
Harry Potter and the Child Of Calamity.

After dying from drowning in a river, Liam found himself turned into a baby. Thinking 'What worse could happen now' He found himself abandoned in an orphanage. "God, What sins are you punishing me for" The sweet girl next door is Hermione!!!. What did you say I got accepted into Hogwarts!!!!! This new life doesn't seem so bad now. Liam shouted, " Magic is magnificent!!, Magic is mysterious!!, Magic is miracle!!". Author's words of wisdom: - The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts. When you will be half way through this book and come a to a plot twist at 1 am... you won't need sleep you will need answers. please read at least 10 chapters before judging.

Novelenthusisat · Película
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60 Chs

Chapter 14: Meeting Dumbledore.

All the other students also got away from their tables fearing it would burn as well.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape came to see what the commotion was about,

"What happened?" Shouted Prof. McGonagall She saw the students were all standing, she looked towards the Slytherin students and noticed, "Where did the table go?"

One of the Slytherin student replied, "Professor, the table… it burned. It caught on deep red flame and burned in seconds."

Prof. McGonagall looked towards the student, "It burned, the whole table" She had a very confused expression.

The Slytherin student added, "And the food too."

Prof. McGonagall held her head in worry, these kids bullying, burning table and food what is next. She had so much to worry about.

Bullying was no new thing in Hogwarts but the things which were happening now were out of bounds and unacceptable. She was in loss of words as well as wondering what to do.

Snape who was with her noticed a detail that the SLytherine student had mentioned, "You said deep red flames… Right?" Snape asked while folding his hands and staring at the Slytherin student. He somewhat knew what could be the reason.

The student replied, "Yes professor." He was not sure why the professor had asked him this question.

Snape mumbled, "I see." Then he looked towards McGonagall who was still holding her head wondering what to do and said, "Prof. McGonagall, I think this is a revenge of some sort. As this only happened to the Slytherin house table and such a spell can only be cast by a senior student. I suspect it's one of the student from the other three house. I think that student has a great amount of resentment towards the Slytherin house." While saying this he glanced towards Liam.

Liam was standing with Michael near the Hufflepuff Table. Michael had a thrill full expression for him it was a very cool magic.

Prof. McGonagall was furious, such a thing just because of prejudice against a house. The houses were created to best interest the students not for some meaningless prejudices. "Such a thing is unacceptable, 50 points are taken from the other three houses and when we find who did this 100 more points will be deducted, also that student shall be suspended." Announced Prof. McGonagall in Fury.

The students of the other house were angry, why do we have to get punished for something we didn't do.

The Slytherin students had a smug smiles on their faces.

A new table was brought by the house elves on which breakfast was served to the Slytherin students again.

The students returned to what they were doing, with bitter faces.

Liam and Michael sat together on the Hufflepuff table, Michael introduced Cedric, "This is the rising star of Hufflepuff house, Honest and hardworking student, a prefect, Seeker and captain of the Quidditch team, Cedric Diggory."

"Don't be so dramatic." Cedric laughed, "Don't pay attention to him he is a goofball. Hello you are Liam right, How is hand? Has it healed?"

Liam responded, "Yes it has healed, I heard from Madam Pomfrey you were the one who brought me to the infirmary. Thank you for that." Liam was very grateful for his help.

Cedric Smiled, "You don't have to thank me for that anyone in my position would have done the same."

As they were enjoying their breakfast talking about some silly spells, they heard some whispers from their back it was Ron and harry who was whispering to Harry.

"I am pretty sure it was done by the Slytherin students themselves, yesterday they lost 100 points. I think they devised this to plan to make the other houses lose points."

Harry who was listening to Ron was nodding, he clearly believed what Ron was saying.

Liam who had listened to their conversation understood something, 'I now know why Harry was never able to think of Snape as a good person even though Snape was protecting him the whole time. It was Ron who filled Harry's head with all his prejudice.'

Liam was in loss for words.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Before going to attend his lectures Liam thought that it would be better to sort out his wand problem first. He didn't want to embarrass himself anymore. For this reason he went to visit Dumbledore.

Looking for the way through the map, he arrived at a big Gargoyle statue.

Liam had just realised that he needs a password to enter, but to his surprise the he didn't need a password. The Gargoyle moved without the password letting him enter the office.

As he entered the office he saw that it was a large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little noises. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle- legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmaster and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames. There was also an enormous, claw footed desk, and sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tainted wizard's hat 'The sorting hat'.

As Liam had entered the room the hat noticed Liam, "Isn't it Liam Gremory, what brings you here? Are you in some trouble already?" It laughed.

Dumbledore was writing saw Liam who had walked into the room, "Mr. Gremory come in" He invited Liam to sit, "Would you like some biscuit with jam."

"No professor, I just ate breakfast."

"Very well then" he picked up a biscuit with raspberry jam and started eating it.

"What brings you to my office?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Professor, didn't professor Snape tell you about my magic problem. There is something wrong with my wand I think. At least that's what seems to be the problem."

Dumbledore seemed to be amused by Liam's question, "What makes you think there is a problem with your wand."

Liam was annoyed, "Professor, I can't cast a spell, even a simple one. And when I checked my friend said that the spell which I was casting was getting absorbed by my wand. Even the spell casted with another's wand gets absorbed by my wand. Isn't this a problem?"

Dumbledore looked towards Liam, "Your wand is one of a kind, a wand which has consciousness, just like the sorting hat over there. I knew this the moment I saw your wand."

The sorting hat was annoyed by such a statement, "Don't be stupid, I am one of a kind magical object the best of the best there is no other magical object like me. That wand doesn't even come close to me."

Dumbledore casually waved his wand shutting the hat's mouth.

He sighed, "Thank god your wand can't speak, Otherwise we would have to witness a quarrel between two magical objects. Those arguments are never good." He seemed to remember such event happen in his past.

"Don't worry you should be able to use magic now. And about the table please don't burn anymore tables. I don't want to spend all the school funds on buying new tables."

'That was me, was it my magical outbreak?'

Dumbledore with a serious expression said to Liam, "Mr. Gremory you are the most gifted child I have ever seen, I hope you use your talents for good."

Liam nodded, "I promise professor."

As he was walking towards the door he stopped and turned back, "Professor… last night… there was a voice in my head. It was urging me to kill them and for a moment I even lost control of my body."

Dumbledore's face had grimace expression. He changed the tone of his voice, "Liam next time this happens come to me as fast as you can and don't forget to go to Professor Snape's office to drink the potion."

"Professor what's wrong with me… why did that happen with me" Liam asked in a weak voice.

"Don't ask any questions Liam, you will get to know these things when the right time comes."

Liam left the office in disappointment.


Author's Small Request:

I am not a full fledged writer and have just begun writing. I don't know what it takes to start getting paid on this platform. So this pretty much means i get nothing from writing here. But (Not getting sad) I do have a earning source, which is my website.

If you are a manga, manhua, manhwa and anime fan then my site is for you. I publish content there as well. So help your brother out and visit my website.

I won't post link here cause even if I do you wouldn't be able to use it.

To visit my website just Google


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