
Greatest Gift

Roxanna_Agreste · Cómic
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1 Chs

Greatest Gift (1/1)

"Morning, Kats. Happy Valentine's Day." Shoto kissed the alpha he lived with and set out a tray with breakfast. Eggs and sausage over chili rice with a coffee.

"Look who can cook. Morning, Sho." Katsuki smirked looking over the meal.

"I burn your toast once, and I never get a thank you again."

"I acknowledged that you can fucking cook. Pansy ass." Katsuki digs into the food. "Thank you. Happy Valentine's Day."

Shoto smiled at Katsuki. He had changed so much since they met 6 years prior and he got to witness it.

"Your gifts are over on the table." Katsuki points at an end table with a few wrapped boxes.

"I'll grab mine and bring them in in a minute. Still have to get food."

"Then go, IcyHot. I want my gifts too."

Shoto stepped out of the den and let his mind wander.


Trauma Support was a certification offered to Betas that attended university for any field, but requirements were tough. Alpha and Omega psychology courses, a calm personality under stress, ongoing therapy, testing and more. Natsuo had recommended it to Shoto as his boredom in most classes led to mischief. It kept him busy most days just trying to keep up in the beginning, but it got easier.

Touya helped him with the alpha studies and Natsuo assisted where he could.

Shoto started spending time with an alpha after he turned eighteen, much to Enji's chagrin. Kats was rough and pushed him from his bubble to express himself. He enjoyed it. It made him uncomfortable at times, but despite Katsuki's edges, he didn't make Shoto do anything he truly didn't want to. He had started dating the man his age in February and ' forgot ' to tell his father.

"Hey, Pansy, we're fucking going out."

"But where would we go right now?"

"The festival is going on until one, dumbass."

Shoto blushed, he had forgotten about the festival he had told Katsuki about. Granted, finals week was ending so his brain was jelly.

They had a great night out, ate fatty fair food, won overpriced stuffed animals, and Katsuki kissed him on the ferris wheel. His first kiss of many.


About a month after Shoto was certified at 20, he was called to the hospital for a case. He met his coordinator outside and they spoke as they walked in.

"Good morning, Shoto."

"Morning. How bad is my day going to be?" Shoto handed over his ID for verification.

"We're still uncovering what happened, but the omega is dealing with a miscarriage and was pulled from a pupping mill bust. Nearly lost him from the bleeding, but he's stable now.

"Police gave us a missing persons report that matched his details, but the little guy is mute and dissociated so no confirmation. He was rewarded with drugs for making pups, so withdrawal is an ongoing issue." Shoto got his ID and a clipboard with case details.

A quick read and he was disgusted. Midoriya Izuku, kidnapped at age 6, current age was 18. He had already dealt with at least one child. His collar stated 72 when he was found.

"So systematic rape takes another victim. I'll hit the shower before meeting him."

Fresh from a scent removing shower and in fresh, hospital-provided clothes, Shoto stood before door 129 on the omega ward. The doctor opened it first and talked to the unresponsive teen before letting Shoto in. Shoto had to stop to process the stark contrast from the police's photo to reality.

The gaunt, thin boy in the bed looked like blinking might kill him compared to the chubby cheeked, tan 5 year old from the picture, his stomach was still swollen from the child he lost. The green, curly hair was only recognizable at the roots, a dirty, knotted mess hung down past his ribs and his emerald eyes, once bright as the sun, dark and void in the hospital's harsh light.

"Hi Izuku. My name is Shoto and I'm your support. I understand that you went through trauma without anyone to help, but I will stick with you. Can you communicate?" Shoto got no response.

"Should I start with Juni?" Izuku's eyes turned to Shoto and a switch was flipped. He tried to mouth something, tears spilling from his eyes as his throat closed on the first syllable. Shoto exuded calming scents as he slowly approached the young man. "Juni, look at me. Juni?" The boy tried to focus, but his breathing didn't calm and his heart rate was climbing. The boy was panicking.

"I'm going to touch you." Shoto gently lifted Izuku's wrists, a slight flinch as he took the bony hands in his own, and pressed the thin hands to his chest. "Breathe with me, Juni. In." He breathed deep and held it. "Out." He released the breath in a controlled manner and repeated the process until he heard the monitor's beeping slow to a normal pace. "Good job, omega. You're safe here."

