
Harry Potter and the Heir of Grindelwald

Nor knew long ago who his grandfather was. The name Grindelwald chiseled into his brain with the clarity of his very first memory. His mother whispering terrible things, wishing he was never born. That he was the bane of her existence, and the continuation of that terrible mans legacy. That he would herald the end to come. It was hardly the things a child should be hearing, tiny fingers reaching above mismatched eyes curiously with a giggled coo. Grasping for a mother who refused to touch them.

LunaLexx · Película
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5 Chs

Important Author's Note! Read please! :P (If you already did on the first chapter than you have my thanks, sorry to annoy you lol.)

I feel like the beginning chapter's suck, I'm not good at 3rd person lol. BUT, I'd still appreciate your thoughts! So let me know what you think! <3

On that note I plan to be in Nor's perspective for future chapters, if you feel 3rd person is lacking, I'll switch to first person. Personally I feel like I write first person quicker (may or may not be true lol), but if ya'll want it to continue in 3rd person let me know, I just feel I'm terrible writing 3rd person so feedback is definitely welcome. Preferably mandatory lol. Thanks for reading! :)

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Also creation can be hard with my seizures, so cheer me up! An inspirational comment, joke, or just plain vote! All is welcome!