
Chapter 23

[A/N:I wrote simple world jumping fanfic with MC having intellect of Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty.He is jumping worlds and first world is Tron Legacy name is A World Jumper.]

Night falls upon the beautiful citadel of Cair Paravel.. Unlike the time of coronation it was still and quiet.

Hadrian and Susan stood upon the balcony,both of them talked for hours.Susan was happy to get out of the war without getting any of her siblings hurt.

Hadrian smiled at her and said"I promised you nothing will happen to your siblings."

Susan smiled back and replied",Yes and you delivered your promise."

Hadrian then took out something from his pouch and showed it too Susan, it was white stone with a star-like shape set in a silver filigree.The body of the Evenstar is in the shape of an infinite loop and represents endless love.

Susan was surprised,she awed by the beautiful pendant,it was like star shining brightly .....an Evenstar.

Hadrian smiled and said"I wanted to give you something important before the war,but that was not possible."

Susan smiled at Hadrian,she knew there feelings were only going to grow with time.

Susan turns back,while Hadrian is fixing the necklace around Susans neck,while says"This necklace is called Evenstar."

The Evenstar...the white gem like a star that lay upon her breast hanging upon a silver chain.It shines in the moonlight.

Susan turn and looks into Hadrian's eyes.As she reaches up and gently touches Hadrian face,leans towards Hadrian, gently kissing him.

This news about them starting to court or date was a shock to Peter and Edward,while Lucy having already gussed this started teasing her sister.

Susan blushed,while Peter and Edward did brother routine of warning Hadrian.

Peter went to Hadrian and seriously said"Hurt her and I will be hunting you down with mu sword."

Edmund nodded and added"Yes,we will not hold back."

Both of them knew Hadrian would treat there sister better than anyone,while Hadrian smiled and replied"I will love her and treat her like a goddess."

Hadrian grinned at Susan, who blushed and looked way.

Thus the start of a beautiful relationship,Hadrian and Susan love for each other only grew with time.

At the same time Hadrian started teaching all the sbilings about the duties as Kings and Queens of Narnia.

They all has regions to govern,like

Peter was Emperor of the Lone Islands, Lord of Cair Paravel and Knight of the Noble Order of Lions.He governed thr Norther part of Narnia.

Edmund was the Duke of Lantern Waste, Count of the Western March and Knight of the Noble Order of the Table.He was govering the Western Woods,which was where Mr.Tummus lived.

Susan governed thr southern region of Narnia and Lucy had the easter region.

Hadrian taught them everything regarding how to rule and acted advisor,when then need arised.

Susan matured into adulthood as a Queen of Narnia, she was tall and gracious, and her hair fell almost to her feet.She was well know for her calm and intelligent nature,she became a skilled swordsman with time.She was also well loved by her subjects.

She was so beautiful that the Kings of the countries beyond the sea sent ambassadors asking for her hand in marriage.But went back dejectedly learning she already had a partner.

Lucy when she matured into adulthood as a Queen of Narnia, she always looked merry, her hair was as golden as ever, and she was so beautiful that many Princes desired her to be their Queen.Not only a lovely lady and an accomplished queen, but she was also a fierce warrior and a skilled archer.

Peter when he grew to adulthood as the High King of Narnia, Peter was a tall and deep-chested man.He had a beard.

Edmund because of his great council and judgment.He also became an accomplished diplomat and warrior.

Hadrian was well known and loved by the Narnian,he grew to be kind,crafty and intelligent among the Kings.

He was the one enemies were most afraid of and they knew him as "The Green eyed Sorcerer."