
Halo Reborn

This Fanfic has an overpowered MC so you if don't like an overpowered MC Please Be Aware before reading. Axel Woods was a man reborn into the World of Halo as a Genius. He was given no superpowers nor special abilities. Only through his intelligence would he strive for greatness and become the most powerful person in the Galaxy.

Dr_Dred · Derivados de juegos
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161 Chs

Chapter 96

6 hours after Covenant landing

Lieutenant Jack Rodriguez callsign 'Reaper', was leading his team of Spartan Spartan-IIIs through the dense jungles of Actium, stealthily tracking large Covenant movement. Lieutenant Rodriguez is a demolitions and combat engineer specialist. His team of Spartan-IIIs were also trained in similar specializations, allowing them to effectively sabotage and neutralize Covenant assets on the battlefield.

Through his helmet visor, Jack scanned the vicinity; a flickering red blip caught his attention. A large group of Covenant soldiers were assembling about a kilometer from their position. "Team, eyes on me," Jack whispered into his comms. His team silently moved closer, their armor blending with the surroundings.

As they got closer, the sheer volume of the enemy force became apparent. There was a large number of energy shields which showed the sheer number of jackals that the Covenant had brought with them.

"They're planning something big," Jack murmured, his gaze hardened as he watched the Covenant forces continue to multiply.

"Orders?" His second-in-command, Spartan Ian 'Striker' asked, his gaze fixed on the group of covenant ahead. He was a weapons specialist, the best shot amongst them.

"We take out as many as we can from here, then fall back," Jack said, pulling out one of the new propulsion grenades from his utility belt. "On my signal." He whispered into his comms.

Meanwhile, miles away in the heart of the city, Axel led his own contingent of MCUs, Marines, and Spartans against an onslaught of Covenant elites. Despite being outnumbered, they pushed forward.

Hold your ground!" Axel commanded, as the Elite in front of him dropped dead on the ground. As he stepped over his body, he could hear the intense sound of plasma fire and explosions going on around him.

He moved swiftly through the battlefield, cutting down Elites and Grunts as if they were nothing. Alongside him were a few units of MCUs and Spartan-IIs.

Simultaneously, Imperial Admiral Xytan 'Jar Wattinree watched the battle from high above in his command ship. He was pleased at the progress but knew that taking down Axel was not going to be simple. The Hierarchs had made it clear, the Lord Protector needed to be neutralized for their plans to succeed.

"Dispatch 'Zamamee and his team. Have them target the Spartan-IIs aiding the Lord Protector. Isolate him," Xytan 'Jar Wattinree ordered, his eyes never leaving the view screen showcasing the battle below.

Meanwhile, back at Lieutenant Jack Rodriguez's position, he gave the signal. The Spartans let loose their devastating payload onto the assembled Covenant forces. The sky lit with energy as the projectiles detonated over the enemy forces, scattering them in disarray.

"Fall back!" Jack commanded as they turned to retreat, leaving behind a mass of confusion and destruction.

Back in the heart of the city, reinforcement arrived for Axel's contingent. A squadron of Warthogs rumbled into view, their chain guns spitting hot death at the advancing Covenant horde.

Suddenly, even more reinforcements arrived for the Covenant forces. 'Zamamee and his team had used their cloaking ability to sneak onto the battlefield not aware that all the UNSC soldiers' armor was equipped with thermal sensors designed to counter the Covenant cloaking devices.

As 'Zamamee's team broke cover, their shimmering forms quickly picked up by thermal scanners, Axel barked an order into his comms. "Spartans, on me! We have Zealots trying to backdoor us. Flip the script on them!"

As one, the Spartan-IIs turned in unison, their weapons swinging around toward the approaching Zealots. 'Zamamee charged straight at the Spartans with Yayap and the other Zealots.

A fierce exchange of fire ensued as bullets and plasma rounds filled the air. Axel's Spartans moved with precision; each shot was meant to take down their cloaked enemies. 'Zamamee and his team dodged and weaved through the chaos, aiming to get close to Axel.

The Spartan-IIs closed the distance between them and Zealots as they engaged in hand-to-hand combat with them.

As the battle raged around them, Spartan Sarah 'Guardian' turned to face the Zealot leader. With a swift motion, she deflected an incoming energy sword strike with her arm which activated the shield, causing sparks to appear as both the energy shield and energy sword clashed against each other. She countered with a swift jab to the Zealot's chest, forcefully knocking him back.