Shoto spent his days with Izuku as his support and as his guardian. His nights were spent in beta housing a floor below with Katsuki.

Izuku started lactating a few days after getting a proper diet with Shoto around. The beta was surprised to see Izuku nude the first day he returned to the boy, but pupping mills don't often allow clothing for their dams, so Shoto wasn't shocked that the boy preferred the nude. He was shocked at the leaking breasts near his face on the third day.

Izuku wanted him to help and no pumps were provided, so Shoto did what he could. He got Izuku comfortable on the nest, moved by the boy's side, and let the omega guide his head to the nipple. Izuku wore scent neutralizing patches like all patients and staff, but the scent came through milk too. The minty pine forest tinted the sweet milk dripping from Izuku's engorged tits and Shoto lapped at the spillage before he started to suck. The squirt of milk in his mouth was accompanied by a quiet moan from Izuku.

Shoto looked up and saw a hurting omega, crying as he cradled Shoto to his breast instead of his child. It was saddening, but Shoto knew he had to continue nursing as proper expression of his pain was vital. Shoto liked the drunken feeling he got from feeding on milk and Izuku didn't like the vacuum pump, so he breastfed his beta and enjoyed the sensation.


"You're gonna burn the eggs if you stay in your head too long, Pansy."

Shoto shook himself from his memories and made the rest of the meal. He ate his food as Katsuki prepped a third helping of breakfast. Shoto grabbed his gifts from the closet and set them by the transformed guest room as Katsuki appeared with the tray of food.

Shoto was a decent cook, but Katsuki was the chef. Michelin Star rated and ran his own restaurant. Shoto was a therapist and the main caretaker of their omega. He opened the door for Katsuki and walked over to the large nest before leaning in to kiss Izuku's cheek.

"Morning, Junebug. You want some breakfast?"

Izuku awoke slowly, stretching in the comforting scent of his beta. It had taken months to get the omega comfortable with Shoto waking him and another few for Shoto to get Izuku to ease into an alpha being around. They finally started to move the boy into their home when Izuku asked to leave the hospital.

Katsuki still wouldn't enter the omega's room without Izuku's permission after the panic attack he caused by trying to wake the boy while Shoto was sick. Izuku nuzzled Shoto's neck before waving the alpha in.

Both older boys presented Izuku his food with a joint "Happy Valentine's Day!"

"Hey Deku, we have presents for you." Katsuki added, ready to share the nest with Izuku. He instead waited for the boy's reply.

Izuku gestured to himself with a mouthed 'me?' then a few tears.

"Yes, you. I wasn't talking to your pillows. Eat up and I'll grab them." Katsuki watched as Izuku nodded and gestured them close. The morning breath was nothing compared to the kisses their omega offered in thanks for their ongoing generosity.

Four years with them and Izuku still had to be reminded that he was the gift to them on Valentine's Day, but Katsuki took it in stride. He reminded the omega along with Shoto that he was a valued addition to their family.

Katsuki left the room as Shoto assured Izuku that they ate and he deserved the food. He hid a pair of boxes in the gifts that he made sure to pocket before carrying the boxes over to Izuku's room. "Hey, Sho. A little help?"

"Of course, Kats." Shoto pulled the door open and let Katsuki in, showing him to the pile of presents that were moved into the room while he was out. Katsuki sorted which person got what gifts and settled on Izuku's free side when he was done.

Izuku opened his gifts, dropping a bag with an All Might plush in it to cover his mouth and clap, pointing at the bag as if it could disappear if he touched it.

He got chocolates and a necklace with all of their stones on it, a piece of pumice locked inside to diffuse their scents. Spa supplies from his favorite omega supply store, and enough blankets and scented pillows rounded out his stock of gifts. The others gave each other thoughtful gifts and chocolate, but Katsuki pulled out his last boxes and offered them to the other boys.

"Open 'em." Izuku waited for Shoto to open his, wanting the other to enjoy his gift first, but Shoto waved him on.

"You first, Junebug. Let's see it." Izuku opened his box reluctantly to find a ring with an emerald center stone and trailing citrine and ruby. He looked questioningly at the boys by his sides, unsure of what it meant.

"We want to share the rest of our lives with you, June. Please let us be your mates and equals even if we never mark you." Shoto took Izuku's right hand and gently kissed his knuckles as Katsuki took the ring box from Izuku and knelt in front of him.

