
Gone Boy

they are childhood sweetheart but things change when they got themselves into a dirty game with the mafia king digging up their own graves.

Yusuf_Oluwapelumi · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

Am glad she is gone. He said with a smile and moves closer to him. And you should be glad too.

Who are you? Ariel asked him.

He intake a deep breath and smiles lightly at him, it seems you have forgotten a childhood sweetheart, after all it was a very long time my dear and I can't blame you for that if not of our parents. Sam said smiling at him.

Ariel rolled his eyes and took a step forward. Tell me who the hell are you?

Am Sam. Sam Jones,

Ariel rolled his eyes and takes a deep breath then smiles at him.

I don't know any Sam Jones. So it better you takes your leaves now, just go away from here. He yelled angrily.

Clam down. if you forget about me but I can't seems to forget about you. he told him. you are my best friend and I will never forget about you.

Sam. Ariel called.

He smiles at him as he nodded his head. Yes Ariel.

Ariel grasp. Oh my God.

He said and hugged him forgotten his pain and sorrow . Sam.

I forget about you completely.

I know.

Am sorry, am really sorry buddy.

it okay. He pulled away from him and glance at him.

Oh my God, just look at you. Ariel said.

You change too. Sam told him.

He brust into laughter. come on let go.

yeah buddy, I have missed you like hell. Sam said with much laughter on her voice.