'Zamamee staggered, gasping from the impact. But he was far from beaten. With a growl, he came back at her, his energy sword swinging in lethal arcs, but she met each blow countering his attacks. The two fought bitterly, trading blows and parries as the chaos of the combat continued unabated around them.

One of the Zealots had managed to sneak by the Spartan-IIs and charge towards Axel with his energy sword drawn, however as he was running a Spartan-II carrying a sniper had shot him in the head which didn't penetrate his shields allowing him to continue running.

Axel was already facing his attacker as he took aim and shot his energy pistol in the direction of the Zealot who jumped to the side to dodge the shot and closed the distance between the two.

The Zealot raised his energy sword and swung it down towards Axel who put his arm up and deflected the incoming attack.

Using his other hand the Zealot punched Axel in the gut sending him back a few feet but with the armor's protections, he didn't feel the hit at all.

Axel counterattacked with a low side kick to the Zealot's knee, exploiting a weakness that had been found in their anatomy. The Zealot collapsed on one side, just as Axel's other hand was free to aim his energy pistol, and fire. The Zealot fell back with a grunt, his shields flickering under the intense energy blast.

Suddenly, another Zealot charged at Axel, who swiftly side-stepped and used the Zealot's momentum against it. He grabbed the Zealot by the arm and twisted it, forcing him to the ground. But as soon as that threat was neutralized, another took its place. Out of the corner of his eye, Axel spotted a Fuel Rod Cannon pointed in his direction.

He quickly dodged out of the way as the cannon fired. The shot whizzed by, detonating against a nearby pile of rubble and sending debris scattering everywhere.

"Damn pests," Axel muttered under his breath.

Meanwhile, Spartan Sarah 'Guardian' continued her deadly dance with 'Zamamee. Both combatants were tiring but neither would yield. With a swift roundhouse kick, she knocked 'Zamamee back, finally landing a solid hit. Before she could press her advantage, another Zealot leapt at her from behind.

In a fluid motion, she drew her sidearm and spun, firing several rounds into the Zealot's midsection. His energy shield flickered, and he stumbled back, as he fell dead.

'Striker' the Spartan-II who was on overwatch duties interrupted over the comms, "I've got eyes on the Fuel Rod Cannoneer." He was laying down suppressive fire from his vantage point high above the city, taking down Covenant forces with deadly accuracy.

"Take your shot," Axel ordered.

With a deep breath, 'Striker' steadied his aim and pulled the trigger. The energy shot left his sniper and found its target, shattering the Fuel Rod Cannon and taking the operator down with it.

Back at Jack's position, they had successfully retreated and were regrouping at a UNSC forward operating base in the dense jungle. "We need to inform command about the enemy's strength," Jack said to Striker, who nodded in agreement. "I'll get in touch with command." He then walked away, tapping on his helmet visor to open communication channels.

The battle raged on at the heart of the planet's city as more Covenant reinforcements streamed in. From his command ship above, Xytan 'Jar Wattinree watched with growing frustration as Axel and his forces held their ground. "Unleash the Wraiths," he growled, unready to accept defeat.

Back on the battlefield, Spartan Sarah had knocked 'Zamamee down and was now standing over him with her pistol aimed at his head. 'Zamamee was defeated as his face no longer looked the same, his armor was broken from the impact of her punches, and his arm could no longer move. The rest of his team lay dead even Yayap who was completely overpowered by a Spartan-II.

'Zamamee looked up at the human whom his people came to know as demons and only said one thing "Kill me now, human, I have failed my mission"

As he said this, Axel had already defeated the Zealots that attacked him and approached the two. "No, we won't kill you, because unlike you, we have a much higher purpose in the universe." Stated Axel.

"The Forerunners have entrusted us with this purpose, and we shall fulfil it" Added Axel causing confusion to appear on 'Zamamee face.

As 'Zamamee blinked in disoriented shock, Spartan Sarah placed her pistol at her side. "We are not your executioners," she said.

Meanwhile, high above the city, Xytan 'Jar Wattinree fumed as he watched the Spartans spare the fallen Zealot. He slammed his fist down on the command console, causing it to flicker momentarily. "Unacceptable! Deploy more troops!" he barked to an underling.

On the ground, 'Zamamee was carried off by some Spartan-IIIs where he would be transported to a holding cell back on Reach. Axel saw 'Zamamee as a useful asset for the future and he planned to do a lot of research on him since he was a Zealot. He wanted to see whether their faith lied with the Forerunners or with the Covenant who misguided them and gave them a false purpose.

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