
18: Trial by The Trident Part 2

(The Trident, The Riverlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Cassandra Blackstark POV)


Barthogan wanted to toy with Rhaegar, but Cassandra could take only so much before she forced things to change. Sending that instruction was difficult knowing how much Barthogan would not like the loss of control, but He'd forgive her. She had her ways.

Robert was already swinging his oversized anvil before they were clashing with the Loyalists. Ned was holding Ice in Hand, but unlike her Anvil-brained brother, her goodbrother wasn't actively swinging it wildly like one would swing a Dornish Spear to keep a circle of enemies at bay.

Cassandra was wielding her own Weapon, A large pole arm with a Curved Blade at the end. She was skilled in the use because Barthogan recommended it years ago as few would be prepared to combat a unique Weapon and the Technique needed to wield it.

Cassandra knew she was risking a lot doing this, a new Pup was forming in her belly, she wasn't in the stages where this would outwardly risk the child though, but even so the risk WAS still there.


(POV Shift: Barthogan Blackstark)


Barthogan and Rhaegar were still locked in their Duel, and as the Battle around them began to rage, the adrenaline and heat gained from it made them violently lash out against those who tried to interfere in the duel.

Barthogan was swarmed by The Kingsguard Knights accompanying Rhaegar, before Ned, Robert, Cassandra, Brynden, Mors, Alester, and Lyn Corbray rushed to his side.

''We Stand back-to-back, shoulder-to-shoulder. Lyn, take Lewyn Martell, Robert Ser Barristan is yours, Ned and Brynden you've got Ser Jonothor, Cassandra takes Lonmouth, Sarwyck and Westford will take Connington, but Rhaegar's Mine. Remember to try and spare the Kingsguard but leave nothing to chance.'' Says Barthogan before The Seven men and One Woman engaged their assigned Quarry.


(POV Shift: Randyl Tarly)


Watching both sides fight after a Duel of Honor was violated meant one thing, House Targaryen had no honor. The Arrow came from them, and Randyl while no Northerner valued Honor just as much as them.

''Men of The Reach! We fight for Honor! We Fight for King Barthogan Blackstark! We Fight....FOR WACH OTHER!! CHARGE!!!'' Randyl yells as the Reachmen charge to join the fray.

Looking among his fellows, Randyl see's Garth Hightower wielding The Hightower Ancestral Blade of Vigilance. A Longsword of Valyrian Steel. Garth was the only other Swordsman with a Valyrian Steel Blade on him besides Randyl himself who held The Fearsome Greatsword Heartsbane. The Two men led the Charge with Stannis Baratheon and Lester Morrigen trailing behind them, leading the Reinforcements from the Stormlands.


(POV Shift: Rhaegar Targaryen)


Rhaegar's blood was pumping as he and Barthogan exchanged blow for blow, leaving nothing held back. The sound of a War Horn tore his attention away and the smile brought forth by seeing Reach Reinforcements quickly evaporated when the Reachmen began attacking his Loyalists.

''Never take your eyes off an enemy dumb ass!!'' Barthogan shouted and Rhaegar turned in time to get the end of Red Rain knocking his Helm off.


(POV Shift: Cassandra Blackstark)


The Reach was making this Battle shorter and certainly sweeter, Lonmouth, Connington, and Barristan were wounded but alive, Ser Jonothor lay dead alongside Lewyn Martell, leaving Barthogan to finish Rhaegar.

Sending The others off to fight elsewhere, Cassandra decides to join her husband in his fight, and bring an end to the Reign of the Dragon King's....


(POV Shift: Barthogan Blackstark)


Growing tired from his fight, Barthogan was slightly relieved when Cassandra Chose to fight Rhaegar with him.

''Your my Husband's enemy, making you mine too! We will share the Victory of your death, and fuck amidst the Corpses of your family!'' Cassandra Said, which was a touch embarrassing to hear his Wife say out loud and amidst battle.

''So be it wife. If the God's command we die, we shall do so together, but we shall still win by taking Rhaegar down with us!'' Barthogan vows as He and Cassandra stand side-by-side and shoulder to shoulder.

It was at this point that Barthogan would have started playing the Song Soldiers by Otherwise, but such a song didn't exist here so the sounds of Battle would have to suffice for right now.

Stood together, Barthogan and Cassandra attacked and fought with scary battle awareness and compatibility, attacking Rhaegar before setting up the other's attack. It was a sight to behold to those watching, but for Barthogan, Cassandra, and Rhaegar it didn't matter. All that mattered was coming out on top alive...