old, could get out of this hell alive.

So they just sentenced Leicester to one year in prison, and when Hogwarts enrolls, Lester can be released from prison and enter Hogwarts to learn magic.

Of course, in the eyes of this pure-blooded family, as long as Lester enters Azkaban, he will never be released from prison.

Lester, who had received all the memories of his predecessor, couldn't help itching his teeth in anger.

He didn't expect that the seemingly upright Ministry of Magic in the movie had actually become so corrupt.

As the orphan of a hero, instead of enjoying the treatment he deserved, he was wrongly imprisoned.

He was also called Tian Wu Men and Di Ying, so he was brought here out of nowhere, and there was no one to avenge himself.

At this time, Lester finally realized the feeling of Dou E's wronged Dou E. It was really unresponsive every day, and the ground was not working, so he had to endure it silently!


Soon, when Lester accepted the memory of his predecessor, the ship finally arrived at its destination, Azkaban.

As soon as he got off the boat, he really stepped on the ground of Azkaban, and there was a gust of wind blowing directly on Lester's face.

Looking up at the sky, in the dark space, there is no summer feature at all.

The surrounding environment is equally harsh and outrageous, all kinds of hard black rocks are scattered all over every corner of the island, the land that has not grown vegetation for a long time is extremely barren, and there are gusts of wind blowing from time to time.

Leicester wanted to leave here immediately.

Unfortunately, the heavily armed Aurors around him made Lester quickly give up the idea of ​​running away.

Following the leading Auror step by step, Leicester and his party soon came to a huge prison.

Along the way, countless dementors hovered around Leicester's group, showing bloodthirsty and greedy eyes.

Fortunately, with the protection of the Patronus Charm of the Aurors, this group of dementors did not rush up to kill them.

Soon, Lester followed the Aurors into the central area of ​​Azkaban, a huge prison.

Stepping through the gloomy door of the prison, Lester officially entered the prison.

Unlike the prisons in the previous Muggle movies and TV shows, the prisoners in this prison were not overjoyed when they found out that there were new prisoners coming in, and they yelled at them.

Instead, they all kept quiet, for fear of making any noise that would attract the attention of the jailer dementors.

And the moment Leicester stepped into this prison, a pleasant voice rang in his ears.

[Ding! The Dark Lord system begins to bind! ! ! ]

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