
Happiness Through The Pain

After struggling for years, a child and a phoenix left a savage village to return to their families. But the real story started from there! The child is not weak! In reality, he is the strongest superpower holder in the world! And his family is the second strongest! No one can bully them anymore! or so they thought...

SourLemonade · Fantasía
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19 Chs

I want them to be happier

'Liam... careful'

(Yes dad, I will be careful! Anyways, I have to practice!)

'What... Liam?'

(I am practicing my Superpower mom!)



Wah... they look shocked, it's scary since they are half-transparent...

(No don't be so surprised... I was just playing; I knew I can't play with my superpower.)

Actually, my superpower is seeing souls, I can see my parent's souls. I can also hear what they say a little! and I can even feel their touch! I love my power, it's the greatest superpower in the whole universe! but my parents always say it's dangerous to practice using it in the village...

I went to look at my reflection on the lake surface while saying (actually I was practicing how to raise the corners of my mouth...)


'raise... corn..?'

''There is a dirty, skinny child in the reflection I am looking at. A child, full of colorful ugly bruises, a child who doesn't know how to look happy... That's probably why my dad and mom are always sad and angry. Although not at me, and although they try to hide it, I can feel their anger and sorrow. So, if I can at least look happy...''

(Yes, if I look happy, you two will be happy too! Like other families!)



''Actually, I don't care about others, I just want them to be happy...''

"Liam...y... Don't have...!!"

"... With Liam... Happy!"

While looking at my reflection, I raised the corners of my mouth using my hands, which looked pretty scary...I said

(I know... I'm happy just being with you too, I just...)

Suddenly, a man came in a hurry and cut into Liam's phrase by saying:

(Hey kid, Aaah.. haha... can you... Go to the village chief? He is calling you.)

looking at me as if I was an idiot, an uncle who always beats me when he passes by, said that as if he was feeling awkward.

Maybe because I was talking alone again? they hate that... or maybe...ah,

I let go of my hands and let my expressionless face return to its original state.

( Yes, I understand.)

'... Reason... Change... Careful Liam'

''Yes, dad, It seems like they are finally going to tell me why they changed their attitude since the morning. I hope I can survive this time too.''

'Just wait for a little...coming'

What did dad just say?? I couldn't catch that...

I walked behind the man until we reached the biggest house in the village. then we walked into the office of the village chief.

When I reached the door and opened it the uncle who led me here went away quickly, and from the other side of the door, I heard the usually sarcastic voice of the village chief, shaking a little. He said:

( You are here, kid, it's time to pay for your food.)

''My food he said... how funny... Oh, dad's angry again... I understand that, That's because these people gave me nothing! The food I eat is only the food that mom and dad pointed to me in the nearby woods!!''

I didn't answer and only looked at the floor waiting for him to say what he wants from me. I waited for him to talk but for some reason, he was sweating a lot and wiping his forehead frequently

Then when he finally talked after a few minutes, he shocked me with his statement;

( Go to the chicken coop and kill the crazy chicken. This will be the payment.

Easy, right? Now be grateful and go)

What did he say??

(... Kill??!)

did he really ask me to kill it??