
Guardian of Fairy-Tail

What sort of power do you want? Slayer power? No Come let see how the MC write his story after being reincarnated in FairyTail BaRRIER FRUIT OF BARTOLOMEO laluD_kebib

letiul_umanga · Cómic
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29 Chs

X784,Vs Jacob

Jacob in night lurked out of the palace and went to the southeast direction of forest. this was not known by any Spriggan

And the match was in the forest, a great place for assassination.

Jacob arrived at the correct time whereas Ryuji took his time observing the spriggan if someone was following

he was a bit late,

Ryuji changed his look to a soldier from Neinhart unit, as his next target was Neinhart

Ryuji appeared just behind Jacob 5m behind but still, Jacob didn't know

Ryuji spoke coldly"trash "

Jacob"who" and ran while turning around

Ryuji didn't move"trash, can't even detect enemy behind you "

Jacob "hmph, i will let you see if i could know or not "saying this he used his transport ability

this ability let him keep the enemy in a separate dimension by clapping his hand but Ryuji who had barrier was not affected hence was fine

Jacob tried much time but still could not achieve it

Ryuji "so much time "I will attack then saying this he speed up fast and kicked Jacob

Jacob was also a master on Hand to hand hence tried to reply but observation haki clicked up

Jacob was receiving various attack from Ryuji without being able to keep up

But tried his best

this form of combat carrier out for an hour

finally, Jacob could not take it and used his magic

Jacob magic had a different effect

First Jacob to erase his own presence, wherein he wipes out his ability to be seen, heard, or smelled, thus allowing him to move about completely undetected

second his to see object/things invisible to normal wizard and

3rd is his invisible weapon

using the first Ability he suddenly vanishes as if he was not here since the beginning but What the Mc think

Ryuji"playing with me with a little trick, and kicked the right side of his arm where Jacob was about to attack "

Observation haki include ll 5 sense and the presence, air space every possible factor there which allow a man to see the future so assassination magic, child play

The battle continued,Jacob trying to use st and 3rd ability but nope, none could even touch Ryuji but Ryuji could land hit every time

But Jacob was Spriggan how could he accept his loss hence tried hard to sneak upon Ryuji attacked with tricks , and many more

Ryuji thought," fighting against Spriggan should be hard right even if the Spriggan was weakest but what is happening, why can he completely overpower Jacob "

but who could answer Ryuji that your Haki is a cheat ;

the beating lasted for 5 hr almost half the night and Jacob fainted finally , all this attack was just body power, not a bit of magic, and Armament Haki

after Jacob fainted, Ryuji collected Jacob in a rack and came below the castle

again using his huge power he threw Jacob to the castle completely destroying the pillar

this loud noise quickly alerted the spriggan and they came to look the place

but they only saw a broken pillar and a bloody sack

Neinhart was the quick one hence he opened the sack from where a bloody figure of Jacob came out with a letter

But no one focused on the letter but to Jacob

Irene used magi and brought Jacob back to consciousness

August "what happened to you, Jacob?"

Jacob"enemy strong, could kill me but didn't "

Neinhart "how strong?"

Jacob"i could not even land 1 hit , its not his magic power i could not sense it at all but the assassination techniques are above me, even body combat to level higher than me "

Neinhart "you are just weak "

Jacob"Neinhart , even if I am weak I am better than you "

Neinhart "shall we try "

But August spoke, "how did he look?"

Jacob" from the unit of Reinhart"

Neinhart"Don't slander my name "

Jacob"but it is true "

August "it may be because he wants us to have an internal fight "

Invel"what is written in the letter ?"

Neinhart quickly opened the letter and read aloud"Weak"

only this was written in the top title later comes the;; god language scolding to Invel, and Neinhart along with challenge to Neinhart

last line "PS. know your enemy before you fight Neinhart I know all about you, before our fight learn everything about me from that hentai who enjoyed my beating also please be strong if not you are just the same A Weakling "

"oh and this defeat will be known to all the empire by tomorrow, hope you can properly maintain your position of strongest

Spriggan Slayer; Shadow"

this ended the challenge and the name

Spriggan operated the whole night trying to prevent the news spread but even in Empire rule, there are many against Empire hence the news circulated throughout Alakitasia and to the Magic council of Ishgar through spies.

The 12 strongest in Alvarez had their name sullied but Jacob can not be replaced as his magic ability is a great one and no one other than this new emerged Shadow.

On the other hand, Neinhart was ignorant of Ryuji thinking it as Jacob being too weak hence didn't even try to find about Ryuji.

time passed 1 month and another, almost everyone thought that Shadow won't emerge again but alas, Ryuji was just training his Armament haki to a new level.

After 2 months , year X784 December 16 the day when Fairytail member disappeared

Neinhart receive a challenge from Ryuji

Neinhart didn't even try to tell his Spriggan friend and just set out to the right location, barren land west of the capital

the more powerful a man is, the more arrogant he becomes.

Neinhart arrived in a chilling way but was searching for Ryuji secretly and this movement didn't escape from Ryuji hence he waited for Neinhart to finally unable to get irritated.