
GoT: Edward Stark [Hiatus]

Edward Stark youngest of Eddard Stark. Come and see what changes brought when Jon was in Edward care as his son. Author's note: well excuse it if it taste wishfullment story. To be honest I didn't understand what wishfullment is. Enjoy

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19 Chs

Chapter 11. Jon Stark.

Mounting his horse, Jon looks at his fellow who will also join the watch with him. They were orphans who volunteer to join the watch. Well, not exactly orphans they are also bastards from other lords around Westeros sent by his father's spy to fill in the wall.

His father planned to fill all the posts on the wall especially the towers from Shadow Tower and East Watch and trained them to be competent leaders of their posts

There's more to come from Essos. They are slaves who made a eunuch. His father plans to travel there himself to get a few things and return with some slaves to train them as soldiers of the Night Watch.

Looking at his sixty-something future brothers Jon nod at his uncle, Benjen who visits him from his father's owl. "Okay, lads, listen up. I'm in charge of you lot till we reach the wall. There you be trained and put in squads. Now if you are all done saying goodbye to your whores then follow me" riding at the front Benjen lead them.

Jon look back one last time at his past home waving goodbye to his cousins, Sansa, Arya, and Bran, and a brown Eagle perched on top of the pole watching him with its brown eyes.

"I can't believe your father is willing to send you to the wall. What happens? Did you anger him?"

"Nay, I join it voluntarily. Besides now we have two Stark at the wall. Father usually said that a lone wolf always dies"

"Ahahah, I don't know what to feel, am I to feel happy or to feel angry at your stupidity?"

"You have to be happy, uncle. Sadly, my father told me these people were my job to train and discipline. He will see their progress when he returns from Essos with more men"

"Aye, tough job. Hope the boys will take this post with seriousness. But your father will face some problems with the slaves"

"Aye, I also told him but he said "bah, bullocks. I will just see them meself then decide what to do a Northern pride or a Rational Northern"

"Aye, that's true" Benjen sighed riding back to the wall. Commanding all the bastards Benjen ride from the rear looking out for any potential ambush place but it is very unlikely. Edward already cleans the realm from all parasites he calls them.


Black Castle.

Jon looked at the renovated castle that his father helped with and sigh at this monstrosity. All the dragonglass was used on the castle when they didn't know what use of it until recently. They were led by Benjen who introduced them to the master of arm for the black night to be trained.

"Ser Alliser, I'll leave the recruit with you. Oh and Edward told me that Jon can help in training the boys. He hopes for all the boys to be hardened before the dark winter coming"

"Aye, Ben. But this lot still few for what we face"

"Aye. Brother told me he will visit the wildlings and bring them behind walls, afraid of giving the Night King more armies"


"Aye, some of the royal banners to Lord Stark have shown white walkers last moon. He captures them himself, Mad Wolf he is"

"I'll talk with Lord Commander"

Ser Alliser turn to the boys and shouted out. "Alright boys, gather around. I'll bear bad news for you a lot. All the tales your nanny told you have come back from the tale. I will try my best to make you fine men with the best swords to face what was come"

"Jon, Step forward" Jon step out from the rest and stood there unmoving. "Show me what you got"

They spar with blunted weapons for a few moments where Jon won as he was drilled by one of the best swordsmen of Westeros or maybe a top ten.

"Good, seem like your father drilled everything he got into you eh? Take ten boys and start with them" Ser Alliser nodded in satisfaction walking to the other recruit.

Jon complies taking all the boys to the side and repeating what his father has done in training him.

"Listen, boys, First we must train your stamina. Stamina was important for a prolonged fight. I will teach you how to breathe while moving and fighting until you get the hang of it. Second training in a weapon. We are trained in swords but I also need the rest of you to be trained with your preferred weapon. Lastly, We need to discipline. Discipline was the key to all exercises. Meaning no complaining and I need you to obey!!"

Lord Tyrion was still at the wall but this time he was more interested in the white walkers that were caged. There are three but the first one seems to die while the last two was still alive gnarling at him. Their blue eyes look at his green eyes which disturb him greatly. When he first heard it from Edward he didn't believe him and so he decided that he will follow Benjen to see for himself but when he saw it he felt dread all over his body.

The door opened which prompt him to look and saw Jon. He smiles at the boy. He felt jealous of Jon being accepted by his uncle and making him a legitimate son while his father hate him just for being a dwarf.

"Jon, good to see you here. Heard from Lord Commander that you volunteer to enlist to the watch?"

"Aye, same as well. You are right about volunteering, I have no strong standing to hold the Moat after father. Even though he legitimate me as his son I'm still a bastard"

"Glad you not shame from that title. You lucky you know that?"

"Aye, I have also been wondering if I deserve this state. I mean I've seen all bastards that come with me, they said that they didn't even know their father was a lord until recently" Jon drink his cup which Tyrion pour for him.

"My father, Lord Lannister, Tywin Lannister also saw me as a bastard." Drinking his mead Tyrion looks sad but he quickly hides it. "Well lucky for me I was born into a rich family that makes me a rich bastard"

"Aye, so what's your view on this" pointing at the walkers Jon asked.

"An eye opener per ser. If I have weight I may be of help but I will try my best in acquiring help from the South. I may have no prowess but I am by no means can't do anything"

"Aye, you know. You are the only Lannister that my father didn't hate among all Lannisters but he also hates you as well" Jon talks about Edward's liking for him.

"Ah, what can I say I'm a charming man" drinking his mead Tyrion felt content "do tell me what he hates me for, your father?"

"Aye, he hated your mind. He said that your sickness as he calls it dwarfs makes you strong to seek other fields of glory, Wisdom, and Knowledge in books. While he said that you just read but your mind helps you process the things you read and makes them the finest tool"

"Yes, thanks to my brilliant mind father didn't send me away from home. I also find it fascinating that my brain always helps me in difficult situations"

"Why were these two left alive and not killed yet?"

"Oh, we find alternative ways to kill them"

"We? Ahaha you funny Lord Stark. You haven't even said your oath yet"

"Aye, I haven't but father already experiment on the walker to find ways to kill it"

"Ah, that explains. The North is lucky to have the Mad Wolf supporting it" he sighs then change the topic. "Well enough of that, Jon. Tell me a tale of anything interesting. Anything fine"

So the two burn candles chatting creating a new friendship between a Lion and Dragon wolf.



To be honest, the data here was too expensive. $6= 1.2GB but small

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