
Happiness Through The Pain

After struggling for years, a child and a phoenix left a savage village to return to their families. But the real story started from there! The child is not weak! In reality, he is the strongest superpower holder in the world! And his family is the second strongest! No one can bully them anymore! or so they thought...

SourLemonade · Fantasía
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19 Chs


It pained the phoenix greatly to see him getting hurt repeatedly, she was furious...

She considered him a friend who was undergoing an ordeal together with her.

And maybe because he looked small and cute, she secretly considered him a son, thinking: "he wouldn't be older than a 1000 years anyway haha!"

It was funny how he performed the friendship dance every time he borrowed a fire to help them overcome their ordeal.

At first, Anna wanted to tell him that he didn't have to, that she understood why he wanted the fire.

But she could not communicate yet.

But as time went by, she waited for that dance. It became her sole entertainment.

She was happy every time she watched him dancing, like a mother watching her son performing a play.

Days went by, but the villagers' treatment of the two only became worse with every passing day.

On the other side, the child in her womb was growing bigger and bigger, so quickly that it was a little scary. But she was happy and didn't worry much, because she know the reason. It was the power that seeped from her little friend to her child.

The transferred power got greater and greater, and her child took it in without hesitation as if he found a reliable food source alongside her.

That even allowed her power which was supposed to be draining, to slowly but steadily return.

Normally, what is happening before her eyes should be impossible, to supply power to a child who had no connection to you, even from a different race, and receiving that power was theoretically impossible, but her two children made it, and she was proud of that!

That power was not given in a normal amount at all, so her child's growth speeded a lot. What was supposed to take 10 years to happen, surprisingly happened after 2 years...


After only two years, her child was born.

She was so tied after laying the egg with a body that wasn't prepared to do so yet. She was tired but happy she proudly looked at her egg. Her only regret was that her husband and her other child weren't around to witness this moment...

But then suddenly, at the moments she was the most tired. When she couldn't move a finger...

She heard the voices of the vicious, weak, hateful people talking.

"Father, look! the chicken monster's fire is going away."

"What? Why?! We need it to keep from the cold. it's going to snow tonight for sure!"

"Oh, I think it's because of the egg!"

"What egg?"

"Look, there it is!"

"I heard that monster children take the power of their mothers when they are born..."

"What do we do if the fire got weaker till the egg hatches?"

"Just crush that useless thing! we only need the chicken for the fire!"

The tired phoenix could not move nor speak yet but hurriedly screamed at them in horror and agony

"'kaaaaak, kaaak, kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!!!!"

"Will it be okay? look at it, it seems like it's going to eat us alive if we get closer..."

"hahaha! what? are you scared of a chicken? look at it! it looks like a normal chicken without the fire around it"

"if we don't crush that egg now, we may not have another chance."

"right, and then the monster in the egg well take all our fire!"

"kaaaaaaaaak! khhaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkk!!!!"

Anna couldn't move but seeing them stealing her child from her embrace, she screamed in horror and agony.


She saw it clearly... She saw her child dying in front of her...


Anna then lost control over her power, she was turning everything around her to ashes while trying to collect the remaining of her child using her wings...

She was wailing with a heartbreaking voice, and her eyes popped out letting blood seep from within...

After calming down a little... No, her heart was still burning with wrath, but her mind got collected a little.

She ordered the reminding murderers to bring her other son to her...

She wanted someone to mourn her child alongside her... while slowly killing the monsters who murdered her child.