
Harry Potter and the Legend of a Phoenix

A Phoenix has risen! A new prophecy is written, clashes among both sides, Anthony enters the fray. Will he save his new friends and so-called Phoenix? A young man who didn't achieve anything in his life was granted another chance. No one had really loved him in his past life and he didn't really have the chance to grow up. But after his death he was sent to a place he could start over again. The MC decides that he's had enough of having no impact in anybody's life and his willpower is reborn! Now he's in a new world with no clue to do except to become powerful. Follow his journey and watch how this young man leave his regrets behind and start anew! *Updates some of the earlier chapters so that the MC is more relatable and his logic is also a bit more logical. Overall I have bettered the MC, it’s clearer in the later chapters though, I still don’t want my MC to be an all-knowing God. I need some character development to keep it fresh. So this means the MC will not be OP from the start. *None of these characters are mine except the ones that are OC. All rights belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers.

TFDM · Derivados de obras
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37 Chs


The vampires all took a few steps back. They all had the same look of disdain in their face. They clearly despised wizardkind. So much they wouldn't even dare to shake hands with them. It was like watching a human form of Huey, Dewey and Louie.

The vampires came closer to my mum and me and made a huge lap around my step-dad to make sure they weren't anywhere in the vicinity of a wizard. Now they were closer I could finally observe them more carefully.

They were blood red cloaks with a pointy hood that stopped at their ears. Just like the old Dracula movies I used to watch in my past life. Their teeth were a prominent feature; they clearly didn't hide it like my mum does. Except for the woman on the right. They were as white as ghosts and almost seemed to be permeable if it wasn't for the clothes they were wearing.

To the left of the old chap in the middle was a younger vampire. He seemed to be around age 17 and wore skater-like clothes under his cloak and hood. He also had bleached the pointy ends of his dark hair so he definitely looked like one of those skater fuckboys.

To the right of the old vampire was a woman in her mid-forties. She wore normal wizarding attire and had tranfigured her teeth so they weren't pointy. She must be working in the normal wizarding world which I found odd. They were from the Alucard clan right? One of the strongest clans out there and she blended in with wizards. My only guess was that she infiltrated the ministry or this was her get-up to kill some unknowing wizards and suck them dry… Suddenly a very dirty thought crossed my mind and I flushed in embarrassment.

The old vampire in the middle looked like he came from the dark ages. He had the traditional vampire attire which looked exactly like the clothes that Christopher Lee wore in Dracula. The mood was very sour, my mum didn't necessarily look scared but she wasn't really happy to see them.

The vampires sat down except for the boy who shoo'd my step-dad away and he ran as fast as he could into the bedroom. The old vampire clicked his tongue in disapproval. ''He has the same blood as that boy's father but he's the most cowardly wizard I've ever seen. Nearly a polar opposite of him. Clearly inherited the wrong bloodline''

I tried to protest but my mum gave me on the darkest glances I had ever received so I shut my mouth and sat perfectly still. ''He can be brave when he needs to be'' My mum took another sip of her coffee.

''Well aren't you going to introduce us to the boy? I know we didn't part on the happiest of terms but common decency would be nice!'' The female vampire said in a confouded tone. My mum definitely didn't like that I could visibly one of her veins pop on her forehead in anger.

''You lecture me on common decency?! You know what common decency is? To knock before you come in! But suddenly I look up and I see 3 vampires staring at me! Talking about common decency'' The female vampire was baffled by my mother's tone and wanted to retaliate but the old vampire quickly shut her up. It was clear who was the one who wielded power in this family.

''Now now, settle down Celeste, no need to get jittery'' The old vampire said calmly whilst he scooped up a pastry and ate the thing in one bite. ''Mhmm these things are delicious Katherin, did you bake them yourself''

My mum aka Katherin was taken aback by the comment ''Uhh.. yeah I baked them myself. Thank you for your kind words'' My mum was definitely not used to the old vampire being kind to her.

''But enough of the flattery, what are you here for Lycan? Surely not to eat pastries'' My mum was wary of the old vampire. And I was too, he seemed incredibly powerful. Like he could devour me in one bite, just like that pastry.

''Ahah, always the clever one Katherine. No I'm definitely not here for idle chit-chat. I've come to take you back to the coven. The war is heading towards its peak and we need all the vampires we can get. Definitely now that our numbers have dwindled. We need someone with your visual prowess on the field'' The old vampire aka Lycan quickly devoured another pastry and continued.

''But that's not the only thing I'm here for. I've grown curious about this boy. Is he really half-vampire? His eyes seem to suggest he is. And how powerful is he? Is he able to match our predecessor?'' His red eyes gleamed with hope. He saw me as a saviour.

The young vampire spoke up ''A half-vampire? Those are unheard of. Unless…'' The female vampire aka Celeste intervened ''You surely don't think he's the one?'' The old vampire looked at his two henchmen and answered their queries ''I think he's the one. There hasn't been a half-vampire since the birth of this clan''

I finally decided to say something ''I'm the one? Which one? What does this all mean?'' Lycan sighed and looked at my mother. ''Did you tell him anything about our kind?''

My mother flushed in embarrassment ''No… Not really. He knows about the clans but he doesn't know about the prophecy or any other things about our kind'' Lycan clicked his tongue in disappointment.

''Well I guess now that we're here we can tell him. It will be a long story though, I hope you're able to stay up past your bedtime young man'' Lycan smiled and winked at me. I didn't know why but I liked this old man. He seemed strong and wise. Two aspects I highly admired. That's also why I don't think that badly of Dumbledore. Sure he made some bad moves and sometimes didn't even really consider people as people but as pawns. But at least he tried to save everyone he could. Which is really hard knowing that chess is a game of giving up one's pawns to achieve greater things.

