
GoT: Edward Stark [Hiatus]

Edward Stark youngest of Eddard Stark. Come and see what changes brought when Jon was in Edward care as his son. Author's note: well excuse it if it taste wishfullment story. To be honest I didn't understand what wishfullment is. Enjoy

marawa · TV
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19 Chs

Chapter 10. Hand of the King. 

Riding back to Kings Landing Edward sighed remembering their talk about something beyond the wall. He sighs at the conversation and then looks at the approaching city.


"Why don't you tell me about your journey from beyond the wall?" Ned asked his brother who was drawing a blueprint about some crossbow that can release five arrows at a time.

"Would you care?" Not looking up from his drawing Edward ask back.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked back which earn his little brother's attention.

"Why wouldn't you? Ah yes, my brother the warden of the North but I seem too confused about your title. Who are you protecting? The North or the King's North?" Edward asks back then turn his attention to the crossbow.

Standing there Eddard didn't know how to answer that question. "But I'm still the Lord and protector of the North I need to know the happening of the realm"

"You will go to Kings Landing and be the King's Hand. So leave everything behind we will deal with it. I want you to be free of this mess and focus more on your new position" pouring their drink he sat at the fireplace joined by his brother.

"This is also my job" drinking his mead Eddard answered.

"Listen here brother, Jon Arryn dies of murder you know that, right?"

"Aye, the Lannisters did it"

"Nay, it's master of coins. He's the one who kills him. But I didn't tell you this for you to revenge but to focus on politics in the south. As for beyond the wall I will deal with it"

Flashback end.

Eddard still finds it difficult how come his brother didn't shame of using spies, spying on all the people's secrets.

He is a Stark, all the Stark have honor but Edward seems to have no honor at all. He's a different breed if he didn't know better he would say that his brother was a bastard but no. Same mother same father.

But he also felt lucky for this little brother of his. Thanks to his spy network Eddard himself felt safe being filled with the messages that he currently carried.

Reaching the Kings Landing he dismount and plan to rest for the long road when suddenly a servant came to him.

"Welcome Lord Stark. Grandmaster Pycelle called for a meeting for the small council. Your presence will be an honor" he look at his steward and all his men who nodded and retreat to the King's Hand house.

Walking toward the small council room he takes his time as he read a letter that his brother gives. He tries to memorize the names that he should not trust, Petyr Baelish, and Pycelle. Those he should careful from, Varys and Renly and the High Septor.

The throne room door opened as he walks inside and met with Jaime Lannister who was guarding the Throne.

"Good to see you guard the throne"

"It sturdy"

"Aye, it is. Nice armor no scratch on"

"Yes, whenever I fight my enemies won't put a scratch on me"

"You have a good choice of selecting your enemies"

Looking at Eddard, Jaime counters offer, "You know what they said, "the king's shit while the hands clean it"

They stare for a moment then smile while walking to their separate destination. Walking to the council meeting he saw that everyone was present but the King himself.

"Welcome, Lord Stark. We have been expecting you" the high Septon said offering his hand but was completely ignored.

"Renly" "Lord Stark" the two men hugs themselves and then walks to his seat.

"So what is this meeting about?"

"Well the King wants to host a tourney to receive his Hand to Kings Landing"

"Which need your presence to approve"

Turning he saw Baelish the man who killed his foster father. "Lord Baelish. How's the last Hand treated you?"

Baelish looked at Eddard not knowing what he mean but didn't continue. "Been good. Hope your wife has been talking about me?"

"Aye, said you were friend guess she didn't know otherwise, eh?" They stare at each other with Baelish smirk freezing.

"Ah, Lord Hand there's something I like to give you" Grandmaester presents the Hand insignia which takes and put on. "So, how is the progress for the tourney?" Renly give him a paper which he was shocked at.

Reading the amounts of the winning and the runner-ups Maester Pycelle ask. "can the treasure bear afford it?"

Baelish replied by explaining what 80, 000 gold can hurt when they already have three million in debt.

"Three million gold debt?"

"Six to be exact"

"How can you let this happen? The crown has six million gold debt, I believe that we can cancel the tourney?"

"No, we can't it the King demand"

"I'll talk to him myself tomorrow"

Walking out from the small council began to think about his brother's words again this time it was about the bastards of Baratheon. He told him he can receive them if they send to North to avoid any confusion.

He also confuses by Grandmaester Pycelle, how can an old wheezing old man can still have the strength to walk. 'Brother right, I was surrounded by all types of people.

Walking down to the Hand House he met with a servant who skillfully left him a message. He blinks looking back at the servant but then shakes his head while carrying the letter to his chamber.

"Brother, be more discreet with every action you made. I love my brother and don't try to be honorable for once. There is a time when you need to be honorable but now be a wolf who hunts and moves with a plan.

M. W. E

Sighing he walks to his chamber to rest.

The next day he found names on his table and addresses of whom he suspects as Robert bastard.

He had his feast and then walks out with his guard, Jory.

"Where we going, m'lord?"

"We need to visit someone or people"

They spent their time walking around Kings Landing visiting different places giving instructions to the specific children men or women to be sent to the North by order of Lord Hand.

While this is all happening Jon has prepared to march to the Wall.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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