
Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Alexander Maxim Universe, A kind old man, a war veteran, the most renowned scientist in the world. After a life full of hardship Alexander finally completes his promise to his dead wife. He made a super-effective medicine for cancer. But his kindness was greeted with ugly politics and betrayal from his loved ones. However, something different awaited him on the other side. ... After his death, due to unknowingly saving the lives of billions of people, God adopted him as his son and gave him the job to purify the multiverse from sin. From that day onwards, Angels and demons called him the God's Advocate. "My son, enjoy yourself while working, okay!. I don't want you to get bored from your job like Jesus. Damn, I miss Jesus, why did I send him there" ***Warning - No Harem, Extremely OP protagonist, more of a slice of life story.*** ___________________________ 2 Chapters daily [1st major world - Harry potter. Will not strictly follow the canon - Chapter 4-45] [2nd major world - Game of thrones - Chapter 47-105] [3rd major world - Marvel - 107 - 228] [4th major world - One Piece - 229 - 300] [5th mini-world - Star Wars - 302 - 329] [6th major world - Naruto - 330 - 402] [7th major world - Avatar: The Last Airbender - 406 - 452] [8th major world - Bleach - 460 -492] [9th major world - My Hero Academia - 493 -528] [10th major world - Full Metal Alchemist Bro. - 529 -584] [11th major world - Dragon Ball - 595 - 663] [12th Final Arc - DC world - 663 - 704] ____________________________ I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction. ____________________________ For advance chapters- www.patreon.com/misterimmortal Check out my other fics if you like this one by going into my profile. Thank You.

MisterImmortal · Derivados de obras
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704 Chs

138. Ronan the Loser

Alexander appeared near a blockbuster while being invisible. In front of him, Nick Fury and soon to be Captain Marvel were talking. Alexander was seriously astonished by the genetics of this world. People don't die when they fall into a radioactive pool, they get superpowers.

Same with Captain Marvel. If she had normal genes then she would have died back at the blast of light speed engine. But still, even though she claimed to be very strong, it was Tony who had to sacrifice himself in the end. Tony, an ordinary human with just a metal suit and a good brain.

To be honest, Alexander was just there because he was bored. He was also interested in the Kree warships that Ronan the Accuser would bring. His plan was simple. He'd try his Super Star Destroyer on Ronan's ships and see how much more he needed to upgrade his guns.

The things unfolded just like in the movies and it brought them to the ending. Captain Marvel, Talos, Fury, and her retired pilot best friend who left her daughter to have some life-threatening adventures in an Earth aircraft that the Skrulls magically made space flight achievable, went to Mar vell's lab.

He followed them behind. Alexander was really interested in the alien cat with an extra-dimensional belly.

Soon, Captain Marvel fell to the Earth while conveniently activating her powers and Ronan also appeared.


Ronan was happy that he found the means to make a light speed engine and came to Earth. He was actually a Rebel of the Kree empire, but he had too much influence so no one could ever do anything to him.

*Beep Beep*

Ronan's ship started to make warning noises.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Sir, we are being locked by an enemy ship. But we can't see it on the Radar," the Commander spoke.

Then suddenly, a humongous ship appeared in front of his fleet of 4 warships. The enemy ship was so big that his 4 warships looked puny in front of it.

"Who are they? I've never seen a ship like that. Keep the shields at full." He ordered.

"Who are you? And why are you interfering with Kree's business?" Ronan arrogantly asked.

Alexander didn't reply. Ghost sent a holographic image of mid finger to Ronan before unloading weapons on one of his warships.

Easy to say, the ship got destroyed like a sandcastle in a Tsunami.

Ronan looked confused with the situation, "What do you want? We know you aren't from this planet. This planet is too primitive for such technology."

By that time, Captain Marvel had already killed Yon-Rogg. She flew back into space to see why the Kree ships haven't attacked yet. She was surprised to find that there was a different kind of standoff going on. Or it was more like a daylight robbery.

"If you want to go back alive then leave your three ships. I'll give you one minute to decide. After that, I will fire on you all." A text message appeared in front of Ronan.


Captain Marvel flew to the giant white ship. Surprisingly the gate opened to let her in. She walked in and found the ship empty. Then she followed the arrow lights to the control room. Which looked more like the living room of some rich man. There was music and food. Alexander and Howard were drinking and eating.

"Who are you?" She asked in confusion.

"Oh, I thought my face was already popular throughout the Universe." Alexander sadly replied.

Captain Marvel suddenly recognized. "Y-You are the Old Savior, Emperor Universe."

"Haha, spot on. By the way, I am Howard, an Earthling. What about you? What's with the dressup?" Howard asked.

