

This is a crossover between Percy Jackson and the Harry Potter world, a mixture of the wizarding world and Greek mythology. so if this is your thing, I got you. Troy Vinson Jackson is the son of the famous demigods,Percy and Annabeth. Troy has received an invitation to Hogwart due to his magical abilities,but the forces that were once after his parents are now after him. The little boy has barely met his new friends in hogwart before he is involved in a serious accident that almost kills three of his friend He also realizes that Harry, whom he considered a friend, doesn't trust him and has been telling the headmaster his secrets. Troy is soon expelled and joins Camp Half-Blood like his parents. but then a quest is given to him by the oracle. a quest that pits him against his former friends and school. Vengeance is what he wants . Meanwhile, Kronos unites with Voldemort, who offers the Titan his body. and the result is formidable. both demigods and wizards must work together to stop kronos and the dark lord or darkness will reign

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11 Chs


hey guys,I am a freaking wizard,will you stone me please


The room was dark, just like his lord wanted it. And he knelt on the floor with his head bent. Waiting.

He had failed his lord, and his master was quite short of patience.

Kneeling there, he awaited his judgment. There was after all no place to hide from his presence. He was simply everywhere.

Then he had it or rather felt it. Deep from within his soul, the voice he had become so used to spoke. The anger that emanated from It was fierce and scorching . He almost felt like tearing his heart out Just to stop the misery.

"You have failed me, and I hate failure" the voice reprimanded. The man's face contorted in pain, he struggled to find his voice above the death like sensation but it proved futile.

"Time is running out but the task remains undone. Perhaps I misjudged your usefulness. You are a weakling and a coward" the deep voice went on scolding intensifying the man's pain with every word

Mastering the last remaining will within him, the man fell prostrated as he pleaded with his master.

"forgive my failure my lord, the hound you sent deserted me on seeing the boy."

" You fool, the voice reverberated, shaking the room the man lay on." you fool, the boy was armed. You should have disarmed him and the hound would have accomplished its task.but all you did was use cheap tricks to lure him out, all the while remaining in the shadows. Like the coward you are"

The man saw his way out. He had seen it himself, perhaps his lord was mistaken. Perhaps he didn't see it all after all.

" The boy can barely use a wand, my lord, and he only held a pen in his hands. Hardly a weapon to scare a monster of that size."

There was a brief silence. Then suddenly the man wriggled in pain" you dare call me a liar, a useless mortal like you dare to think I am mistaken" the infuriated voice went on. The man was now positively wailing on the floor " remember this mortal, I am Kronos, master of time and lord of titans. I was there before all that is now. And though they trap my essence. They cannot vanquish me. I will return and I will wipe them all. So before you question my words, remember that I know all and I see all." the voice rang in the man's voice reminding the man of his master's power. He deeply regretted his doubting heart. He shouldn't have questioned it.

Forgive me my lord. I never meant to question your wisdom. I only spoke my foolish mind". The man pleaded.

The pain suddenly left him, and his body felt much rejuvenated.a smile lacked in his mouth. His lord had found him worthy of a second chance.

"I should have foreseen this, you mortals are after all weaklings and are easily fooled by the Mist. I Shall grant you the power to see through it. But you must not fail again. The time draws near, and the prophecy must not be allowed to fulfill. So be quick. Stop it at all cost and I Kronos will reward your loyalty, fail again and your misery will rival the pain of death. "


Dawn came almost too fast. Perhaps because last night had pretty much passed as Troy and Harry shared stories. Sharp lights suddenly assailed Harry's semi shut eyes. He used one hand to shield his face as he stared at the source of it.

A girl's face is what he saw instead,

"Wake up guys, we are running late. We should be in the great hall to receive our class schedule.

" Uugh!, "Neville moaned from deep within his blankets " can't you get it for us, you are after all awake". Hermione let out a sigh and walked towards Ron and Neville's bed, grasping both blankets , she pulled them. "Ron who had woke up but didn't want to get out of the bed began to complain" wait, I thought we are not supposed to enter each other's dorms why is she here."Ron asked letting out a yawn.

" The rules only prevent boys from going to girls' dorms, not the opposite. Hermione offered the obvious answer

"so much for gender equality" Seamus replied stretching his hands

Troy was still snoring soundly, Seamus who had already descended from his bed which was near Troy's , put a finger on his lips shushing the others. Reaching within his robes, he withdrew a tiny feather and slowly guided it into Troy's nose.

Troy shot up so fast his hand reached behind the pillow for Riptide. The whole dormitory roared with laughter.Only Hermione and Harry seemed to have seen the danger that had almost happened. "Wait," Ron said between gags, "that's your best defense, a pen."

"Dear me Seamus said jokingly, I would have been so dead. Drowned by ink" both Ron and Neville burst with laughter.

Hermione however was pointing at Riptide, her face transformed in shock.it was obvious to both Harry and Troy that Hermione could also see through the mist. She was about to say something but Harry was quick to react.

Throwing his sheets aside he jumped out of bed and pushed Hermione towards the door. "Please don't ask, I will explain later" he whispered to Hermione who with a last look, went down the stairs with no further questions.

