
GOT: 2nd Dragonlord Family

It wasn't just the Targaryens who left Valyria before the doom there was another family who left but where will they go? Who led them away when all Valyrians laughed? This is the Tale of the Noble House of Lendaerys. Disclaimer: I do not own Asoiaf, all rights go to George RR Martin. I just my own my OCs Using this fanfic to sharpen my writing skills

Azure_LeopardKing · Derivados de obras
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4 Chs

Dragon Bond and A Name Day Ball

Year 111 BC

Western Port City, Valyrian Freehold

Lendaerys Manor

General POV:

In a beautifully decorated room, sat a young boy of ten name days, whom was quite tall for his age standing at 5 feet and his body is showing noticable improvement in muscle mass due to his training with the sword and magic. His face was strangely similar to Rhaegar Targaryen was in the future though he had more of a masculine beauty than the future Targaryen prince. His hair also contrasted the prince as the sides of his head were shaved and his hair was styled exactly like the Nordic Warrior Ragnar from his previous world. The coloring of his hair was in line with the Lendaerys Family, silver with a hint of dark silver on the sides.

Though this coloring was noticably different from the rest of the Dragonlord Families, the Lendaerys Family was the only family in the Freehold to have this distinct trait as most Noble Families had Silver-White, White-Gold, Platinum and Blonde Hairs which are extremely common within the Nobility and the Freehold's lesser classes as well. No other family could be found with this Silver-Dark Silver pairing, this pairing was similar to moonlight. Extremely ethereal.

It matched well with the boy's Ash-Black Tunic, the tunic itself was regal yet simple. It wasn't very showy as it only had a simple saphirre pin, dragon shaped placed on the left shoulder of the tunic.

Aye, this boy is our hero Aelyx Lendaerys whom has grown quite well over the last three years.

Aelyx POV:

I sighed at the decadance of the room but it was how mother, Naehra decorated the room and thats how I intend to keep it as she is very insistent on teaching me how to be a true Valyrian Noble in every sense of the word, which I finally got my head around. I do enjoy the lavishness of this life compared to my last where I was common, though It did take me the last three years to come to terms with the incestuous relationships us Dragonlord Families have within each family.

Apart from that I have grown into quite the fledling Noble due to the teachings of my family and instructors, though I kept some mannerisms from my previous world, primarily not buying into the supremecy stuff most Valyrians buy into. The main reason I assimilated into a "True Valyrian" was so I could take another person as a wife, since I reincarnated into this world might as well have another wife as it isn't quite taboo in the world yet, Props to George RR Martin for not comepletely denouncining this relationship type yet, really screw the Seven and their teaching. Damn Andal nonesense.

Though it was seriously a hard sell to my family, specifically my sister Visenya whom quite literally did not talk to me for a year when I brought this up at a family dinner.

Though my family reluctantly agreed after some discussion as I brought up that our family is small so we need to expand and that my parents weren't having any luck with children, since my brother died around a moon before my sixth name day. It was a stillborn death, not even magic could save the child. It was through that event my mother decided not to have anymore children, my grandafther could only grudgingly acquiesce on this point.

When it came to my sister, I let her be angry for three moons before I spent the next nine moons singing different Valyrian love songs while playing the harp outside her room each night, though my voice and harp playing were good. I wasn't the greatest in Valyria that I knew for a fact.

Visenya did finally talk to me after I played her a song from my previous world, called Love me Tender by Elvis Presley which got her to wonder if I wrote it for her and to that point I just nodded as no one will know who made the song, though I found it quite weird to be singing this song to an nine name day old child while being the same age myself.

[Song Excerpt: "Take me to your heart. For it's there that I belong. And will never part."]

After that whole incident, We did get closer though I probably won't ever be fully in love with her that way, I feel it will eventually grow to be more than a love for a sister but less than a love that she deserves as she is a completely sweet person. I do know she will grow into a beauty herself as she looks like a younger version of Emilia Clarke(Daenerys Targaryen), though she has a more cold demenor and dominant personality than the targaryen princess did around her age.

*Morning before Aelyx tenth name day*

Aelyx POV:

I walked through my family's picturesque manor which is similar to a roman manor from my previous world, just more opulent and magical as the stone used to build the manor is laced with spells like Valyrian Steel, though the stones aren't as dark as the magical steel is, more of a pure silver coloring. I cant quite say I like it, at least it isn't pure White or Gold as that would be...Pretentious to say the least.

