
Halo Reborn

This Fanfic has an overpowered MC so you if don't like an overpowered MC Please Be Aware before reading. Axel Woods was a man reborn into the World of Halo as a Genius. He was given no superpowers nor special abilities. Only through his intelligence would he strive for greatness and become the most powerful person in the Galaxy.

Dr_Dred · Derivados de juegos
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Chapter 31

A/N: You guys have showed so much support to the Story so here is another Chapter. Hope you enjoy.

Current year 2524 a year before the appearance of the Covenant. Axel during this year had came up with a new design for the standard infantry armor. Using his previous life's memories he had based the design off of the Mass Effect armor which covered most of the body and in some cases could offer a personal shield.

But the personal shield was something that was too expensive to issue to Hundreds of thousands of soldiers all at once and the materials needed to create an easy to use rechargeable energy shield for standard infantry suits costs too much.

Still he created the suit without the energy shielding and made it costs around the same amount as the standard infantry gear that the UNSC already used. 

The armor looked like a miniaturized version of Spartan armor only less bulky and without all the advanced technology that the Spartan Armor had. Of course it had similar technology to help in combat situations it's abilities were limited to both save money and resources.

(New Armor Image Here)

In addition to that he also created a new standard use Armor for the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers(ODST) which included highly adaptable armor for any scenario, improved armor, personalized AI for support on the battlefield, and A Tactical Visor.

(Image Here)

Axel had planned to present these new armors to the UNSC security council in a few weeks.

And he didn't forget about himself since he would also need armor for himself especially if he planned to fight on the frontlines during the war. So he came up with a personalized armor for himself modeled after the Spartan armor only it was developed for his use only.

(Axel's Personal Armor Image Here)

For his own armor he went all out for developing it. It came with a mini core reactor providing the armor with an insane amount of power for the Energy shields. It's agility was as maneuverable as the Mark IV MJOLNIR Armor, and provided generally the same amount of benefits. His armor costs 2X more than the Mark IV MJOLNIR Armor but provided way more benefits and survivability.

A/N: just for reference. The Mark IV MJOLNIR Armor had way better energy shielding than it did in the normal Halo timeline but it was not near the amount that Axel's armor because of the mini core reactor providing the suit with way more power than the Mark IV MJOLNIR Armor had. Also the Mini core reactor was hard to create which is why Axel only had it in his armor instead of the all the Spartan's armor. But future enhancements will see this added.

The MCU's were also given a new look regarding their appearance. It would take another year to redesign all of them, but after that year all the MCU's would have their new appearance maintaining their same capabilities.

Amidst the process of his ambitious project, Axel had also taken the liberty to design a new series of weaponry for the UNSC, as he believed that defense was only as good as the strike power you held. Drawing inspiration from an array of sources – from the pulse rifles of the Aliens franchise to the smart guns from Star Wars – he developed a line of advanced, yet cost-effective firearms capable of meeting various combat scenarios.

His creations ranged from standard assault rifles with improved recoil stabilizers and ammunition capacity, to high-powered sniper rifles, which were equipped with advanced AI-guided targeting systems that could calculate windspeed, distance and other factors for incredible accuracy. These potentially lethal weapons were designed to work in sync with the tactical visor within the new armor system, further increasing their effectiveness.

Axel's personal weapon though, was another work of art. A custom-built railgun able to fire supercharged projectiles with devastating force. His personal armor's mini core reactor acting not just as a shield generator but also powering this weapon made it possible to carry such immense firepower without any drawbacks.

On a more defensive note, Axel didn't neglect the need for spatial fortification. He drafted blueprints for highly-advanced orbital defense platforms, utilizing cutting edge unslaved-AI management systems and armed with powerful MAC Cannons. Ensuring that these installations would be an effective deterrent against any potential enemy invasions on human colonies.

Whether or not these defense platforms will be put into use was up to the UNSC security council. Simply ignoring these new highly advanced defense platforms would be illogical but if they were it wouldn't surprise Axel because they were slightly more expensive then other defense platforms.

As the days rolled by, Axel's workshop began to resemble less of an armory and more like a futuristic arsenal. Yet he was far from done. His mind brimming with plans for vehicles and spacecrafts, Axel knew he was crafting the next generation of warfare technology. Every now and then, he would step away from his workstation to gaze upon his creations, their lethal beauty a sharp contrast to the tranquil silence of his workshop.

He would take time off to visit Catherine at times and take her out into the local town for dinner dates and whatnot. While this was going on Catherine was distracted by his new appearance which made him stand out way more than what she wanted.

Just walking around the local town attracted attention to him. She always held onto his arm and stayed close to show those vixens that he was not available which warded off a few but there was always those that would still try.

Axel could only smile at the interaction and wanted to tease her at times. He also knew that they had been basically in a relationship for awhile now and he could see that she wanted to take it to the next level.

He was 34 this year and it was about time that he focused a little of his attention on other matters while maintaining his focus. So the next time they went out he planned to take it to the next level with Cath to calm her emotions and not let her think that he was leading her on.

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