
Golden Destruction - Arifureta: A Destroyer in Commonplace

Akihiro Tomioka is a nice person. He's athletic and famous in high school, but his fame is only second to Kouki's since his best friend is Hajime Nagumo, but he didn't care anyway. He only cares about his best friends. But suddenly, he and his classmates were teleported to another world. Facing the difficulties of another world and with his best friend, Hajime, How will they handle another world? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Arifureta Fanfic! If you are here looking for fanfic that doesn't replace the original mc then you found the right fanfic.

AshbornKRAVKE · Cómic
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22 Chs

Journey 3# Labyrinth of Orcus (REWRITED)

Akihiro's POV:

How do I start this...

I think I've died. My legs feel numb. If only I'm stronger enough... I hate this world... I want to go back home and sleep... I just want a normal life... Not dying in another world.

3rd POV:

It's currently the next day and everyone had gathered up and were taken to the Labyrinth for combat training, as they were all lined up ready to head down.

"Listen up! Everyone helps each other in the Labyrinth. No matter what, got it?" Meld shouted.

"Got it!" Everyone yelled as a response.

After entering the Labyrinth, the group started to move through the lower floors, killing monsters as they go, taking turns taking point. Akihiro easily kills all the monsters but he usually helps Hajime to kill the monsters. They had reached floor 20, a hidden monster had snuck up behind Hajime, only for it to be quickly cut down by Akihiro, with the force of his skill so powerful, it blew up the wall behind them.

"Thanks, Akihiro." Hajime thanked him.

"No problemo, I'll watch your back so don't get lazy just because I protect you." Akihiro smiled.

Hajime nodded as a reply.

Kaori and Shizuki walk over to Hajime and Akihiro.

"Hajime, are you okay? You aren't hurt, right?" Kaori asked.

"Now, I guess everyone didn't care about my safety anymore." Akihiro feigned sadness.

"Shut up, Aki. You are strong and I don't think anyone need to worry about your safety."

"Awww but here, a cute girl is checking on me. I think only one person need to check my safety." Akihiro smiled.

"A-Ah, I am not checking here for you! I am only here because of Kaori, stupid!" Shizuku redden as she tried to hide her embarrassment away.

"Yeah~ Yeah~ You are here because of Kaori, not me, of course." Akihiro smirked.

Shizuku pouted as she turned her face away.

Hajime could only scratch his cheek as he watched Akihiro and Shizuku's interaction. He didn't know whether to call them lovers or just a very good best friends.

"What is that? It's shiny..." Kaori suddenly spoke out.

"That's a Glanz crystal. You don't see big ones like that all too often. It's apparently a pretty popular engagement ring stone." Meld explained.

"It's beautiful!"

Daisuke then started climbing the wall, making his way to the crystal.

"Well, then, I'll grab it!"

"Hey! Don't go off on your own! We haven't checked to see if it's safe!" Meld tried to warn Daisuke but he don't heed warn from Meld.

Daisuke ignored meld. When he touched it. everyone was blinded by a bright light, and as it died down, everyone saw they were now standing on a bridge. But ahead of them, a black magic circle appeared, and suddenly a huge monster emerged. Everyone looked shocked and panic.

"That's big..." Hajime said.

"That's what she said." Akihiro couldn't help but crack a joke.

"Shut up, man. Don't make dirty jokes in this situation."

"You kids turn back and run away..." Meld stopped the kids from becoming rash.

"Wait, Meld, we'll help you fight-" Kouki tried to help but was cut off by Meld.

"Fool! Just do as I say! That's a Behemoth! Even the strongest party that ventured into the 65th floor couldn't put a dent in it! You have to run away while I hold it here!"

The rest of the class tried to run away towards the stairs but were immediately blocked by another black magic circle.

"Wait! There's a black magic circle ahead too!"

Multiple Skeleton soldiers emerged from the magic circle, corning everyone, making them more panic.