Continuing to half admire the Craftsmenship, I walk toward my dragon, Sapphir as she is flying around the fields that surround the manorz we have binded quite well of the last three years since she hatched and she will be riding age in about a year. Though she wont be able to travel long distances til a little after ny thirteenth nameday.

Through my Talent Dragon Bond, I was able to become extremely close to her, as well as being able to communicate with her via the mind. She speaks directly into my mind and I can speak to her this way as well, quite handy If I say so myself. Though she is still childish as she mainly asks for food and to sometomes play or be patted.

Quite the tame dragon I have. Visenya is close to her dragon as well, though she cant speak with Sunfyre she has a general idea of what he says. He is a bit temperamental like my sister. Tried to bite me once when Visenya wasn't speaking to me. I guess I deserved it for speaking eccentric thoughts.

I should mention that my Lendaerys Manor isn't in the city as a Dragonlord family we have a good amount of land where we cultivate wines, grains and livestock we sell to different cities, mainly Lys, Volantis and some smaller non remarkable cities in the Valyrian Peninsula.

The land we own is situated about fifteen miles outside the Port City which we reside in and it generates a healthy profit. We do have a lot of land, to be precise we have 3800 acres of land. 2000 acres for farming, 800 for the vinyard and 1000 acres for raising livestock. We also have a manor in the Port City, which is about 3/4ths the size of our manor outside the city, we also have a Dragonlord Tower in the captial that we rarely go to.

In the city my family also runs two shops one high end clothes shop in the city and a high end blacksmith shop in the city which generates us around a few million gold a year. The last thing we run is a shipyard, though it's quite small, at least it doesn't hemerage money and we generate close to 50,000 gold from it a year.

We usually net around four million gold a year from all our buisnesses. We do have quite the amount of gold in our family vault, how much we have I don't really know. I just know it's plentiful.

*Evening Aelyx and Visenya's tenth name day*

*Lendaerys Manor inside the Port City*

Visenya POV:

To say I am quite pleased with my tenth name day celebration my family threw for Aelyx and I would be an understatement. Our family went all out, they invited many nobles from the city and some other minor dragonlord families that have holdings in this city, though not all the invitees were able to attend due to other engagements about 70% of the list are able to attend according to mother and that reflects the significant of respect our family has earned over the years primarily because they fear yet respect my grandfather.

Though Aelyx disagreed with me and said the primary reason is because Valyrians, especially nobility like to party and will use whatever excuse they can to get drunk and showoff. It's quite cute the way he frowns. He doesnt really like extravagant parties, though he attends as many as he is required to because he is the family heir after all.

The celebration lasted a while, my brother and I were introduced to a fair amount of young nobles both boys and girls. I could see the reverence in some of the scions whose families didn't have dragons, I could also see the lust some of the older girls from these families had towards my brother, damn *****.

I know I had agreed with my brother that we need to expand the family, but I am still unwilling to give up my beloved brother. Even when he said he would allow me to choose another woman with him, I just dont like it.

I don't see how anyone other than me can be worthy of him. Aelyx is not only handsome and intelligent. His swordsmanship is excellent, while his magic he is better than most, he is great with dragons and he can sing well. To me my brother is a great treasure that no one can match, in my opinion.

Aelyx POV:

Damn, I am glad that party is done. Grandfather made me sing to the crowd while he bragged to his associates. **** its my name day why do I have to entertain people, I just wanted to relax. Tsk, though Visenya was cute when she was angry at the lesser noble ladies(non-dragonlord) who wanted me. Not like I want any of them. Neither do I want one of the Dragonlord young ladies, they were too arrogant for my liking. While my sister can be arrogant, she earned it. As she is the best mage in her age group and smarter than most of the Minor Dragonlord scions.

Though I really did like the gifts my family gave us. Mother gave me a new Harp, Father gave me some magic books and my Grandfather gave me a Valyrian Steel Longsword which I named Cold Moon, the same was given to my sister who named her Shortsword Sunchaser. Though my sister got several luxary dresses from the captial from my mother instead of a musical instrument.

My sister gave me another jeweled pin for me to wear, and I sang her a song.

Quite simple compared to what we got from our parents, but for me it's enough and I believe it's enough for my sister at this point in our lives.

*Chapter End*

1900 Words, Man thats more than I intended.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Poll: Second Wife?

1. Rhoynar/Dornish

2. Valyrian from a Free City

3. Princess from a Dragonlord Family

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