

This is a crossover between Percy Jackson and the Harry Potter world, a mixture of the wizarding world and Greek mythology. so if this is your thing, I got you. Troy Vinson Jackson is the son of the famous demigods,Percy and Annabeth. Troy has received an invitation to Hogwart due to his magical abilities,but the forces that were once after his parents are now after him. The little boy has barely met his new friends in hogwart before he is involved in a serious accident that almost kills three of his friend He also realizes that Harry, whom he considered a friend, doesn't trust him and has been telling the headmaster his secrets. Troy is soon expelled and joins Camp Half-Blood like his parents. but then a quest is given to him by the oracle. a quest that pits him against his former friends and school. Vengeance is what he wants . Meanwhile, Kronos unites with Voldemort, who offers the Titan his body. and the result is formidable. both demigods and wizards must work together to stop kronos and the dark lord or darkness will reign

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A dazzling smile played on his face, and his head was bowed as he stood at the edge of the Black Lake. His gaze fixed on the still body of water that reached the cliff's edge where the majestic castle stood. One would assume from watching him that he could see through the surface's opacity.

which somehow,he did!

Troy felt the waste that lay underneath it and the countless magical creatures that swam there.

Kneeling down, he scooped some water letting the crystal drops fall from his fingers. He let out a sigh of relief as his body began to feel at ease. Water was always his special friend.

Just then, a booming voice interrupted his bliss. "Give the bag here girl an' get on the boat." Hagrid, who had already introduced himself to the first years, said to a small girl who was the only one left with a rucksack.

"No, these are only books. I will carry them myself," the little girl said, clasping her luggage. She might have been small, but it was the giant that eventually gave in.

"Have it your way, girl." Hagrid said tired of the girl's stubbornness. "Get in that boat, you too, boy; we're already late." The giant pointed to a boat with only two students. Troy jumped in after the girl, and Hagrid got into his boat. His eyes scanned the small fleet, making sure everything was to his liking. Then he yelled "forward." The sight of all boats surging forward in unison was one that awed all the students a lot.

"Careful, now. Everyone heads down"

Troy's boat was last to break through the curtain of weed that hid a passage into the castle basement


Dumbledore lifted his hand, calming down the hall that had erupted with murmurs. With great strides, he descended from the staff table and hurriedly joined Professor McGonagall, where she stood near the sorting hat.

The situation that had just happened had never been witnessed since Hogwarts' founding .

. Never before had the sorting hat failed in its job. It had never failed to sort any admitted Hogwarts student. Until now.

The old hat that had prided and praised itself just before the beginning of the sorting ceremony had suddenly gone silent, having sorted every student except the last one.

The boy stood near Professor McGonagall with his glance cast on the floor. His name was Troy Vinson Jackson, and he knew he was the cause of the abnormality that had arisen. Maybe not intentionally, but he knew he was the reason the sorting hat had gone silent without sorting him. Its last words still played in his ears. "A prophecy has been spoken; you don't belong here, child," the hat had uttered into his thoughts before it went silent.

Troy sat there with his heart pounding. Time seemed to have frozen, until a hand reached and pulled the hat out of his head.

Dumbledor approached the boy. "Are you alright, child?" The voice of the headmaster intruded on his thoughts.

"Huh, me?" "Yeah, sir, I'm fine," Troy mumbled, perplexed. The headmaster's voice had snapped him out of his deep thoughts. This was not the first time he had gotten into trouble.

This wasn't even trouble compared to what he had undergone . Throughout his life, Troy seemed to be a problem magnet. At only 3 years old, he had barely survived being swallowed by a python in their Manhattan backyard. he had been rescued by their dog, Muriel. Barely two months later, a lightning strike struck their car on a Saturday as they were coming from a kids' festival. The incident almost killed his parents, but luckily, they escaped with minor injuries.

What was weird, though, was the fact that their neighbors, who were watering their lawn never saw the snake incident . And neither was it raining when the lightning struck their car that day. But from that day onward, he noticed that his parents had become overly protective. They stopped taking him to open events and even restricted him from visiting other kids as often as he used to. Later on, as he grew older, his parents began opening up and telling him stories little by little. stories of their lives.

That is when Troy began to understand the reasons for his troubles. His parents weren't normal people and neither was he.

Perseus and Annabeth Jackson were demigods. Children of Greek gods. His father was a child of Poseidon the God of the sea. one of the big three gods.his mother was the daughter of athena the goddess of war. In their youth, his parents had been heroes.

During their period of carrying out quests issued by gods and others woven by prophecies, they made quite a name for themself. That and a host of enemies. And when strange incidents began to happen to him, his parents devised ways to whisk their child to safety. Including confining him to a temple.

Troy was not just a child of demigods, he was different. Unlike his parents, he had magic. A magic unlike that of gods...his magic had begun to manifest strongly. And not knowing how to control it, it wasn't long before he began to blow up everything and he was thrown out of the temple.

His parents were running out of places to hide him, when Two letters arrived that summer. Both were invitations to magical schools . One in the states and the other in England.

