
GOT: 2nd Dragonlord Family

It wasn't just the Targaryens who left Valyria before the doom there was another family who left but where will they go? Who led them away when all Valyrians laughed? This is the Tale of the Noble House of Lendaerys. Disclaimer: I do not own Asoiaf, all rights go to George RR Martin. I just my own my OCs Using this fanfic to sharpen my writing skills

Azure_LeopardKing · Book&Literature
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7 Years later, A Prophecy and Learning about family

Year 114 BC

Western Port City, Valyrian Freehold

Lendaerys Manor

Aelyx POV:

It has been 7 Years since I reincarnated into this wonderful world and I have learned a lot, especially about my family. We used to be the 33rd Ranked Dragonlord Family, though we have dropped to the 37th while the Targaryens are the 35th Ranked Family. This mainly has to do with the number of Dragonriders one family has. We currently only have 3 Dragonriders, My Grandfather, Mother and Father. All are Skilled Riders. My Grandfather's Dragon belonged to his father while my Parent's Dragons are relatively young. The pair of Dragons were hatched together 30 years ago and they didn't find any riders til my parents turned 10, which appears to be the typical age to start riding in my family.

My Family lost 4 Dragonriders and 12 other members around a moon after me and my sister were conceived. My grandmother died around 126 bc due some disease from Asshai, probably a magic based illness. The 12 non Dragon riding members of the family died at sea during a merchant trip, though I do not know why all of them were on that ship, I do know they died 2 years before my birth. Two Dragonriders also died during that run, maybe to a rival family. The other two riders however are an interesting story they went to Sothoryos in 131 bc and its safe to assume they died because we havent heard from them since then.

At Three name days old my sister and I started lessons on History, Politics, War, Economics and the Arts. Though I started reading and writing at close two name days and my sister was not far behind me on that front, which I am glad that she is able to keep up with me, natural genius is what she is I think.

At the age of five, we started learning Etiquette and Magic(Mainly Fire) together, yes magic is quite interesting, My sister is much better than me in this regard. Visenya is learning magic quicker than me, specifically magic with blood and ritual types. While I'm better with the Elemental Control branch of magic specifically Pyromancy and Aeromancy.

Visenya learned sewing and other "womanly things", I seriously dont know why they would start such education at this age while I started practice with the Sword, Spear and Bow. My sister also learned to use weapons though she couldnt practice much with them. Most of the lessons will take a back burner when our tenth name day comes, because our training will mainly focus on Dragons, Magic and Comabt at that point.

Also during this year I heard something troubling from some visiting Dragonlord that was close to my grandfather. Yeah, it is what you are thinking that damn Doom Prophecy from the Targaryens, and the started moving all of their assets over. I wanted to say something about it to my family but I stopped myself. Why? Because we dont have any place to move to at the moment and my Grandfather Daemon thought that Prophecy was funny, though he didn't spurn them like everyone else, I mean I get where Valyrian Superiority comes from but I know what will happen as a reincarnator so I really don't want this new family to burn.

I do have twelve years to figure that out how to convince my family though. I was thinking by the time I turned 14 I would travel by Dragon to the Arbor in Westeros then go to the Aegon Island I heard about in my last life. Maybe it'll be big enough to build a base.

My sister and I got a Dragon Egg each for our third name day. Visenya's Egg was Gold-Creme and mine was Cobalt-Silver. My dragon hatched three moons ago and my sisters hatached as well. The key to hatching the Dragons was your own blood and flame magic. Also it didnt hurt to be near the Fourteen Flames with the heavy amount of Magic that flowed through.

Though there are others ways as well, as seen on the show in my last life. Our dragons should be ready to ride on in three years and then able to use for extended travel by the time I turn 14. When that happens I will have four years to get our family affairs in order and then leave in the last year. Both of the dragons are absolutely stunning, I named mine Sapphir as she is cobalt blue with a silver belly and Visenya named hers Sunfyre because he is Gold with a Creme colored belly. Both our Dragons will be large in size, close to about 120-125 feet in length with a proportional wing size when they fully mature.

Another thing that I learned is that there are three levels to Valyrian Nobility.

The Great Families(1st-9th Rank) that have the most amount of people(including slaves), dragons, land and money. They have around 15 Riders.

The Major Families(10th-27th) are the same primarily though they have around half the land, money and people of Great Families. The amount of Dragons and Riders they have is significantly lesser. They usually have 10 riders.

The Minor Families(28th-40th Rank) have the least amount of people, land, money and dragons. Usually these families including ours have around 5 riders.

My family was especially strong before we started "declining". I say Declining because while we have the same amount of land and money as one of the stronger Minor Families we don't have the same amount of dragons or riders as the Top Minor Families anymore nor do we have many kinsman due to the amount due to the deaths of the trueborn members of the family in 126 bc and 131 bc.

We can still hold these lands because of Daemon, my grandfather who is one of the strongest mages and dragonriders in the whole Valyrian Freehold. I heard he is quite respected in the Freehold and because of him we are able to hold on without losing much.

Apparently when he was younger he and his dragon felled three dragons and their riders whom came from Major Families during a dispute he had with those same scions in Lys.

Later when that family tried to kill him because they suffered a loss of face. He ran rampant through the ranks of that family slaying two more dragons and three riders before a Great Family mediated peace. He gained a significant of respect within the Major and Minor Families because of it.

According to my father Rhaelar this was the primary reason nobody from Major and Minor Families touched our property even when we started to decline in strength. I wondered why Great Families didn't try to take our propety, but then I realized they probably disdained the thought of touching something that belonged to a Minor Family.

I still have much to learn and strength to accumulate over the next decade. Though while I worry about the Doom, I really just want to fly freely around the world with Sapphir as soon as I can and see one of my favorite fantasy worlds from my previous life.

*Chapter End*

*If you have Ideas for the story drop a comment, I'll take it into serious consideration*

Updates will be slow as I'm using my phone to write currently and looking for a new job.

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