
The reason I was hated!? – Chapter 145

My power… is the reason why I was hated? I wasn't sure how to react to that because I would have never expected that kind of reason. But the first time that my powers became a thing was after Raiden tried to kill me. But even before that, there was some weird stuff happening to me when one of Lauren's fuckfriends tried to kill me, someone appeared and immediately cut off his head. Was that when my powers showed the first signs?

"That's where you're wrong. You've had your powers since the moment you were born."

Since the moment I was born? No, that's impossible, I would have known if I had a special ability. Sakuru also said that I had an ability but according to them, I was a mixer and they couldn't figure out what it was.

"I'm not sure about that as well, but this door has been here since the moment you were born. Your body has been releasing some kind of aura that affects all the humans that have seen or heard about you." He pointed his finger towards a direction where a screen like window appeared. He tried explaining to me how this aura was being spread.

"Your aura has a special kind of effect on them, making them show their true colors. Normally a human can have a few feelings about a certain someone, like envy, hate, and stuff. But even the smallest negative thought in their minds, can make them go insane or unreasonable. And of course, you would be the source of their hate. They would be no different from a crazy psychopath who has nothing else to do but to hate you."

I was mostly ignored the whole life and no one even dared to get to know me at all. But that changed when I joined Sakuru…

"Your powers were not developed yet, that's why nothing much happened to you, but that didn't mean that your aura was not affecting them. All the humans could feel your source of power that's why they unconsciously ignored you. But as you grew older, your source of power also increased. People started noticing your presence, and now they can't help it but hate you."

So my powers were nothing else but a curse this whole time? Why would my own power turn like this?

"Hatred, despise, disgust, envy, would be the only emotions that a human would think about you…"

So this explains the behaviors of the Sakuru students and why the citizens of U.G.C turned on me. My power grew to the point of affecting an entire city. I can no longer think about all the stuff that happened to me. If I want to keep moving forward, I have to do something about this. But the younger version of me smiled as he was looking at me.

"But… this power can also turn a positive feeling into love or admiration as well. Even though your father tried killing you, he immediately realised what he was about to do. That's when he learned the feeling of loving his own son." From the screen I saw the face of my own father crying as he was looking at the camera. Wait, no… he was looking at me when I was a baby. This memory surprised me because I have never seen my father cry like that. The image I have of him was that of a proud man.

"How do you have these memories?" I asked him.

"Well, you don't remember them because you were just a newborn after all." Both my mother and father seemed really happy as they were carrying me in their arms. Looking at them like this made me remember the days when I used to hang out with both of them. I was going to ask Kenji if he had found information about their location, but seeing that he was affected by my aura, that won't be possible anymore. But if my parents are safe in Sakuru, then I don't want to ask for anything else other than their safety… Now that I was thinking much better than before, I found it a bit weird that my own subconsciousness was talking to me like this. It felt as if this was a whole world specifically created for me where everyone could understand me.

After making up my mind I was finally ready to head back to everyone.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he was waiting for me to respond.

"Yes, I am ready to go" After getting my confirmation, a portal appeared in front of me with pitch black space within it. I already knew what I was supposed to do, that's why I entered the portal. But before the portal closed, my subconsciousness said.

"We may never meet again, but I want you to remember that we are always part of you. What am I saying? I'm literally you, so I know that… someday… you…her…" Those were the last words I heard before everything turned dark to me…

What was he going to say?







A.F continued attacking Akemi in different ways that it could. Akemi was stronger but A.F had something that she didn't. He would never get tired no matter what happened. Even if he spent countless days fighting, he would never stop until it was dead. Akemi was holding back because of the contract, that's why she was trying to figure out a way to bring him back. The fight continued and Akemi couldn't manage to get a break from A.F's attacks.

"Akemi!" ( Chloe )

From a distance everyone had managed to arrive where Akemi and Hatsuko were fighting. They didn't try to get too close because of the overwhelming aura they were releasing. But still, this could be dangerous for them since A.F did not limit itself from not attacking other people.

"Oh, no you don't. Ack!" She received one of the attacks which A.F was trying to shoot at the group of girls. Constant attacks and skills were tiring Akemi. A.F took this chance to speed up its own attacks in all directions. If in the beginning his attacks didn't do much to Akemi, right now all of its skills were scratching and hitting Akemi all over her body. But Akemi wasn't going to give up even though she was getting slower and slower, and she already knew that... if this was going to continue, she would lose. But after she saw a small gap in A.F's body, she immediately charged towards him... and hugged Hatsuko.

"GAHH!" But still at this range, A.F managed to slide his sword through Akemi's stomach. Blood was slowly coming out of her injury but that didn't seem to bother her at all.

"I got you." She tightened her hug so A.F wouldn't get away from her. No matter what A.F did, it was impossible to get away from Akemi, that's why he continued thrusting his sword deeper. Akemi created a golden barrier around her so it would be even harder for A.F to get away.

"ghaa! I'm not letting you go." She coughed out blood as she said that to him. But A.F could not care any less about Akemi and what she had planned, so he took this chance to suck away her life essence, healing himself back into the best shape.




Hatsuko's POV!


My vision was dark and I couldn't seem to get out of this place. I think I was going to do something, but my own mind wasn't letting me. It's like I was trapped in my own mind and I couldn't gather my own thoughts. What was I going to do? I think it was something really important, but something was preventing me from realising it.

Somehow my body started feeling really warm and soft at the same time. It's the same feeling I get when I first wake up in my bed, but much better than usual. Suddenly, I saw a small green light coming towards me. I still couldn't understand my own situation right now, but I couldn't help but touch that green light. It felt as if it was calling out to me in order to get out of this darkness. The moment I touched the light, all of my thoughts came back to me, making me realise where I was and what I was supposed to do.

That's right, I need to get out of here. I thought to myself as I followed the green light somewhere that was much brighter. I could feel my body trembling from something under my legs, and I could hear noises coming from everywhere. My nose picked up a really sweet smell and in the end a soft feeling around my chest. When I opened my eyes, I saw Akemi who had placed her arms around me. Me on the other hand, I was standing up while I had a sword thrust inside Akemi's stomach. I immediately removed the sword from existence and stopped all of my other skills which were sucking out Akemi's life.

"Akemi…" I looked at her as she was barely standing up from the injuries I had caused to her, but somehow she wasn't mad about it. She simply looked up to me with a smile on her face.

"You're finally awake… you stupid… hu...man…" Those were the last words she said before she passed out unconscious. But before she could fall on the ground, I grabbed her body and leaned on me.




I made a illustration about the last scene, you can check it out on my ( P a t r e o n).

KrisVFXcreators' thoughts