His parents, wishing him to go far away from the states, had selected hogwart. And that is how he came to be here

'what would happen now that the sorting hat had refused to sort him? would he be sent away again?Perhaps his magic wasn't enough to join a wizard school. Troy knew that with the accidents that surrounded him, his parents would never let him join camp half blood. He simply couldn't afford to be rejected here

. All these questions were running through his head simultaneously . Both teachers had withdrawn to a distance and were deliberating on the incident. Standing there in front of the whole school, Troy felt the intensity of the scrutiny he was subjected to. Every eye in the great hall seemed to be focused on him. He felt like a trapped animal in a zoo.

After a short while which Troy seemed to transcend eternity, both teachers approached him. The headmaster bent down and looked at him. His deep blue eyes seemed to look right into Troy's soul.

" did the hat say anything to you?" the headmaster inquired.

Troy felt a tremor run through his fingers. He knew that if he told him what the hat had said, the headmaster would have to send him away, the sorting hat was trusted with that task after all. He had to lie. But he had never been good at lying. His mother always reminded him as much.

His eyes fell to the ground and he began fidgeting with his fingers. The headmaster, who was well acquainted with this kind of mannerism, knew what was coming.

"Now I can't help you if you lie," Dumbledor said, raising an eyebrow. All color drained from Troy's cheeks. The headmaster was reading his thoughts. His gentle voice however was encouraging.

"don't send me away,please," Troy pleaded with the headmaster. tears were burning in his eyes. The headmaster laid a comforting hand on his shoulders

"No one said anything about sending you away, we just want to help you get a house. Every Hogwart student needs one." he said kindly

" So you mean I have been accepted "Troy inquired, his previously drained face regaining color. "You were accepted the moment we sent you the admission letter. Sorting is just a tradition in this school. But it seems we shall have to find a backup plan." dumbledoor added with a glint in his eyes.'' Now, it's not healthy for an aged man like me to bend for long. My bones will kill me for this."

Troy actually smiled at this. He knew that the headmaster was joking. Despite his old appearance, he still exuded the vigor of youth.

He had already made up his mind. He couldn't see any harm in giving the information. At least part of it.

"It said that I did not belong here." the boy said carefully, emitting the part about a prophecy, since he did not see the importance of it. He did not understand it himself.

The headmaster stared at him for a while, Troy felt a shiver running through his spine, was the head teacher reconsidering his promise now that he knew the details. But then he drew a long breath and stood up, patting the boy's shoulders. "It seems like the sorting hat isn't used to sorting people from the States," he said with a smile playing on his lips.

Troy wasn't fooled however, he had grown up with his parents telling him that he was safe, that there was nothing to worry. But their eyes always said something different. Just like the headmaster now. Although he was smiling. Troy noted that the smile never reached those blue eyes. And despite his comforting words he knew that the headmaster trusted the hat. And he was deeply concerned.

"You can choose the house you would like to join," Dumbledore said to the boy.

"What," Troy couldn't believe his ears. He had expected a backup plan to include another magical method of sorting him. But now he just had to walk to whichever house he wanted.

Murmurs had once again erupted in the great hall. Everyone seemed to have realized the headmaster's decision.

Troy's eyes scanned the rows of students before him. Many were just staring at him strangely. However one small hand was waving above to him from the group seated in the gryffindor table

"over here",a female voice yelled.

Troy finally recognized her, she was the girl who had refused to give her backpack to Hagrid. Her beckoning smile made the choice for Troy. He was going to gryffindor.

The Gryffindor table erupted with the loudest cheering that day. Troy noted that two red haired twins were particularly the loudest.

"I knew you looked familiar, your dad is Percy Jackson right, the son of Poseidon the sea God.? The girl asked as Troy sat next to her. He was quite surprised that someone from hogwart knew his father.

" Yes, how do you know that?. She reached within her backpack and withdrew a book. Troy recognized it immediately. It was his father's popular work on Greek gods.

" Here", the girl said, showing him the cover page of the book.right at the center was the image of him and his parents. Below the small picture, was a handwritten sentence in his father's handwriting. It read

Hermione granger with love. Books are the doorway to the world you dream of. Signed Persus Jackson.

"Your dad signed this for me when my parents and I visited the states last summer.by the way am Hermione," the girl said, offering her hand.

Troy shook her hand shyly.he noticed the entire table was listening to Hermione attentively "I am…."

"Troy Vinson Jackson, nice to meet you" Hermione said. And that alone made the whole table want to shake Troy's hands

"goodness, we must be lucky like hell." exclaimed one of the twins. "Certainly," said his brother," to get Harry Potter and a son of a God… "

" demigod" Hermione corrected. The twins smiled

"demi lord, is there a difference, are gods even real.?"

Hermione was about to answer when the headmaster's voice interrupted.

"Now that we have everyone sorted, I have a few announcements. First, we have introduced a new subject to help our students broaden their knowledge of the outer world. So beginning this year there will be a Greek history class.

However, This subject is not mandatory and only those interested should attend. Professor Belen, who is yet to join us, will teach the subject. Students began murmuring again.


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