
GOT:The Stallion Who Mounts The World

What if Dany wasn’t the first Khaleesi with blood of the Dragon in her veins and what if her child survived? __________________________________________ Mc will be about 5 years older than Dany. Mc-will be half Dothraki half Dragon. What Khal doesn’t have multiple wives? Yes he will have 2-5 1 dany. 2 Margaery Tyrell. ??? Warning-mc will be dark, he is born half Dothraki so he will do everything the Dothraki do.

Mythical_One · TV
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

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Ok so people are complaining because "I don't know what I'm talking about."

Yes I have no clue on how big the dragons actually were I have looked it up and did my research but every time I do I find something different so I don't know what to go off of anymore.

So I will just use this picture as a representation of the dragon sizes.


Keep in mind we will say Belarion is about 70 meters.

Grimm will be about 100 meters give or take 10.

If you look closely at this picture under Danys three dragons you will see it says ADWD (A dance with dragons.) {can the person the explained it in the first chp please explain it again} that means when Dany was taken by Drogon during the fight with the sons of the harpy that was Drogons size.

I think ^

Does that make sense?


Somewhere outside of Pentos.

[Daenerys POV.]

I look around and see the Khalasar, I do not know where we are you going I am just along for the ride at this point.

As I am thinking to myself the man named Ser Jorah Mormont rides up to me.

"You need to drink, child… and eat." Jorah says while reaching into his satchel and pulling out some meat which I already know is Horse meat.

"Isn't there anything else?" I ask not wanting to eat horse.

"The Dothraki have two things in abundance, grass and horses, People can't live on grass." Jorah says.

I take a bite of the meat and I can tell I look visibly disgusted.

"The shadow lands beyond Asshai, they say there are fields of ghost grass, with stalks as pale as milk that glow in the night. Murders all other grass. The Dothraki believe that one day it will cover everything. That's the way the world will end." Ser Jorah says while looking at me. Out of the corner of my eye I see Khal Rollo ride forward I start to watch him nervously.

See Jorah notices I am distracted and follows my line of sight.

"It'll get easier." Jorah says as I look at him, without answering him I start to ride with the Khalasar.

After riding for a couple more hours, what really felt like days, we finally start to make camp, my hands have started to blister, they hurt so bad I can't grip anything.

Jorah must have seen me struggling because he rushes to my side and helps me off of my horse.

Once he sets me down Doreah, Irri and Jhiqui, quickly start to tend to my hands while bringing me to Khal Rollo's tent.

As we walk inside I notice he is not here yet.

They set me down and start to apply some sort of medicine to my hands.

While they touch my hands I start to remember the Three dragons that Rollo allowed me to name.

Rhaegal, Viserion, and Veleana, I named the two male Dragons after my brothers and I named the only female after Valaena Velaryon, or in other words Aegon the conquers mother. I start to feel sad remembering my dragons.


"NOO!" I scream surprising myself, I watch as Rollo places the baby dragons on the back of Grimm.

*SCREECH* sounds of baby dragons crying.

"Y-You can't take them" I say nervously on the verge of crying with everyone looking at me even Grimm is staring at me.

I once again hear my dragons cry, I start to feel a pain in my chest. I put my hand over my chest and wince in pain, I was about to start crying when I feel a strong hand on my cheek.

I look up and see Rollo staring down at me with worry on his face.

{My King the bond has already been formed between mother and child.}

After hearing that Rollo looks at me and starts to speak in Valyrian.

"Would you like to say goodbye?" he asks and for the first time in 1 moon he actually shows some sort of compassion.

"P-Please?" I ask.

He steps forward and places his hands on my hips and in one fluent motion lifts me in the air and onto the back of Grimm, as soon as I am on Grimms back the three baby Dragons quickly make their way to me.

"D-Do they have to go?" I ask as I feel tears start to fall down my face at the thought of leaving my dragons even for a second.

"Yes, Grimm will take them to the birth place of all Dragons, there they will learn what being a Dragon truly means, when they are ready Grimm will bring them back." Rollo says while wiping a tear that fell.

"W-Why can't he teach them here?" I ask.

"Your family has more enemies than even I do, I may be strong, I may have an army and I may have a dragon, but if someone wanted to they could walk in and easily kill your dragons, they are to weak." Rollo said in perfect Valyrian.

{My Queen, your Baby's will be under my protection, no harm will come to them.} Grimm says, I look back at Rhaegal in my arms and can't help but squeeze him.

After I did the same with Viserion and Veleana, Rollo grabs me by the waist and lifts me off Grimms back.

"Keep them safe." Rollo says while running his hand along side Grimms massive head.

Without answering Grimm leans forward and with one massive flap he launched himself in the air.

I hear one last cry before they are to far gone, I extend my arm reaching for my Dragon

"They will be fine." I hear Rollo say before he walks away.

[Flashback end.]

"H-Have you ever seen a Dragon?" I ask the handmaidens my brother gave me.

"Dragons gone Khaleesi, Rollo has claimed the last dragon for himself, when he found you he gave you three baby dragons as a gift to you." Irri says.

"It is known" Irri and Jhiqui say together.

It was silent until Doreah started to speak.

"A trader from Qarth once told me that Dragons came from the moon." Doreah says.

"The moon?" I ask surprised.

"He told me the moon was an egg Khaleesi. That once there was two moons in the sky. But one wondered to close to the sun and cracked from the heat. Out of it poured a thousand, thousand Dragons and they drank the sun's fire." Doreah says I hear Irri start to laugh to my left.

"Moon is no egg, Moon is goddess wife of sun." Irri says.

"It is known." Irri and Jhiqui say together.

I decide I want to hear more from Doreah so I ask Irri and Jhiqui to leave.

"Why did the trader from Qarth tell you these stories?" I ask.

"Men like to talk when their happy." Doreah says while wrapping a bandage around my hand.

"Before your brother bought me for you it was my job to make men happy." she says.

"H-How old were you?" I ask.

"I was nine when my mother sold me to the pleasure house." she says.

"Nine?" I ask shocked.

"*laugh* I did not touch a man for three years Khaleesi. First you must learn." she says with a smile, while I have a thought go through my head.

"C-Can you teach me how to make the Khal... happy?" I ask, I can see that she is now grinning at me.

"Yes." she answers.

"Will it take three years?" I ask.

She looks me up and down with a smirk on her face.

"No." she says smiling.

To be continued.

Where did Grimm take the baby Dragons?


francis ngannou as one of Rollos blood riders?

He would become a main side character.





Give me your stones please.