
GoT: The Black Wolf of Winterfell

Barthogan Stark, called Black Barth, Second Son of Lord Rickard Stark, Elder Twin Brother of Eddard Stark, and Reincarnated soul unlike any other. Sunday 26th September 2021: Barthogan's saga has almost been sung, but the story of His Son Cregan I Blackstark and his Siblings Steffon, Cassana, and Josephine have yet to be written and sung.

Theragfromthecrag · Derivados de obras
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38 Chs

8: Lord and Lady Blackstark Part 2 (3rd times the charm)

(Blackstark Bay, The North, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Barthogan Stark POV)


Barthogan Stark rode into Blackstark Bay with Two Hundred Men-At-Arms each heavily armed and equipped with the finest gear and possessed of a veterans focus.

They swung Swords and spears against the Ironborn as they tried to attack.

Barthogan dismounted and swung his Longsword with reckless abandonment tempered with precision cuts and slashes that left his enemies dead.

Carving a bloody path to the Bone Hand Banners of House Drumm.

''If it isn't the Wolf Pup, your head will make a fine betrothed gift.'' Says Dustan Drumm Red Rain in hand as he clashes steel against Valyrian Steel. The Sudden appearance of a man wielding Two Axes forces Barthogan to draw his second blade and split his focus.

''I am Victarion Greyjoy, son of Lord Quellon, Brother to Lady Dalla, and you shall pay for scorning her!'' Says Victarion.

''Fuck you.'' Says Barthogan as he swaps his weapons to different hands as he'll need a Longsword to keep Victarion at bay.


(POV Shift: Dustan Drumm)


Barthogan Blackstark was skilled, Dustan was man enough to recognize that, but the boy was arrogant, and that was going to cost him. Dustan watched for the moment, which came within the fraction of the seconds that his eyes shifted to Victarion. Dustan pounced on that opportunity to try cutting him but in desperation of not losing to Dustan, Barthogan grips it with his hand, which sliced through and would have taken off at least two fingers from his Sword Hand were it not for the fact the special Alloy he had given to House Flint was the chief metal in the Under Armor beneath his Plate and Leathers, while Victarion landed his Axes into Stark's ribs, breaking a few as a result of impact more than anything else, thankfully they were not from a Valyrian Steel Axe that had Magic Enchantments or Enhancements, since that was probably enough to bypass the Alloy, though probably not cause anything Fatal, but would go deep enough to potentially be dangerous.


(POV Shift: Victarion Greyjoy)


''Arrogant as a Lannister.'' Dustan sneers, getting ready to land a decapitation strike before a loud War Horn briefly drew his attention allowing Barthogan to throw sand into Dustan's eyes before returning the favor by burying his sword into Dustan's chest. Victarion rushes forward and manages to land glancing strikes against the Battered Stark's body before knocking his sword from his hand, but this allows Barthogan to seize and opportunity to try and gouge out Victarion's eye...

Fending him off from fully gouging out his eye, Barthogan manages damage it at least.

"Crafty little fucker!" Victarion grins excitedly. The Little Wolf's arrogance had cost him valuable Stamina and Endurance. The fact that Blackstark felt the need to fight dirty was exciting, it smelled of fear. Perhaps this little pup would make a fine offering to the Drowned God after all?!

This thought is taken out of his immediate thoughts when he hears a shout of Retreat. Turning his head, he see's many of his many countrymen fleeing, and as he surveys why, it becomes obvious, a hundred different Soldiers are riding in from ten different directions. This was a no contest, but at least he avenged his Sister's Honor.

"Till next time Little Pup." Victarion smirks as he flees. But a Sword is thrust through his back, not lethally, but enough to cause him extreme discomfort in his later years at Pyke or at Sea.


(POV Shift: Barthogan Stark)


Barthogan struggled to stand up, he gingerly picked up Red Rain from the Fallen Drumm's corpse.

''Red Rain vs Night King? No, no I need something better.'' Barthogan mutters quietly as he devises a plan to Acquire more Valyrian Steel Weapons for use against The future threat of the White Walkers. The More Blades or Amount of Steel that can be forged into Weapons the better off the North would be.

Speaking of which, A certain pedophile had to die.....