"Deku, Izuku. Please be ours and let us be yours. We fucking love you and want you as you are. I'm not good with words, so let us have you forever and all that shit." Katsuki offered to slip the ring on Izuku's finger and reality struck the omega.

Izuku was crying, unable to look away from the ring. He gasped and gulped as he tried to use words to express himself. Spit and mucus filled his throat and a swallow offered him the needed opening to use his rough voice. "Y-yes."

Shoto kissed his temple. "June, you spoke. You have a pretty voice, baby."

Katsuki looked excitedly at their omega. "You fucking spoke! I'm so damn proud of you, Deku! Thank you!" He moved hesitantly to kiss Izuku's lips, letting the omega have time to pull away. He pressed their lips together and tried to express his excitement and happiness into Izuku's mouth while not overwhelming him and getting a dissociation episode.

Izuku felt free, lighter than he had been in years. He said a word, he had mates that loved him, he kissed an alpha without freezing up.

He hadn't spoken since he was abducted and beaten for screaming and begging. That one word was his first in 16 years and it was worth the struggle.

Izuku placed a hand in spiky, blond hair, holding the alpha to him as Katsuki slowly moved against his lips. All too soon, Katsuki pulled away, a kiss on the nose and a promise of better kisses in the future before he nudged Shoto. The beta shared a soft kiss with Izuku, not as passionately, but with every emotion he could translate in a kiss. Izuku was high when they were done, floating on a cloud of hormones that he hadn't felt since the bust that brought him to Shoto.

Shoto got a ring with orange and green stones and he looked like he might cry when he was proposed to by Katsuki. They shared a kiss that was passion and sex and love and something sparked in Izuku as he watched. Moisture that he once despised dewed on his folds.

Izuku knew that he was ready. After so many years of fearing sex, he wanted to feel that intimacy that he knew his two new mates wanted to share with him. He pulled the cute little bunny print pajama top from his skin, suddenly too warm with the need to feel his mates claim his body as they have his soul.

The two boys looked over at Izuku and at each other before moving around the omega. "You sure?" A nod was all they needed. A set of hands traced his thin muscles and slight pudge as another felt the weight of his mature breasts resting on them. Katsuki kissed along the omega's jaw, being gentle with his approach.

Izuku felt like the edge of a blade rested on his throat. He hadn't been this close to naked with other people since Shoto suckled him dry and no alphas had seen him shirtless since the bust. One wrong move and he'd be hurt again, and he'd hurt them by breaking the mood. Kisses along his jaw and shoulder made him feel grounded and sexy, as the touches reminded him that he wasn't a whore anymore. He was allowed to enjoy and not just be enjoyed.

Shoto admired the light fat protecting Izuku's ribs and sides, kissing down his spine as a hand stroked down smooth, soft abs. "Take your time, Junebug. We can move at your pace." Izuku's breathing and pulse slowed from his stressed pace and he shuddered as his body registered the heat of the moment.

Katsuki stroked the smooth, pink skin surrounding Izuku's nipples as his mouth left a trail of kisses down to the collarbone and beyond. "Let us know if you want us to keep fucking going or stop. We want you to be happy." He stopped to lick the oil from Izuku's gland, getting a breathy whine from the boy as minty pine exploded on his tongue. He could taste hints of arousal blooming in the pheromones.

Izuku felt hot suction form on his neck, slight pain tingling on his skin before he felt better and heard a pop as Katsuki pulled away, kissing and sucking sweet bruises down his chest. His hands raked through the blond hair by his face, petting Katsuki and showing how the affection was appreciated as his hands caught and scraped his alpha's scalp. He felt the same sensation on his back and just knew Shoto was marking him too. His tummy, loose and fatty after years of breeding, was massaged and kissed like he was the most beautiful omega in the world instead of the overused cum sock he felt like.

A tap on the head was all Katsuki needed to look up at Izuku's blushing, soft cheeks. He had his healthy tan again after years of being able to sleep in the garden. Izuku nudged his pants and Katsuki hooked a finger in the waistband. "You want these off?" The nod he got was cute and embarrassed, so he eased the pants over Izuku's plush hips. "Sho, lift him a little. He wants the pants off."

