

Cain died and ... well read to find out more.

jakobi_fling · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Tis just the Beginning...

Coal Cain is my name or was. I'm not to sure on my naming status. I died not to long ago pretty generically I'd say I was shot at the bullet grazed my temple and in pain I reached for it but I'd lost my balance and fell hitting my head on a counter corner. and thus I lyde dead. now you maybe wondering why was I shot at well sit down for I have a long story that leads to this incident and it all started with sticking my d*** in crazy.

Well thinking about it that about sums it up. moving on right now I'm floating in a green pasture marked with a few trees here and there sun above but not to bright and a gentle breeze and I must say it feels almost perfect. I say almost because I can see a very pissed off looking man holding a scythe over his shoulders staring at me.

(...): are you done with your monolog I don't have all day to spend on your bullsh*t.

(he seems displeased with my monolog.)

[(...) starts to grit his teeth] hurry the hell up.

[(mc) shrugs] so who are you and what's next do I get the generic three wishes for my generic death.

[(...) visibly starts to calm] doesn't matter and yes you get the three wishes but your death wasn't exactly generic not everyone gets shot at by yuno. moving on three wishes go.

[(mc) contemplating] well can I be a guide. have a accompanying system and freely change my form.

[(...) pinches nose Bridge] a guide? explain.

(mc) well like how in some stores a character may end up or appear in a foreign place, well I'd like to help them get started or maybe be a companion for a bit. as for the system I don't need to be op I'd like it to show a simple stats and help me become a better guide as I go, such as giving a skill or ability to help like cooking, repair, language, or maybe even geography.

(...) why not, however the system will have Stat allocation and since a system is to big a gift it needs draw backs this Being who your guiding will have to allocate your stats of course you can choose to not allow them access thus preventing you growth. do you agree.

[(mc) eyebrow twitches] sure

(...) now in the system there will be a portal button. simply press it and you will be prompted for a random Teleport or specified at a cost to be determined. now for the form changing there are limits the first being you largest form can not be greater in mass then 10 humans second you can not be Invulnerable and last your stats will stay proportional to the form. now go.

(mc) huh...


<where to start?>

it's about 1 in the morning as I was writing this and if any one likes the prompt and would like to write something like this obviously I don't mind but I'd like to know so I can read it I think it'd be a fun read

jakobi_flingcreators' thoughts