Akihiro gritted his teeth. They need to get out of here alive, Akihiro tightly gripped his sword and he took a deep breath.

"Aki, what will you do?" Shizuku asked.

"Simple, I fight. I won't force anyone to fight by my side and that include you, Shizu." Akihiro answered.

"No, I will fight."

"I know." Akihiro smiled.

He dashed off from his spot and swung his sword. His strength immediately crushed the Skeletons' heads in the front line. However, Akihiro knew that this isn't enough, he was a bit regretful that he didn't learn any spells because he was too focused on swordsmanship.

'But that was because of them. They never thought of Berserker using magic and urge me to only focus on my swordsmanship, I really regret following their words.' Akihiro thought.

But there is no time to regret it. All he needs to focus on is hack and slash.

Akihiro doesn't have any sword moves. No, it was useless for Akihiro, it was just a fancy move that got named. Akihiro never had any interest in learning sword moves.

Akihiro sensed a presence behind him, he quickly turned around and tried to block it but only slice in half skeleton could be seen.

"Shizu, thanks."

"I got your back, Aki."

They nodded at each other as they guard each other back.

Akihiro noticed a change in the skeletons' pattern but it was too late.


His sword was flying out from his hand as the skeletons swing their swords at Akihiro's hand. He couldn't help but stop himself to retrieve his sword.

"Do you really think that would stop me?" Akihiro then took a boxing stance and ready himself.

He punched and crushed the skeleton's head in front of him. But soon as Akihiro finished punching the skeleton's head, the other two from the right and left sent a downward slash.

Akihiro simply punched the two of them with his two fists before they could land a hit on Akihiro.

"Tch, I hate fighting with my fists." Akihiro clicked his tongue.

Akihiro took a glance and found out that more skeleton soldiers are coming from new magic circles. He let out a low sigh.

"Aki, here's your weapon!" Shizuku threw the sword at Akihiro and Akihiro easily caught it.

"Thanks again, Shizu."

* * *

Everyone was panicking and attacking disorderly. Some were scared that they couldn't fight and some tried but couldn't successfully attack the skeletons soldiers. The magicians recklessly just pour out their mana and attack whatever that moves and the fighters don't have any proper formations. Akihiro and Shizuku fighting side by side are the only things stopping the skeletons from overpowering them.

"What do we do now... We need a powerful leader... someone with the power to open the path... Amanogawa-kun!"

Kouki just looked at Hajime dumbfounded.

"Then what about that beast?! We can't leave it alone either."

"...I have an idea."


Akihiro feels tired. He feels like he has been fighting for hours but it was less than that. But he couldn't stop when their lives is in danger. No matter what, he won't stop.

Kouki arrived helping Akihiro and Shizuku. He sent a heavy slash to the skeletons.

Akihiro ignored Kouki's presence and continue fighting.

"Are you alright, Tomioka, Shizuku?"

"Don't focus on us! Focus on these skeletons!" Akihiro shouted with anger.

Kouki nodded.

"Everyone, sorry for being late! We need to cut our way through here! The magic unit is to immediately go to commander Meld and follow his instructions! Until our exit is secured, the Behemoth is to be confined. Tomioka, Shizuku, and I will cut open our path! We have to defeat these monsters and secure the exit! Leave the forward to me! Nagumo will hold the rear, we will provide protection."

Kaori's eyes widened completely.

'Nagumo will...!?' Kaori thought.

Hajime is with Meld, about to carry out Hajime's plan.

"Go! I'm counting on you!"


Hajime ran towards the Behemoth, slamming his hands on the ground.


Hajime started creating a wall of rocks, immobilizing the Behemoth.

"Magic unit! Are your preparations ready? Attack the behemoth as soon as the boy retreats!"

Hajime continue to immobilize the Behemoth, it started to break free.

"This isn't going to hold for much longer...!" Hajime gritted his teeth.