Shoto ran his hands lightly along Izuku's sides until he caught under the omega's armpits and gently squeezed, lifting Izuku a few inches. Katsuki slipped the soft flannel pants off of Izuku and onto the floor, stopping to rub the boy's soft feet and up his legs as Shoto scooted into position to hold Izuku to his chest.

Katsuki looked at the wet pussy, longing for attention, and then at Izuku. "Can I touch it, baby?" Izuku looked down at his chubby belly and thick thighs, wondering how his Kacchan could still be interested in his body, but slowly spread his legs for Katsuki. "Can I go inside or just outside?" Izuku had never been asked so many questions before. Didn't alphas go knot crazy when a breeder presented?

A gentle kiss on his temple brought him back. "We can stop here if you're not comfortable, Junebug. Don't feel pressured to do anything for us." Shoto stroked a hand down the boy's belly.

Izuku knew he wanted to be part of their pack, which meant trusting them with his body and to not push too far. He wasn't going to be used and abused in this family. He looked at Katsuki, confident in his choice, and pushed his finger into the loop his other index finger and thumb made.

Katsuki leaned in and shared another kiss with his omega before sliding down to the soft mound of pink flesh. He started by gently licking up the soft folds and marveling at the flavor of cedar water before he kissed the small, hooded clit that went underused for years. "If you start feeling like you're panicking, hit my head. You're in charge here, Deku."

Izuku felt that first lick in his soul and wanted more, the assurance only making him more confident in sharing himself. Katsuki leaned back in, rubbing his tongue on the long slit to squeaked gasps and a hand in his hair before he poked his tongue past the plush lips and into the tight little hole.

Izuku could only hold on as new pleasure filled his brain from a rough muscle filling him and pulsing inside his cunt. Shoto turned Izuku's head toward himself and started kissing him. It wasn't the usual restraint he used this time, it felt like Shoto needed so much more. Izuku moaned and his free hand locked in red and white hair. His eyes were pleading for more when they parted, and Shoto responded. His restraint snapped and Izuku felt it in the assault on his lips.

Rough motion, a tongue pressing into his mouth as he gasped, and moans from Shoto as they made out. Pleasure made Izuku feel high and he got plenty of pleasure from both boys' attention. His pussy dripped as it was eaten out and any noises he made were swallowed by Shoto. Izuku moved his hand from Shoto's hair to his clothes groin, feeling the erection that grew against his lower back. He needed more and splayed himself wide for Katsuki who introduced fingers to both his slit and ass.

Izuku arched his back as the slick-lubed fingers touched deeper in his holes, and Shoto became an anchor as Izuku slipped forward. Double penetration was never on his mind, but now that he had two partners wanting to be sexually active with him, it made sense. Both of Katsuki's fingers started to feel normal before he added another to each hole, stretching Izuku in ways even babies couldn't.

Three fingers were in each hole before Katsuki started to spread his canals, leaving Izuku breathless and gasping. Izuku pulled on Katsuki's hair and he looked up again, the panting, sweaty omega looked like a ruined angel laid out so sinfully in Shoto's lap. "Do you want us in you, Izuku?" A nod. "Together?" An impatient nod. "Okay, mama. Come 'ere." Katsuki pulled Izuku to stand, supporting his weight as his new spread made balance a challenge.

Shoto was up behind Izuku again, whispering how he was such a good omega and such a good mate. It sent shivers down his spine and the long dormant omega awoke in him. Izuku felt light and ecstatic, his body produced a strong scent from his glands and he noted that his nest needed to be remade to his omega's exacting standards. The boys around him smelled him in the air and kissed his shoulders and neck.

Both boys stripped to give their most vulnerable forms to the reawakened omega. It would accept them easier if they were as open as Izuku was.

Shoto lifted the floating omega under the knees to help him open up and helped him get lined up with the boys' cocks. "Izuku, Junebug? Our sweet omega, do you want us in you?" The boy nodded slowly as his body got used to the presence of the other half of its rightful consciousness.

Shoto gently lowered Izuku until their members pressed firmly into his holes, letting Izuku get used to the feeling of being filled again. The chubby boy held tightly to Katsuki, squeaking and panting, but not freaking out. Katsuki aided Shoto in holding Izuku by holding his hips and gave added strength to lift and lower the boy onto their cocks until he sat, fully seated, on his two mates. The feeling of a dick kissing his cervix made it hard to keep his mind from calling him a slut, but Katsuki chose then to kiss him and shove his tongue deep in his mouth. The taste of his slick was still fresh on the alpha's tongue and it did things to Izuku that should've never happened from tasting his arousal.

