
GoT: The Black Wolf of Winterfell

Barthogan Stark, called Black Barth, Second Son of Lord Rickard Stark, Elder Twin Brother of Eddard Stark, and Reincarnated soul unlike any other. Sunday 26th September 2021: Barthogan's saga has almost been sung, but the story of His Son Cregan I Blackstark and his Siblings Steffon, Cassana, and Josephine have yet to be written and sung.

Theragfromthecrag · Book&Literature
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7: Lord and Lady Blackstark Part 1

(Moat Cailin, The Causeway, The Neck, The North, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Barthogan Stark POV)


Barthogan Stark and Cassandra Baratheon were arm in arm walking through the Moat's Courtyard observing the Soldiers Training as they passed by on their walk through the Castle.

Barthogan was giving her the tour of the Castle's Grounds. She had arrived after a mourning Period of Three Months, or as she put it, becoming fed up with her brother's behavior.

''As you can see we put our Men through harsh and Rigorous Training that tests them Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally. They train day and night, regardless of weather or Terrain, just like our Horses. Our future children shall require only the best after all, Dearest Cassandra.'' Says Barthogan as he palms her cheek with his unoccupied hand.

''Barth.'' Cassandra Says with a light blush from embarrassment at such a public display of affection. She however doesn't shy away from his touch as most Blushing Maidens would have.

''My Lord, My Lady, a Raven from Lord Ryswell.'' Says a young Maester Luwin.

''And what does that Old War Horse wish from us?'' Says Barthogan, who despite knowing of Rodrik's future transgressions in Cannon, became a frequent Hunting Partner of Barth's. The two rode through the Rills together often, hunting prey together and sharing a hearty drink and a warm meal over a roaring fire.

''Your brother, Lord Brandon has deflowered Lord Rodrik's Daughter Lady Barbrey and Lord Rodrik requests that Lord Brandon marry her in order to preserve Lady Barbrey's Honor.'' Says Luwin.

''Send a Raven to Winterfell informing my Father of Brandon's actions and that if he won't make Brandon accountable, then I will, and Brandon won't like how I do it.'' Says Barthogan, before turning to his Guard-Captain. ''Send A Dozen Men to Winterfell, if my Father refuses to make Brandon accountable their orders are to forcefully apprehend my brother and to take him before Lord Rodrik.'' Says Barthogan, before A Rider arrives.

''Lord Blackstark, Lord Dustin bid me to inform you of Ironborn Ships landing at Blackstark Bay.'' Says the Rider.

''What? How did the bypass the Chain? No, never Mind. Let's Mount up, we got Krakens to gut!'' Barthogan shouts loudly. ''Cassandra Take fifty men and ride to House Dustin, I'll lead Two Hundred Swords to the Bay and distract them. Maester Luwin, send a Raven to Winterfell and White Harbor, asking for aid. Captain send Riders to every one of Moat Cailin's Bannermen, keep a Force of Five Hundred Men behind to Guard the Causeway, but send the remainder out throughout our Lands to stop this treason!'' Barthogan instructs before mounting his Horse, and riding off after acquiring his Bow and Quiver.


As Barthogan rode with his men, he was wracking his brain for any clues as to while The Ironborn would raid him now. Lord Quellon was probably the best of the Bunch, and his only real problem was the conceiving and subsequent birthing of Euron ''Crow's-Eye'' Greyjoy.

Euron was a piece of Work, and the TV Series under-sold his cruelty if anything. In True ASOIAF Cannon he sexually abused and bullied Aeron and killed two other brothers who Barthogan believes were either still in the Cradle or just out of it.

But Why would the Ironborn raid him and his Banners specifically, the most obvious answer was because he selected Cassandra as his intended bride over Lord Quellon's Daughter, but that was over a decade past and Quellon wasn't this type of person in any case. Best he could figure was someone was paying the Ironborn a considerable sum to either test and probe his Defenses hoping to find out the secrets to his products that only the North produced, or they using it to distract him from a larger plan at hand....But What?

None of this made any fucking sense.


(Bone Hand, Blackstark Bay, The North, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(POV Shift: Dustan Drumm)


Dustan Drumm was in the North for one reason and one reason only, to de-fang and de-claw Lord Blackstark and deliver his head to the She-Kraken he scorned for a gutless Doe. If he brought the man's head he'd have a Bride worthy of being his Rock Wife.

But Barthogan Blackstark was no lowly Northern Dog. He'd spent considerable effort building up a Northern Fleet. Many hundreds if not thousands of Smallfolk had flocked to Blackstark Bay in order to Serv The Black Wolf. The Black Wolf enlisted them into his growing Navy. The North boasted the Largest and Strongest Navy now, and word was that Lord Rickard was looking to capitalize on His Eldest Son's Betrothal's to the Tully and Baratheon Heiress's respectively by betrothing his Daughter to Elbert Arryn and His Younger Son Eddard to Ashara Dayne.

Much of The Northern Fleet was away presently which made Blackstark Bay a far more appealing time and place for a raid. Lord Quellon didn't permit this, but he didn't say no either, which was why The Old Krakens Middle Son Victarion accompanied him, as he too wanted a piece of The North's Black Wolf of Winterfell.

And if they got to rape his betrothed along the way all the more reason to do it.

Tywin Lannister's offer was merely a useful means of escaping the potential action of a furioud Northern Retaliation. Dustan didn't fear anything, but Lord Quellon would geld him if he brought the Furious Northern Army down upon the Islands they called home. No Cock means no Rock Wife. No Rock Wife means no Fun. And No Fun means No Children of Salt and Rock.

With Red Rain in hand, The Skinning of the Black Wolf of Winterfell was ready to begin....

This will help set the stage for two things, a Similar Showdown between Barthogan and Dustan as it was with Gerold and Dustan, but more importantly a future Showdown with Victarion Greyjoy. It will also help cement the relationship between Cassandra and Barthogan as of next Chapter. See you soon.

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