
Harry Potter and the Heir of Grindelwald

Nor knew long ago who his grandfather was. The name Grindelwald chiseled into his brain with the clarity of his very first memory. His mother whispering terrible things, wishing he was never born. That he was the bane of her existence, and the continuation of that terrible mans legacy. That he would herald the end to come. It was hardly the things a child should be hearing, tiny fingers reaching above mismatched eyes curiously with a giggled coo. Grasping for a mother who refused to touch them.

LunaLexx · Película
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5 Chs

A Legacy Begins - part 3

"What?!" The gasps were louder this time, with even some of the quiet ones raising their voices. "Is that even possible?"

"A mere child, facing Dumbledore...?"

"How can he possibly take on such a task?"

"What? From that wretched Dumbledore?"

Murmurs broke out in the room, some displeased and concerned while others found it reasonable, curious of the results themselves.

"Now-now, let's not be hasty." A man suddenly spoke over the rest. His hood hid his face, yet the snake head on his cane and long pale blond hair stood out even in the dim lighting as he stepped forward.

"Perhaps the boy will succeed, where others have failed."

The calm manner in which he spoke quieted the room once more, his charismatic nature showing as they listened to every word.

"He's become daft in his old age, leading a school filled with muggle-born brats and children of the misguided. He wouldn't dare think a student of his own would try stealing the wand, being the hopeful fool, he is." The man sneered in distaste, as if the mere mention of the man left a bad taste in his mouth.

"He'll let his guard down. And in the meantime, the child can persuade other children from powerful families to join the cause. A win-win, it would seem."

"Nonsense! You clearly lack sense, don't you? Why would you suggest such a dangerous thing?" A women dressed in men's clothes huffed angrily as she stepped forward. "Even as a student, the boy's identity as a Grindelwald would be revealed by his looks alone."

Murmurs broke out in the room once more as she continued. "How could he possibly enter Hogwarts? He'd be discovered before he even got close to the Elder Wand."

"Perhaps a poly potion?" Someone suggested.

It was the balding man on the couch who dismissed the suggestion this time.

"A poly potion would be too easy to discover. One slip up and he'd revert to his previous appearance in a heartbeat." He muttered, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Something more permanent and natural would be needed. A simple muggle hair dye, perhaps."

"And what does a hair dye have to do with this?" A woman sitting beside him asked, staring with confusion.

"It's simple. The boy's hair has been completely white since birth. We must hide it in the simplest way possible to avoid detection. Hair dye will do just that, wouldn't it?" The bald man breathed in, eyes glinting with the thought. Buying into his idea completely now.

Thinking on it more, the others had to agree with the logic. If their goal was to avoid drawing the attention that a poly potion would bring, why not use the muggles invention? A simple color change could be the difference between life and death for the child.

Seeing the silent agreement going through the room, the old man tapped the floor with his cane, drawing their attention once more.

"And what of his name?" He inquired. Locking eyes with several of them. "I'm sure you all know we cannot leave it as is. His last name must be changed before we can even introduce him as a transfer from Durmstrang."

Many ideas went around, from several families volunteering to adopt him, to others even going as far as taking him in as an illegitimate child, with a mortal mother to boot. Anything and everything to keep his true identity a secret. But disagreements always arose.

Taking away his honorable family name? To even claim he was a half-blood, himself?

The last one gained more outcries of anger than anything. Instantly rejected. But the first did hold as a viable option. The question remaining was - who's family would he disguise himself under? A family outside the range of the Quill of Acceptance was necessary, so the Book of Admittance Hogwarts possessed wouldn't document his real name. However, that left many who still wanted the child to join their families. In fact, quite the argument broke out between some about it, the predictable insults about their "status being too low" going around among other profanities the old man didn't wish to repeat. Eventually he regained everyone's focus back on the topic at hand though, but still the issue remained. They were at a stalemate.

It didn't seem anyone had an easy solution to resolve the matter between the Houses, until a woman's voice spoke up.

"All this silly fighting. Don't worry about it anymore, I'll handle it."

He looked to the lady who spoke, surprised to hear such a thing from one person alone. But the one who said it surprised him more.

She dressed simply yet elegantly, wearing dark clothes and a wide brim hat. A veil obscuring her face as if in mourning.

He knew all too well who she was. Even before she raised her head to reveal the features usually kept hidden.

Short black hair styled in a simple bun, full ruby red lips that lifted in a coy smile under grey eyes. She was the definition of peerless beauty. Her light skin vibrant and youthful, which was a sharp contrast to her real age.

The old man frowned at the usually silent woman. She rarely spoke during the meetings. So much so, that he had forgotten she was even there.

Judging by the looks on everyone's face, so had they.

"And how do you plan to do that, Ms. Rosier?" He inquired. curious despite himself. She had to be a woman of connections, if she could pull it off without their help. Truly quite the task.

"I have my ways." She dismissed, ignoring his curiosity. Standing with finality as she prepared to leave. "I'll send a letter to you in a couple days with the good news. Please prepare the boy before then, he will have much to do."

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