Lycan started his story ''Once the Cullen and the Alucard clan were one clan. It all began with one man. Vlad Drakul, also the one who the muggles base their Dracula stories on. Vlad Drakul was one of the most powerful vampires ever. He had immense strength and great visual prowess. Able to bend any other vampire to his will. Drakul had two children. The older brother possessed the immense strength of his father and the younger brother had the visual prowess of his father''

Lycan ate another pastry. Meanwhile the younger vampire ate 5 pastries in one go. ''Stop Alaric I can barely hear myself think over your chewing!'' And slapped the young vampire aka Alaric on his head. Alaric almost disappeared into the ground. Lycan's hit with the back of his hand was so powerful that Alaric almost was with his entire body in the ground. Lycan apologised to my mother for the mess and quickly fixed it with magic. Which was curious. I didn't know that some vampires beside half-vampires could wield magic. Maybe if you eat enough wizards you could learn how to take their magic?

Lycan continued his story ''When Drakul was on his deathbed and it was time to pass on the leadership of the clan he passed it onto the younger brother. He thought the older brother to be too rash and violent. Not able to think through a situation properly. This caused conflict between the two brothers and when Drakul finally passed on after living a long life of about 1000 years the two brothers fought.''

''Sadly none of the two won the battle but decided to split off and never spoke to each other again. They formed two clans and those clans have been battling ever since in an eternal conflict. Rumored to only be stopped by the one of the prophecy. A half-vampire with enough power to equal Drakul and able to make any vampire subjugate to his will. Only with his power can the two clans become one again.''

This made me curious. If this was the case why wouldn't they just try to make as many half-vampires as possible. ''Why aren't there any half-vampires besides me?''

Lycan approved of the question with a smile ''Because it's nearly impossible to create offspring with a wizard or a witch. The counterpart of the vampire but be as strong or stronger than the vampire in question and since we are the strongest clan of vampires that was nearly impossible. It would take a wizard with an insane amount of magic to be able to pull it off but your father succeeded. It wasn't too surprising since he had His blood running through his veins. The same blood that's running through your veins right now.''

I was still intrigued by the whole situation of vampires making a baby so I question him more. ''Well can't 2 vampires of the same clan make a baby then?'' Lycan had a pensive expression on his face and stroke his beard absentmindedly but after a few seconds of waiting he answered his question.

''Because it's nearly impossible. The smartest way to pass on your powers is to create a new vampire by draining a human's blood and when they're almost dead make them drink your blood. This way they inherit the clan's powers and there's a chance that the power will mutate but that's not likely. If was the case though in your mother. Her visual prowess is even one that frightens me.'' Lycan chuckled at his last remark

''There's a big downside to creating new vampires though. When creating a new vampire they only take a small amount of your blood so the power of the bloodline is lowered immensely only a few is it that case that they are actually stronger or on par. Not only does this make for weak vampires but it also weakens the one who made the vampire. The vampire who infected the new vampire and gives his blood loses some of his DNA and with that also some of his power.''

''So making a halfblood vampire is the only way to make a strong vampire or you need to get lucky?'' I inquired.

''No, there are other ways. You can make a pure vampire. A pure vampire is a vampire whose parents both are vampires. But trying to make a pure vampire is ridiculously risky. First of all it's not possible for two vampires from the same clan to fornicate and make a pure vampire. This will lead to both vampires losing their powers and returning back to humans. Vampires do this often is because most vampire clans only consist of a few so if they were to do this most of their power would instantly vanish.''

Alaric again stuffed 2 pastries at once in his mouth but now Lycan only gave a dark glare. Alaric winked at me and handed me a pastry. I ate it with more care knowing that my mum had been in the kitchen working for almost the entire day to make these.

Lycan sighed but continued ''The other option is if two vampires from two different clans fornicate and try to make a baby. This was tried pretty often when two clans tried to conspire against another clan. Sadly this option is even more risky but also has huge benefits. Half-vampires have the same benefits but I'll get to that later. The huge risk is that both vampires need to be of equal strength otherwise the infant will be out of balance and will suck out all of their parents' power. This leads to the death of both parents and of course also the infant inside the mother.''

''But if they succeed… Well then there are huge benefits. The pure vampire will have immense strength of both the clans that he was birthed from and will be able to fornicate with any vampire or any wizard or witch. This means the original bloodline will be reborn and will be at the peak of its strength again. This is especially beneficial for old bloodlines who's power weakens over time. But in all the time that I've been alive and in all the books I've read there hasn't been one case of a pure vampire. They are only rumours. Drakul was rumoured to be a pure vampire because he was able to have two sons with another vampire. But he might as well had been a half-vampire.''

Lycan took a deep breath, he seemed exhausted for talking that long but alas, he still continued. ''Half-vampires are more common but still extremely rare. Of all of our recorded history there has been only 3 half-vampires and two of those were killed when they were extremely young by rival clans.''

Alaric continued finally letting Lycan breathe ''And that's why we are here. To collect the one from the prophecy and return our long lost sister back to the clan''

I let all this information sink in. And damn, it was a lot. The one thing that stood out the most was the part were they had rival clans kill the half-vampires. I had to be even more careful if I wanted to survive in this world...

A bit longer chapter so have fun guys! I had a lot of fun brainstorming ideas and tried to make the Alucard backstory as interesting as possible. Let me know what you think and have a great day! :)

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