
Harem Voyage in Multiverse

I found myself given the quest to conquer every heroine and I shall do it .after all I have power to do it. I own nothing except my OC Additional tag #incest #mind control (mainly use to torture the enemy Cover Image is made by Using Ai

StrOke9856 · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 15

I look behind me and the group of three come in my view they were Konohamaru Sarutobi, Udon and Moegi.

"Oh Long time no see you three" I said.

"Long time no s-" both Udon and moegi stopped when Konohamaru intervened.

" Hey Naruto Nii chan look at my improvised jutsu!!" He shouted and used 'Sexy jutsu which engulf him in cloud and from the cloud soon appeared a brown hair nude women.

"How was it did it make you shock huh!" He asked in hope of some praised. I moved toward him and raise my hand 'it seems he changed after all' Konohamaru thought while thinking that he is going to hit him and close his eyes but hit didn't come instead there seem to be hand on his head petting him.

"You have grown Konohomaru" I said while petting him and with a gentle smile on his face.

Soon Konohamaru face become tearyand he shouted "I missed you and hug him".

"Yeah, yeah I missed you too" I said while hugging and petting him. After all he was like a little brother to him. "You too also come" I said while pointing to Udon and Moegi. Soon the two also hug me.

The hug continue for a moment and after that I asked them "So, how was your academy do you all graduate".

They all looked at each other and smile knowingly and pointed at their forehead protector.

" We all are genius now!!" They shouted with little pride in their voice.

"Congratulations you guys" I said one again petting them all.

"Now, we are on the same rank nii chan" Konohomaru said while the other two nodded.

"Yeah Naruto you are the only one who is still genin in our group" Sakura also added.

"Congratulations on becoming a chunin Sakura chan" I paused then continued "and I don't plan on jumping ranks now as I have still things to do"

Sakura showed sad face thinking something differently but the thing I was talking about was something totally different than what she imagined.

"Well anyway Tsunade sama has asked for you" Sakura said while changing the subject.

"I will be there in minute" I said

"I will meet later with you all as I have few things that you all may want to learn" I said intriguing their curiosity.

"What it is tell us?!" Konohamaru said impatiently.

"Wait for the right time" I said without answering his question.

"Okay I will" he said with his face dropping.

Then the three of them left after remembering that they were still on a mission.

[AN : I wanted to write their interaction as big brother meeting his siblings after few years of living away but it didn't come out that well as I imagined sigh~"

"So, Sakura shall we make our way" I said

"Sure" she replied

Then both of us walk toward the hokage building while conversing about the time I was not in the village with Sakura having blush on her face the whole time.


We come in front of the door of the Hokage office and Sakura Knocked on the door twice before the voice come from inside.

"Come in"

And when we enter the office we saw Tsunade sitting on her chair while working on some paper with some more papers resting on her table.

"Oh Naruto and Sakura, I have been waiting for you two" she said when she saw us.

"So, what were you looking for me" I asked even after knowing well about why she called me.

"Remember I talk about the test to see how much you improve" she said .

"I do remember" I said recalling that she did say it when I left the office.

"So the person you mentioned is ready" I asked.

"Yep, Come in" she said signaling the person to enter the office.

Soon the person with white grey hair wearing mask and typical jonin outfit come to the room he is 'Hatate Kakashi'.

"Kakashi sensei!" Sakura said.

"Long time no see Kakashi sensei" I said.

He looked at me for minute then asked "who are you again?"

"It's me Naruto, sensei" I said

"Naruto!?!! " He said looking confused.

"You have changed" he said in surprise voice.

"Well quit the chit chat Kakashi I call you test both of them" Tsunade said while intervening the conversation and stating the main point.

"Kakashi sensei will Test us?!" Sakura said.

"Yes, Now stop worrying over things and let's go to the suitable place" Tsunade said while standing and leaving the office and we all follow after her.

[AN : Comment your views on the chapter. and once again don't hope for good action as I am not good at writing it and one more question do you guys want Female Sasuke (Satsuki) the tell me quickly as I have to change few things according to the decision I will provide the image for his female version in paragraph comment and comment section do check it and tell me if you want it or not it's important]