
Gray Wolf And White Wolf

Mateo, a fearsome assassin, died. He reincarnated in another world and transformed into a rugged gray-blue wolf, Mateo fate intertwines with Landon, a captivating white wolf possessing an air of regal mystery. As they navigate this mystical landscape, a unique connection blossoms between them, transcending the boundaries of species. Amidst the challenges of survival and secrets waiting to be unveiled, Mateo and Landon relationship deepens, evolving into a bond of trust and unexpected affection. Their enthralling story explores the enigma of love that transcends forms, forging a romance as captivating and enduring as the moonlit night.

Peerless_CucumberX · LGBT+
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43 Chs

Eagleblade Arachnox

The Eagleblade Arachnox's gleaming obsidian exoskeleton was adorned with intricate patterns of iridescent blue and violet, shimmering in the dappled sunlight of its forest habitat. Its legs moved with a deadly grace, each step accompanied by a faint rustle of leaves and twigs. The creature's eerie call echoed through the woods, a haunting blend of a bird's screech and a spider's hiss.

Its powerful venomous bite contained a neurotoxin that paralyzed its prey, allowing the Arachnox to inject its digestive enzymes and liquefy its victim's insides before sucking them out through its needle-like fangs. Its compound eyes provided a 360-degree view of its surroundings, while its eagle-like head possessed keen vision that could spot the tiniest movements from afar.

Despite its fearsome appearance and deadly abilities, the Eagleblade Arachnox played a crucial role in the ecosystem by controlling populations of smaller creatures and maintaining a delicate balance in its habitat.

The pitch-black group of Eagleblade Arachnoxs moved with a synchronized rhythm, their eight legs creating an eerie symphony of rustling leaves as they advanced through the dense undergrowth. Their movements were as calculated as they were deadly, a testament to their well-honed hunting instincts.

The caravan, comprised of merchants and travelers, was on a treacherous journey through the heart of the Arachnox's territory. Strapped with supplies and weapons, the caravan had only them and three novice swordsmen among its members. Their anxious eyes darted between the looming shadows of the trees and the eerie glint of the Arachnoxs' eyes, their tension palpable in the air.

The Arachnoxs' presence cast a heavy weight on the group, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked nearby. The swordsmen gripped their weapons tightly, their hands clammy with a mixture of fear and determination. Each step they took was measured, every rustle of leaves sending a jolt of adrenaline through their veins.

As the caravan pressed forward, the tension grew, mingling with the faint scent of damp earth and the distant hum of unseen insects. The swordsmen exchanged nervous glances, silently acknowledging the uncertain fate that awaited them. It wasn't guaranteed that everyone would make it out alive, and the realization hung in the air like a storm cloud ready to burst.

Alderman produced his staff, while Mateo's hand rested on Scarlet Abyss Blade, poised to strike at any moment. Only Landon seemed nonchalant.

The leader of the Eagleblade Arachnoxs let out a roar, and the spiders from all sides charged forward.

Mateo leaped onto one of the Eagleblade Arachnoxs, driving Scarlet Abyss Blade into its back. With a forceful slash, the spider emitted a sharp shriek, struggling to dislodge Mateo. With a cold sneer, Mateo infused the blade with the power of wind, causing it to explode within the spider's body, reducing it to fragments. Mateo jumped back, making sure to claim the magic core.

Using magic openly wasn't feasible, Mateo thought as he drove Scarlet Abyss Blade into another spider.

Landon's hands transformed into wolf-like claws, tearing through the Eagleblade Arachnoxs as if they were playthings. After a while, seemingly bored, he casually picked up a sword from the ground and displayed his swordsmanship with grace. Any spider near him perished with a single swing.

Alderman summoned several explosive fireballs toward the encircling Eagleblade Arachnoxs. Those that survived were met with an intermediate-level Flamethrower, spraying out like a water gun. The once resilient spiders succumbed to the flames.

Frowning, Alderman noticed that there were still many Eagleblade Arachnoxs, and he feared his mental energy would deplete soon.

Unaware of the approaching Eagleblade Arachnox behind him, Alderman's realization came too late.

In the nick of time, Mateo leaped and used the wind-infused Scarlet Abyss Blade to slice through the spider's abdomen. The spider collapsed to the ground before it could even emit a cry.

Alderman, still shaken, thanked Mateo. Mateo nodded slightly, and Scarlet Abyss Blade impaled another prey.

With narrowed eyes stained red from the kill, Mateo felt a rush of satisfaction welling up within him. The scent of blood unleashed his primal instincts and the suppressed desire for slaughter.

Landon noticed Mateo's condition and furrowed his brows slightly. He reached out and grabbed Mateo's hand, prompting a low growl from Mateo as he stared at Landon with narrowed, needle-like pupils.

Landon released a bit of pressure to help Mateo regain his composure and advised him, "Don't get carried away in battle. Capture the leader before dealing with the minions." Mateo's gaze cleared, understanding Landon's intent.

The Eagleblade Arachnoxs were a colony of magical beasts, and among them was a queen. Killing her would throw the rest of the spiders into disarray.

"I'll distract the guards around it," Landon said, leaping onto a tree to bypass the creatures below and reaching the Eagleblade Arachnox queen directly. Mateo followed his steps, jumping from the tree onto the queen's back. However, the queen, much larger than the regular spiders, swayed, almost causing Mateo to fall off.

Seeing that nobody was paying attention to them, Mateo employed wind magic, using an invisible breeze to bind the Eagleblade Arachnox queen. Scarlet Abyss Blade then ended its life.

With the death of the queen, the other Eagleblade Arachnoxs became chaotic, slowly retreating into the depths of the forest. Seeing this, everyone heaved a sigh of relief and tended to their wounds and tidied up.

Mateo stored the magic core of the Eagleblade Arachnox queen. Landon discarded the sword he had picked up and advised Mateo, "Use magic-less in the future. You might become reliant on it." Mateo blinked, and nodded in agreement; he knew Landon was right, but the convenience of magic had made him forget about this.

As Landon passed by him, Mateo whispered softly, "Thanks." Landon ears twitched but he didn't respond.

The two returned to the camp, where Alderman approached them again to express his gratitude and extend an invitation, "How about visiting our mercenary group headquarters after the mission?" After this encounter, Alderman had come to consider Mateo and Landon as friends.

Landon nodded in acceptance.

Concerned about another potential attack by the Eagleblade Arachnoxs, the caravan departed during the night.