(POV Shift: Brandon Stark)


Brandon looked at the countless bodies of Ironborn laid to rest along the Shore Line. About two thirds of the Corpses appeared to be Ironborn, the remainder was mostly peasants and a precious few Northern Soldiers.

Riding up to his Brother, whose distinctive Black Plate glistened with Sweat, Blood, Mud, and Seawater. Brandon noticed that he held a Valyrian Steel Blade in his hands. A Valyrian Steel Blade with a distinctive Red Tint in it's colouration.

''Your late Brandon, but you saved me the time and effort of hunting your ass down.'' Says Barthogan without turning around.

''Is that anyway to treat your Elder Brother?'' Asks Brandon lightly, but when Barthogan Raises his hand and closes it into a fist Brandon is forced to his knees by Barthogan's troops.

''You are not my brother right now, because the Brandon I call brother, has never been so reckless as to fuck the daughter of his younger Brothers chief Bannerman, and then fuck off down south to secure a marriage to Riverrun. Do you have any idea the bullshit that I now have to wade through because of your actions?'' Asks Barthogan turning around at last.

''Barthogan, that's enough.'' Says Their Father riding up.

''Let him go.'' Barthogan instructs his men.

''I expect a formal and public apology to House Ryswell, and Lady Barbrey specifically. Anything short of that will mean I ride down to Riverrun myself to Lady Catelyn of your Premarital infidelity.'' Barthogan says.

''That's not your call to make son.'' Says Rickard.

''Isn't it? Rodrik Ryswell is more than just my Bannerman Father, he's my friend. As The Lord of Moat Cailin I control the only Major Trade Routes into the North itself. Furthermore it's my genius as you once said, that the North Isn't the frigid nightmare it once was. Because of what I have created we have the Largest Army and Navy in Westeros. Cassandra Will mother my Children giving House Stark a direct blood tie to House Targaryen through my children. I know that you want me to help Brandon, but the question is why I should? I can't help him if he is going to make a habit of taking the Maidenhead of My Bannermen's Daughters. If he keeps that up, Not only does he piss off me and my Bannermen, but he offends House Tully. So here's what will happen, Brandon will apologize formally and publicly to House Ryswell and Lady Barbrey, and if he dares to do this after his marriage to Lady Catelyn, I will Geld him myself.'' Says Barthogan.

''Brandon? You will make amends to House Ryswell, as well as Lady Barbrey. As for gelding, that won't happen, but if you threaten the alliance with House Tully or cause this issue for Your Brother again, I'll reconsider the Succession.'' Rickard decides.

''Yes, Father.'' Says Brandon, knowing better than to publicly protest against his father's decision.

''If You'll excuse me, I have an important issue to deal with.'' Says Barthogan.

Once Barthogan leaves, his Father turns to regard him.

''Barthogan wasn't wrong Brandon, everything we have now is because of him. If you continue to cause issues like this, it'll leave me very few choices. But those choices aside, I don't want to die knowing that Ned, Lyanna, and Benjen will need to pick a brother to side with, so please mend it.'' Father pleads.


(POV Shift: Barthogan Stark)


Barthogan felt alot of pressure vacate his body after going off at his Father and Brandon. But contrary to what he said he actually had more than one pressing issue to see to.

First was the Matter of Marrying Cassandra, then there was the matter of figuring out where House Drumm got the Balls to so blatantly attack him and his people. Thirdly was the matter of setting a few ground rules with an Old Lion, and the Fourth matter was obviously the death of a certain Pedophile not with his armor's weight in shit, and he did actually mean Shit specifically, because the guy wasn't worth a single copper piece.

Now the Pedophile in question could potentially be killed using the Wedding as the means to ensure his death or gelding before he becomes the Black Stain in an almost otherwise unblemished White.

Also setting up the ground rules with Tywin Lannister could be accomplished in the same manner. Assuming that the Old Lion came. Barthogan also wished to strengthen his Banners and his own strength. Wyman's son Wyllis was unwed, and one of Barthogan's former suitors was too, perhaps they could unite and then a match with Lady Wylla or Wynafryd to a Son of House Blackstark? It was food for thought at least.


(Time-skip: Two Months Later)


In just two short months, the wedding of Barthogan Blackstark and Cassandra Baratheon was almost ready to begin

I pray this is somewhat better

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