
Harry potter and the cousin of the boy who lived

What changes would a fan of harry potter bring when he finds himself in the body of a eleven year old cousin of harry potter (not Dudley) will he follow the canonical story or will he change the story for the better or worse only time and fate can tell. The Protag will be the son of twin sister of Lily M. Potter who will replace Lily as the godmother of Luna and this will be an AU world with a few differences nothing big but a few that are important for the protag to be born. This is my first time writing a FanFic(not that kind of fan fic) hope you guys and gals like it. Its just a side project to unwind while i stress over my projects for University that i need to do. Disclaimer - I do not own the characters and the plot of the Harry Potter Universe.

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System Window

Void L. Potter - Status Screen

Name: Void L. Potter

Age: 11

Hogwarts House: To be determined

Year: First Year

Blood Status: Pure-blood (Leaning more towards pure-blood because of the ritual that cleansed his blood to save him and allow him to be more magically gifted)


By Blood and Magic:

The heir of Le Fay

The heir of Slytherin

The heir of Peverell

Possible heir of Potter

Possible heir of Black

Wand: Snakewood with Basilisk Core, additional unknown woods and core elements


Shadow (Black Snake)Sera (Red Bird)Yue (White Cat)Kuro (Black Owl)

Magical Abilities:

(The levels are from reading all the books and knowledge from his past life merging and from frequent explorations in Diagon Alley)

Spell Casting: Apprentice

Potion Making: Apprentice

Herbology: Apprentice

Transfiguration: Apprentice

Charms: Apprentice

Defence Against the Dark Arts: Apprentice

Parseltongue: Master

Occlumency: Novice

Legilimency: N/A

Magical Creatures Knowledge: Apprentice

Runes: Novice

Divination: N/A

History of Magic: Adept


Magic Power: Expert

Indicates a high capacity for magical energy. Void has a large reservoir of magic, enabling him to cast powerful spells and sustain magical activities over extended periods.

Magic Control: Adept

Represents the ability to precisely manage and direct magical energy. Void exhibits proficient skill in controlling his magic, resulting in efficient and effective spellcasting.

Physical Strength: Apprentice

Reflects overall physical fitness and muscular strength. Void has typical physical strength for a young wizard, adequate for everyday tasks but not exceptional.

Agility: Apprentice

Denotes physical speed, flexibility, and reflexes. Void moves with typical agility for his age, capable of handling basic physical activities and maneuvers.

Intelligence: Expert

Measures cognitive ability, problem-solving skills, and learning capacity. Void shows high intelligence quickly understands new concepts and excels in academic pursuits.

Wisdom: Expert

Indicates good judgment, insight, and the practical application of knowledge. Void shows strong wisdom, making sound decisions and effectively understanding complex situations.

Charisma: Expert

Reflects the ability to inspire, persuade, and connect with others. Void has a natural charm and presence, making him persuasive and likable in social settings.

Luck: Adept

Represents the likelihood of favourable outcomes in uncertain situations. Void has a higher-than-average degree of luck, often finding himself in beneficial circumstances.

Notable Skills:

Ambidextrous Spell Casting: Can cast spells with either hand with equal proficiency.

Eidetic Memory: Excellent memory recall, useful for remembering spells and potion recipes.

Strategic Mind: Ability to plan and strategize effectively.

Quick Learner: Learns new spells and magical theories quickly.

Magic Eyes: Possesses a unique ability to perceive magical auras and enchantments, making it easier to understand and analyze magical phenomena.

Natural Occlumens: Innate ability to protect the mind from external intrusion, providing strong mental defences against legilimency and other forms of magical influence.

Natural Druid: Exhibits a natural affinity for nature magic, making it easier to learn and perform spells related to flora, fauna, and the natural world.

Note: Skills have limits and are evolvable. As Void progresses and gains more experience, his skill levels and attributes can improve, reflecting his growth and development.

Power Levels Explanation:

Novice: Fundamental level with a basic understanding and initial skill. Capable of performing simple spells and tasks under guidance. Often seen in first-year students at Hogwarts.

Apprentice: Shows moderate proficiency with a growing understanding of magical theory and practical application. Can perform more complex tasks with some supervision.

Adept: Above average with a high level of independent performance and understanding. Capable of handling advanced spells and magical tasks with minimal guidance.

Expert: Demonstrates advanced capability and understanding. Can teach others and innovate within their magical studies. Often seen in students preparing for their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s.

Master: Exceptional capacity with comprehensive knowledge and unmatched capability. Recognized as a master in their field, often becoming professors or specialists.

Grandmaster: Significantly above average with extraordinary skill and knowledge. Influential and highly respected in the magical community.

Legendary: Near-mythical prowess, capable of extraordinary feats thought impossible by most. Known for their extraordinary attributes and mastery.

Mythic: Almost unparalleled skill and power, displaying near-peak attributes and potential. Their abilities can significantly alter the course of history.

Transcendent: Beyond conventional understanding and limits. Represents the highest possible attributes and potential, with abilities on par with legendary figures or deities.

Attribute Power Level Examples:


Magic Power: Can cast basic spells like Lumos or Wingardium Leviosa with some difficulty and limited duration.

Magic Control: Struggles with precise spellcasting; spells may often misfire or be weak.

Physical Strength: Comparable to an average 11-year-old wizard, with little physical training.

Agility: Moves clumsily and lacks coordination; may trip or stumble often.

Intelligence: Grasps basic magical concepts with effort, often needs repetition and assistance.

Wisdom: Limited practical application of knowledge; makes simple, straightforward decisions.

