
Harry Potter - Ascent of the Lord

Story of ?Harry Potter

A_JOY · Película
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11 Chs


As golden lights flashed around him, Harvey found himself hurled far away. He thought he was passing through many colourful barriers. Domes made of light?

He flew through them, and he had no clue what it was. It was still way too fast for him to comprehend what was happening to him.

As he was phasing through many dimensions and realms, Harvey found himself staring at a nebula far ahead. It looked awe-inspiring. It all looked very surreal to him. Harvey found himself once again moving through space faster than he thought it was possible.

Everything was quite a blur to him. Was that the sun? Why was it white? Before he could ponder on it. Harvey came crashing down to Earth.

Harvey could feel the wind against him now.

Harvey couldn't stop his descent as he phased through a house and into a sickly-looking child.

Harvey knew something was wrong when he found himself in front of a darkness claiming a child who was writhing in pain.

A moment later, bright green eyes changed into scarlet in front of him.

Harvey reacted…vehemently.




Voldemort knew something went wrong when he felt he was losing his hold on his young adversary.

The boy was not resisting more than before. Then why was he losing his hold?

Lord Voldemort then felt someone else was with them. How was this possible? Was it Dumbledore? Unlikely. Yet possible. It must be someone highly skilled in legilimency indeed.

Voldemort felt a presence reach to unbind him from the boy.

Voldemort had watched the boy for a long time. He knew everything there was to know about the pitiful boy. A stranger to even his family. Unloved and bullied. Yet he knew he might grow to be a worthy foe.

But what Lord Voldemort didn't know about this protection around the boy. Sure, there was wards around the house. Yet no one magical was actively defending the child.

This might prove to be an obstacle indeed.

Lord Voldemort decided to confront his new foe himself. Then before him stood a person whom he had never seen before. The person was quite unusual to look at. The person was covered in golden markings throughout. Were those runes? He could not sense any magic coming from the person. Was this just a muggle? But the being had some sort of energy within him. Who was this person?

The being was still trying to free the child from him. How futile… No one resists Lord Voldemort for long.

"Who are you?" Voldemort asked curiously.

Meanwhile, Harvey Miller was busy trying to figure out how to separate the dark fog from the child. He knew not how to.

Harvey Miller wanted to help the child. Harvey Miller had read about Harry Potter. Over the years, he watched Harry Potter grow up before him. All the pain and suffering a child endured to save an unforgiving world. Harvey Miller knew he would do all in his power to save the poor child.

In front of his very eyes, Harry was writhing in pain. The poor child let out a sudden cry of pain. Bright green slowly turned into red.

As time went by, Harvey started to get more and more desparate. He didn't know what to do yet, and he knew Harry couldn't possibly keep out Voldemort for long. This was not the brave young man who stood against the greatest Dark Lord ever. This was just a young child…too young to suffer the cruelties of any kind.

"Who are you?" the child spoke in a voice sweet with hidden malice.

Harvey's mind was racing. Harvey didn't respond, as he knew who might be behind it. Harvey desperately needed a solution. Yet he had none.

"You cannot help him," the Dark Lord said through Harry.

Harry's eyes never left Harvey's face.

Harvey gritted his teeth; he absolutely hated being helpless. Yet he was now. He saw dark smoke still moving into Harry from the forest.

Maybe if he moved Harry from Voldemort's lair... Harry could regain control. Well, it was not much to go on. Harvey decided to try the very least.

Before Harvey could act on it... Voldemort began again.

"Dont bother… The child is moments away from being gone. We do not need a possible dispute with each other. Though I do have many questions for you, Harvey Miller? " Voldemort said it with an odd red gleam.

Harvey Miller quickly averted his eyes from the red ones. Voldemort must have read his thoughts. This was becoming more difficult.

Voldemort continued, though he looked slightly irritated. "The child will be with his parents soon enough. They went against me, in fact. No one defies Lord Voldemort and continues among the living.

But what I want to know is, how are you affecting my hold on this body? I know ways in which you could do it. But you are not using any of it?"

Harvey was still trying to figure out a way to help Harry, even when Voldemort was probably stalling him. So was it just his presence affecting the hold of the Dark Lord on the child? Or was it the golden drawing on his person?

"Answer me, Miller. What are you doing here? Help me restore myself; I can help you achieve even your heart's desire. Lord Voldemort rewards his helpers. You let them die once. I can even bring your family back. Join me…" Voldemort

As Voldemort tried to get the being before him to not interfere in his plans any further, the Dark Lord did not know the precarious position he was in.

The being would pose next to no threat if Lord Voldemort was fully armed with his wand, yet he was not.

When the creature mentioned his family, all Harvey could think about was the desecration this vile creature could do to his family to achieve its goal. Even if his family was beyond the creature, countless innocents will suffer if this creature rises again. Many families will be torn apart. It didn't calm Harvey one bit about the promise to bring the dead. No one harms his family. It was a sore point still and may be forever.

He was so angry that he could hardly reply. He let out a bellow like an angry bull and dove at the possessed child.

The moment Harvey touched Harry. The dark forest shook. Voldemort's terrible shrieks were heard all around...

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