The twenty-four Ancient Runes— the magic that originates from the very stars themselves. And had she not inherited their power, Oleandra Greengrass would have been forced to live out the rest of her life as a Squib. She is the girl that should not have existed. Throughout her years at Hogwarts, she will discover the truth behind her existence, and learn the skills she needs to protect her loved ones. -Not an AU, except for MC's existence -No system -7 chapters a week
"What are the two of you doing?"
Tracey jumped backwards in surprise, hitting Oleandra squarely in the nose with the back of her head. The two of them sheepishly turned around to face Daphne, who had conveniently chosen to wake up just when it was getting good.
"I was just showing Tracey the Aquarius constellation," said Oleandra innocently, before adding under her breath, "among other things."
Blood trickled down Oleandra's chin; she had a nosebleed. Thankfully, she had learned the perfect spell for such a situation by watching Madam Pomfrey perform it on her at the beginning of the year.
"Oh, bother," she muttered, as she pulled out her wand and pointed it at her nose, incanting, "Episkey."
A flash of warmth radiated from her nose, dispersing inwards into her skull and drying up the blood from her nostrils. Oleandra then quickly sheathed her wand; as a rule, she didn't like having pointy things anywhere near her eyes.
"That's right," said Tracey quickly, who was feeling rather glad that she couldn't be seen blushing in the darkness. "Oleandra was just showing me where to find Aquarius."
"Is that right?" Daphne sniggered. "I was wondering where the two of you had gone after dinner, but it seems like I no longer have to ask."
Daphne was extremely opposed to Oleandra joining Remedial Class (Temporary Name), though she was not aware that Oleandra had given it that idiotic name. She just knew that joining an anti-Voldemort organization, no matter how anti-Umbridge it looked, was only going to get their parents killed.
So, when Oleandra and Tracey had disappeared after dinner, Daphne had rightfully suspected that they had gone to an RC (Temp) meeting, but after witnessing the pair's skinship, she was now guessing that they had spent the entire time snogging— something she wasn't especially keen on picturing. Oleandra was a family member after all, and since Daphne was stuck in a child's body for the foreseeable future, she wasn't interested in the more physical aspect of romance.
"Yep, we spent the entire afternoon together," said Oleandra proudly, sensing an opportunity to dispel Daphne's suspicions. "I can't begin to count the number of times we (Disarmed each other) …"
"Oleandra!" Tracey interrupted her, burying her face in her hands in mortification.
"Ew," Daphne said in disgust. "I really don't need to hear the details."
And that's exactly how Oleandra wanted it.
Oleandra should have known better than to think that the worst was behind her. The rest of the week passed by uneventfully, but she was about to find out that this had only been the calm before the storm…
When Monday came around again, it quickly became apparent to everyone that Umbridge had finally returned from her extended leave to the Ministry, seeing as she was sitting in Dumbledore's seat at the staff table at breakfast. As for Dumbledore, he had originally left with her, but where was he now?
He was nowhere to be seen!
And then, the Great Hall was flooded with owls of all sizes, colours and species. Copies of The Daily Prophet rained down onto the students' laps… and onto bowls of cereal, porridge and other breakfast items. For a few seconds, the sounds of munching, drinking and conversations were replaced with the sounds of the newspapers being unrolled simultaneously… and gradually, the hall fell silent as realization set in, the further they read into their newspapers.
In a stunning development that has been described as the end of an era, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, former Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and most notably Headmaster of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was sentenced to Azkaban for life for the crimes of attempted subversion of power, high treason and conspiracy to overthrow the Ministry of Magic, late last night.
According to Department of Magical Law Enforcement officials, Dumbledore was apprehended on the Ministry's premises on Saturday by no less than thirty Aurors led by Rufus Scrimgeour, following a lengthy and extensive investigation into his affairs.
"They actually did it," Oleandra breathed. "He went in thinking Fudge would finally believe him because of the prophecy, and Fudge had him arrested!"
Dumbledore appeared the following day before a full Wizengamot, in what has been described by insiders as the trial of the century. In light of undeniable evidence of illegal extracurricular activities, the Wizengamot voted to convict by a single vote, after hours of deliberation.
Oleandra quickly skimmed through the court proceedings to the end of the article.
[…] stripped of his remaining titles and had his Order of Merlin First Class revoked […]
Readers of the Daily Prophet will remember that Wizengamot elders Tiberius Ogden and Griselda Marchbanks, both known friends of Dumbledore, resigned earlier in the year in protest, following the introduction of the post of Inquisitor at Hogwarts. Had they remained in post, the accused would have undoubtedly been cleared of all charges with a small majority.
"Those idiots actually had the power to save Professor Dumbledore," Oleandra scoffed in disbelief. "And they squandered it all for no reason!"
"Not so loudly!" Daphne hissed, as she looked at the broadly smiling Slytherins around them. "I've heard that Marchbanks is also an O.W.L. examiner, so I wouldn't speak too badly about her either, unless you want to repeat your fifth year!"
The Ministry has taken decisive steps to ensure stability at Hogwarts in the wake of the former headmaster Dumbledore's arrest and subsequent conviction by appointing Dolores Umbridge as the new headmistress, who will conserve her title and powers as High Inquisitor.
In a statement from the Minister's official spokesperson, the Ministry expressed confidence in Umbridge's ability to lead Hogwarts effectively. "Professor Dolores Umbridge is a truly delightful woman, beloved by all of her students," spokesman Percy Weasley confided in us. "Her unwavering commitment to upholding the Ministry's high standards will ensure that students will finally obtain the education they truly deserve. She already has so much on her plate, but we are confident that her leadership will bring much-needed stability to Hogwarts in these troubled times."
The spokesperson also confirmed rumours of a prophecy of a Dark Lady's rise, stating that necessary measures would be undertaken in order to avoid a ruinous future, but remained tight-lipped about the specifics of the Ministry's plan of action […]