Charisma: Can engage in simple conversations but lacks confidence and persuasiveness.

Luck: Often finds themselves in minor mishaps or accidents, occasionally has small strokes of good fortune.


Magic Power: Can perform a range of standard spells like Expelliarmus or Alohomora with reasonable consistency.

Magic Control: Better at directing and managing magic; fewer misfires, more reliable results.

Physical Strength: Slightly above average for their age, can handle physical activities better.

Agility: More coordinated and agile, can perform basic physical maneuvers without difficulty.

Intelligence: Understands and applies intermediate magical concepts with moderate ease.

Wisdom: Makes more informed and practical decisions, able to think a few steps ahead.

Charisma: More confident in social settings, able to persuade and inspire peers.

Luck: Experiences a fair share of good luck, and occasionally finds themselves in beneficial situations.


Magic Power: Can cast advanced spells like Patronus Charm or Protego with high efficiency and strength.

Magic Control: Demonstrates excellent control over spellcasting, can handle complex spells with ease.

Physical Strength: Well above average, capable of enduring more strenuous physical tasks.

Agility: Quick, flexible, and responsive; capable of advanced physical maneuvers.

Intelligence: Excels in understanding and applying complex magical theories and concepts.

Wisdom: Makes sound, strategic decisions with good foresight and judgment.

Charisma: Highly persuasive and influential, can easily lead and inspire others.

Luck: Frequently finds themselves in advantageous situations and avoids major mishaps.


Magic Power: Capable of performing high-level spells and sustaining magical activities over extended periods without exhaustion.

Magic Control: Superior precision in spellcasting; can manage multiple spells simultaneously with great accuracy.

Physical Strength: Exceptional physical condition; can perform feats of strength and endurance beyond typical limits.

Agility: Highly agile and acrobatic; capable of performing complex physical stunts and maneuvers.

Intelligence: Profound understanding of advanced magical knowledge; able to create new spells or potions.

Wisdom: Exceptional insight and judgment; able to foresee and navigate complex situations with ease.

Charisma: Naturally charismatic and commanding; can sway large groups and lead effectively.

Luck: Consistently experiences favourable outcomes in uncertain situations, often appears to be extraordinarily lucky.


Magic Power: Possesses an immense reservoir of magical energy, capable of extraordinary feats of magic.

Magic Control: Perfect control over magic, capable of manipulating magical energies with unparalleled finesse.

Physical Strength: Phenomenal strength, can perform Herculean tasks with little effort.

Agility: Superhuman agility and reflexes, able to react and move with lightning speed.

Intelligence: Mastery over all known magical knowledge, often consulted for wisdom and expertise.

Wisdom: Deep, profound wisdom; able to provide guidance and solutions to the most complex problems.

Charisma: Legendary in their ability to inspire and lead; people naturally gravitate towards them.

Luck: Uncannily lucky, often finding themselves in the right place at the right time.


Magic Power: Nearly limitless magical energy, capable of shaping reality with their magic.

Magic Control: Can control and manipulate magical forces on a grand scale with flawless precision.

Physical Strength: Unmatched strength, capable of legendary feats of power.

Agility: Moves with otherworldly grace and speed, almost beyond human capability.

Intelligence: Possesses knowledge and understanding that surpasses even the most learned scholars.

Wisdom: Legendary wisdom, able to see the interconnectedness of all things and make near-perfect decisions.

Charisma: Can inspire and lead entire nations or communities with their presence alone.

Luck: Almost always experiences favourable outcomes, as if destiny itself bends to their will.


Magic Power: Mythical levels of magical energy, capable of performing feats thought impossible.

Magic Control: Can wield and control magic with a mere thought, reshaping the world as they see fit.

Physical Strength: Herculean strength, often depicted in legends and myths.

Agility: Moves with supernatural speed and precision, almost as if defying the laws of physics.

Intelligence: Holds esoteric knowledge and wisdom that transcends conventional understanding.

Wisdom: Offers insights and judgments that shape the course of history and destiny.

Charisma: Can rally people to their cause with a single word or gesture, seen as a beacon of hope.

Luck: Fated to succeed in their endeavours, often seen as having divine favor.


Magic Power: Powers that rival the ancient founders and legends, capable of altering the fabric of reality.

Magic Control: Absolute control over all magical forces, able to perform magic on a cosmic scale.

Physical Strength: Godlike strength, capable of performing wonders and miracles.

Agility: Moves with the fluidity and speed of a mythical being, seemingly unaffected by normal constraints.

Intelligence: Possesses ancient and arcane knowledge, able to solve the most complex enigmas of existence.

Wisdom: Holds wisdom that spans ages, providing guidance that can alter the fate of worlds.

Charisma: Charismatic presence that can unite disparate peoples and bring about monumental change.

Luck: Experiences serendipity on a cosmic scale, events align perfectly to their benefit.


Magic Power: Powers that surpass even the greatest wizards and magical beings, on par with deities.

Magic Control: Unrivaled control over magic, able to bend and shape reality with an effortless will.

Physical Strength: Possesses strength that defies the natural order, capable of miraculous feats.

Agility: Moves with divine grace and speed, as if unbound by physical laws.

Intelligence: Holds transcendent knowledge that pierces the veil of reality, understanding the deepest mysteries.

Wisdom: Wisdom that guides the destiny of entire worlds and civilizations.

Charisma: A presence so compelling that it can reshape the hearts and minds of entire populations.

Luck: Divine luck, with the universe seemingly conspiring to ensure their success in all endeavours.