Dean, Neville and Ron were still laughing and even Troy had a forced smile on his face. Harry however knew that the smile was one of relief. No one had been hurt

"I don't know about you guys but I am starving" Harry said yawning. That actually got everyone's attention. In less than five minutes, everyone was ready and they rushed towards the great hall.

The four joined Hermione at the Gryffindor table where the rest of the house were already helping themselves to some breakfast.Percy gave Ron a pointed look as they sat. Ron and Seamus took the seats next to Fred and George who were checking an envelope beneath the table. Fred hid it away the moment they saw their little brother. Harry and Troy took the seats next to Hermione whos full attention was on the book on her lap.

"Do you ever take a break from books?" Harry asked her as he drew a bowl of porridge.

"Of course... When I sleep" Hermione said not raising her eye.

"I doubt that, I bet you dream with them too." Harry added biting into his toast.

Troy wasn't following their small talk though. His eyes was scanning the food on gryffindor table with awe. His mother being a food savory, he had grown up seeing variety of dishes during meals. However what he was seeing was on a whole other level.

From Bacon, sausage, fried eggs, kippers, fried tomatoes, toast with butter and marmalade, porridge, the meals looked like a painting set. Beautiful. Troy helped himself to some cornflakes. He was after all used to cereals back home.

"Was that really Riptide?" Hermione asked Troy in a whisper,it seemed that while he was obsessed with the food,Harry had done some explaining.

"Yes," Troy said curtly, not wanting to indulge in that topic. He had known how dangerously close the morning incident been. He would have to talk to his roommates about some pranks.

Hermione however wasn't going to drop it that easily.

"You aren't supposed to have weapons in dormitories." she said stubbornly.

Troy looked at Harry for help. Of all his friends, at least he had seen the danger for himself. That monster would have torn them were it not for Riptide.

Harry pushed his empty bowl. Aside," stop it Hermione, he has a good reason you know." he said pointedly,

"I doubt that, what about the mist, how can we see while others don't.

This time it was Harry who looked at Troy for help. But then real help came almost immediately. Owls swamped the great hall as they deposited envelopes and packages to their owners, several packages were deposited for Harry until Troy and Hermione began to help him to sort them.

Many happened to be best wishes from the fans of the boy who lived as they often referred to him. Others wanted him to sign them an autograph.

"God" , Harry said as envelops kept on coming," "at this rate we are going to be buried under papers.

" How did you get this famous, "Troy asked bemused

" Through my parents death I guess"Harry said with a downcast voice. A weird silence stretched for a while. Just then an image of Troy's parents in their front yard appeared before him. Both Harry and Hermione were so shocked on

Seeing this.

" Mum, dad! Troy, yelled in happiness on seeing his parents"

His eyes scanned the rest of the table, to see who else was immune to the mist. But it appeared that only the three of them could see it.

"Hi honey, how is school," Annabeth said cheerfully. "Everything is OK mum. His dad Troy said to his father who was staring past him." Hello son.... That girl.... "Percy said pointing at Hermione." I seem to remember her.... Aah yes.. She was at a book fest in New York with her parents. I even signed her a book.

Hermione had blushed deep red... She didn't find words however. "wait honey," Annabeth exclaimed. "Why are they reacting as if they can see us? Him and the boy" she asked in surprise.

"because they can be mothers. Troy said with a smile.'' Her name is Hermione and that is Harry. He said then paused.

He suddenly recalled last night's incident and wanted to share it with his parents. But, he did not want more pestering from Hermione. Beside he saw that professor Macgonagall was approaching with what could only be their class schedules.

" I will talk to you later mum. Bye dad!" he said as he waved his hand and ended the iris message.

"Wow, that was cool, '' Harry exclaimed in amazement.

"I take it you don't mean the mountain of letters" Macgonagall said. Harry, who had not seen her arrival, was caught in surprise.

"no.... Not the letters madam". Harry answered hastily

"Well since you don't need them..... " she waved her wand and the letters disappeared. "I shall have to talk to Mr Filch about those. She said sternly.

" Now here is your class schedule"she said as she handed all the first years a copy of the schedule.

"In case you get lost, ask for directions from any prefect or students... Well except those two. She said pointing at the twins who suddenly wore an innocent face.

" And try to get to classes on time,I don't want your perilous time management nicking points from gryffindor." she said looking sternly at Neville who was still eating breakfast having arrived late. With that she left for the staff table.

Hermione who had scanned through the copy exclaimed" we have only three classes today. Astronomy is at nine o'clock in room 2e then transfiguration is next.greek mythology is the last after lunch. "

" You mean we have two, Greek mythology is not compulsory troy answered.

" from. What I see most students will attend..." Hermione said, folding her book.

Ron and Seamus and Neville Had joined them

"hey Neville Fred called from the table, get this toad out of the plate if you don't want it served for lunch"

"oh.. I forgot" he exclaimed as he went back for it.

"guys we have to find room 2e.the astronomy class starts in thirty minutes

And the group of gryffindor first year left together eager to begin the seven year journey in hogwart.

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