"Oh, no nothing, these are my work clothes. I came to check up on the Kree ships." She answered. She knew asking for a reason to the Old Savior was stupid. There was no head or tail to what and when the Old Savior does something.

"Then you should enjoy some good food and drinks before they surrender. This old man here wants their ships so he told them to leave behind all but Ronan's ship." Howard explained.

~What is this? An extortion racket?~ she thought.

"By why don't you kill him, Old Savior?" She asked.

"Well, child. It's simply not the right time to kill him. It would disrupt time and space. I wouldn't kill him unless I am sure that this and that other timeline aren't connected."

"WHAT?" She sounded confused.

"Ah, it's time and space mumbo jumbo. You won't understand. In any case, the Krees aren't your problem for now. What are you going to do?" Alexander inquired.

"I am going to help the Skrulls find a new homeworld." She replied.

"Alright, sure. Go ahead."

Captain Marvel simply left after that interaction. She returned back to Earth to tell Fury about the 3rd party in the space.


Ronan the Accuser was feeling rage at that moment. He felt helpless too. The enemy had been keeping a constant lock on them. He threw some tantrums here and there too.

"Alright, we will leave our ships." He made a decision. Unknown to him that he'd be a laughing stock of the universe soon.

He quickly gathered all his men and left the Earth's space.


"Hahaha look at his face." Howard hysterically laughed seeing Ronan throwing tantrums.

"Ghost, upload this video anonymously to the free Nova network," Alexander ordered.

"On it, Sir."

"Alright, let's put these spare ships in the pocket and leave." He said and got to work.



Captain Marvel was reporting everything to Fury as he needed to make a report.

"So you're saying that there was another ship there that SCARED away the already 4 GIANT ASS SHIPS?" Fury spoke in disbelief.

"Yes, in fact, it was the biggest ship I've ever seen. But considering who it belonged to, it wasn't that big. He actually has a ship that can become as big as the sun or as small as a softball." She revealed like it was common knowledge.

Fury's jaw was touching the floor by then, "W-Who is this person?"

"Oh, you don't have to be paranoid about him. Chances are, you'd never meet him. His official name is Emperor Universe but he's more famous by the name of Old Savior. He protects different planets from threats. He's a good man, Fury." She revealed.

"Emperor? Are there fuck*ng empires in space?" He asked.

"Oh yes, there are many. Some are even more than a million years old." She responded.

Fury lost his balance and took the support of the nearby wall.

"We are ants compared to the world out there." He said in horror.

"Actually, they consider this planet primitive. Just as humans consider cave dwellers primitive." Her words didn't really help his anxiety.

"Motherf*cker... I'll... I'll have to work harder then, I guess." He motivated himself.

"Yes, but good for you, the Kree will probably not come here again. I'll be taking the Skrulls with me. By the way, take this. This is a universal transmitter. If someday you are under great threat, use it. I'll try to come as soon as possible." She handed him the clock like thing.

"It's goodbye then. It was nice meeting you." Fury gave her a hug.

"It was, Fury. Okay, bye then." She flew away.

A few days later, Fury wrote a proposal for the Avengers Initiative and also added Old Savior as a possible ally. He didn't write down all the knowledge about the space though, as he knew that it would cause too much trouble.


Ronan returned to Kree Homeworld, Hala, with his one remaining ship. But for some reason, all the people who saw him tried to hold their laugh. He didn't know what could cause such unrest among the Kree.

That was until he reached his home. Where he found that his video was circulating around the Universe. His pathetic defeat had become a means of entertainment.

~I must find whoever owns that ship and kill them.~ he cursed. Something very rare among the Kree as most of them had given up on their emotions.


Nova Empire.

It was widely known that Ronan was the biggest hater of the Nova Empire. So when the video reached them, they left no place to publicize it around the empire.

It gave people a weird sense of security, that those they considered scary could also be humiliated in such a way.

Nova Prime was hosting a big party to further shame Ronan.

Ronan's new name also name became famous due to the event, now people called him Ronan the Loser throughout the space.

While all this was happening, Alexander was happily spending some quality family time. Leo had started walking and speaking. Alexander was nervous thinking that the child would call him Grandpa too. But something else came out of his mouth.

"Dada" Leo called while walking to Alexander.

It surely felt like papa or dad but due to Alexander's cursed knowledge, he knew that Dada meant Grandfather in Hindi. So one way or another, he was still Grandpa Universe.

[You can see Super Star Destroyer on Illustration channel of my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


30 Advance chapters are available on - patr-eon.com/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *GOD, MATTERS!*, *Joakim Jönsson* and *Conrad*.

Thank you for your support!