"Boy! It's ready! Run!" Meld yelled.

Hajime started to run back, as the magic unit started firing at the Behemoth, holding it back.

Akihiro ran to Hajime trying to help him out but suddenly, a fireball hit them. Akihiro couldn't react to the fireball because it was too fast.

'What the hell is that?!' Akihiro thought.

Akihiro trying to figure out who has shot the fireball.

However, Akihiro suddenly looked back and saw the Behemoth, looking down at him, as well as Hajime, as it slammed its head down on the bridge, destroying it, causing both Akihiro, Hajime, and the Behemoth its self to fall down into the abyss, completely shocking everyone, as Kaori and Shizuku called out to the two of them.

"Aki!" Shizuku yelled.

"Nagumo!" Kaori yelled.

As the two of them fall down. Akihiro tried to reach for his sword but giant rubble smashed Akihiro's body.

Hajime who saw the giant rubble crashing down Akihiro's body could only helplessly scream.


The giant rubble took Akihiro down with him to the abyss. Akihiro's figure disappeared from Hajime's eyes.

Akihiro is still conscious as he feels immense agony. Akihiro punched the giant rubble with his bare hand and propelled himself away from the giant rubble.

Akihiro weakly closed his eyes in pain and soon lost consciousness.

Akihiro's POV:

Did I die?

No, I am not dead yet. I won't die, I won't... But I can feel my stomach is bleeding and I could no longer move my legs.

I'll pour my mana into my High-speed Regeneration. So, that I won't die.

Desperate... I hate this feeling. This feeling reminds me of when I was locked in the mansion but I will destroy that feeling. Determination is all I need, determination to live.

𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙙𝙞𝙚

The overuse effect started to kick in. I can feel my mana will be gone but I don't care, I'll use my life force even if it's meant to live.

Death is not knocking on my door today. 𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓, 𝐈'𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄!

I weakly closed my eyes and greet the darkness.


3rd POV:

We see a little Akihiro playing by himself in the playground, there are no kids who want to play with him.

Little Shizuku walks toward little Akihiro.

"Why are you alone?" She asked Akihiro.

But Akihiro didn't look at her.

"Go away, I don't need friends."

Shizuku didn't leave Akihiro even after Akihiro tried to make her leave but she stay persistent and watched Akihiro play by himself.

"Why are you still here? You don't get any benefit from playing with me."

Akihiro frowned seeing Shizuku is still here, he want to be alone.

"Why not? I want to play with you."

Akihiro is dumbfounded, he didn't know whether to say this girl is stupid or kind.

"Alright! Let's decide this by rock paper and scissors and if I win then you go away and if you win then I will play with you!"

Akihiro used rock

Shizuku used paper.

Shizuku win!

Akihiro groaned seeing that he lose.

"So, what game are we gonna play?"

Suddenly, Shizuku grabbed Akihiro's hand and led him to the group of kids. This is the first time Akihiro felt warmth in his hand from someone else.

(Middle School)

We see Akihiro resting on the school rooftop while watching the scenery, he's tired from interacting with people every second, he wants time alone.

Akihiro getting bored with the scenery decide to go back to his class but he stops as he saw someone reading a book, the boy had black hair, brown eyes, and a slim body type.

Walking toward him, Akihiro greeted him.

"Ah, Nagumo-kun isn't it? What are you doing here alone?"

Akihiro said with his usual smile, he remember Hajime because he was always alone and in the same class as Akihiro.

Hajime who isn't expecting someone to talk with him is startled by Akihiro's appearance.

"T-Tomioka-san, I'm reading a light novel."

"Ahh... Light novel? I never tried to read it, can you introduce me to some good light novel you read?"

That is when Akihiro starts to read light novels in his spare time, and a few weeks later, he reads manga and anime recommended by Hajime. Akihiro, who was fascinated by another world concept at that time, got pretty addicted.

-To Be Continued.

(Rewrite V1: Completed)