Izuku's mind quieted as his packmates started bouncing him on their dicks, small moans making it past his throat. They felt amazing, scents surrounding him in a cloud that shouted safety to his vulnerable omega. The pleasure he felt was stronger than any drug the pupping mill could give as he felt arms and cocks and lips bouncing and tending to him. They treated him like he was equal and yet more important than them. The long dormant tension in his gut wound with each drop his body took, drool making his breasts slick and shiny as they bounced. It didn't take long for Izuku to want this alpha to knot him

"Come for us, baby." Katsuki whispered, groaning as he felt a spasm in Izuku that made his dick twitch.

Izuku looked at Katsuki through the fog of sex and mouthed a word as he dropped on the slickened cocks again and again.

"You sure?"

Izuku nodded and Katsuki leaned against his jaw. A sultry growl filled the room. "Cum on my cock, mama. Let me feel your insides melt and mold to me." Izuku shuddered and nipped Katsuki, one more hard thrust had him silently screaming, spasming and squeezing around both his tops as he saw white.

Shoto turned them, pushing them all down to the bed as he started thrusting through Izuku's orgasm hard enough to stimulate Katsuki. He then pulled out of Izuku's ass, braced the boy's hips, and pushed into the juicy, engorged cunt, rubbing on Katsuki's cock too.

Izuku felt so stuffed as his pussy was pushed to its limit. They moved their hips so he wouldn't come down as they kissed over his shoulder and decided their sides.

Izuku's canal was so sensitive. He could feel the veins pulsing in Shoto's cock and the smooth, tight surface of a knot near his clit. Suddenly, Shoto pulled back and thrust roughly. His quick pace brought both to climax in minutes. Shoto kissed Izuku's ear. "I'm gonna cum, baby. Do you want our marks?"

Izuku could only nod slightly before a hot load filled his womb. "Baby!" Shoto bit his shoulder, allowing the milky venom to flow into the soft fat below Izuku's skin before he pulled out of their mate and let Katsuki do the rest.

Katsuki rolled the panting boy over, his body already starting to flush from the beta's venom, and started pounding his cock into the pretty little pussy. He yelled and growled as his knot filled and just before the last thrust to push his knot in, he kissed Izuku hard. Once his knot was locked in Izuku's greedy cunt, stuffing it with hot, virile cum, he felt Izuku cum around him, silent screams swallowed by hungry lips and a tongue tasting the sweetest morning breath and breakfast he ever tasted.

Katsuki nosed down Izuku's jaw and neck, to the crook of his neck where a lump of flesh stood, shiny with scented oils. He felt out the gland, lined his teeth up, and bit. Izuku spasmed and eased as hormones put his mind in a state of zen and euphoria. The venoms would do their work while keeping the omega in a state of float, so it was time to let his knot deflate and get Izuku to the bath Shoto was starting for them all.

They took turns cleaning Izuku and each other before wrapping Izuku in his nesting blankets and cuddling him. It was dinner time before Izuku awoke, panicky. He found his underwear and walked out to his mates, wobbly and unsure of his new, loose hips. The two noticed him from finishing up Valentine's dinner as he steadied himself on the doorway.

"Junebug! You could stay in bed. We'd bring it to you and eat with our beautiful mate." Shoto moves over to care for Izuku, scooping the boy into his arms. "What's up, Juni?"

Izuku looked at his tummy and rubbed the bottom where his chub met his pelvis. 'Don't wanna be pregnant.' He looks up at Shoto, scared.

"You have birth control in your arm, baby. You shouldn't be pregnant, but we'll get you a pill and you can test in a few weeks. We won't let you go through it alone, now or in the future, if you do get pregnant though." Shoto gently kissed Izuku and let the smaller male feel his strong love before carrying him back to the bed he nested in.

Flowers were set up at their three man table, candles lit, and soft instrumental music played while they ate. Shoto and Katsuki did what they could to make Izuku feel as pampered as possible as his mates that Valentine's and every day after. He was the world's gift to them and he needed to know it.

Thank you for joining me for this series of messy stories. I had fun writing them these last two weeks.

Izuku deserves his mates and the softest care.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Roxanna_Agrestecreators' thoughts