
Journey 4# Survival (REWRITED)

Akihiro's POV:

I weakly opened my eyes.

"Where am I?" I observed my surrounding but it was dark and cold. Did I die? No, I don't think so.

I am weak... That's funny, really funny. Freaking funny and humiliating. I gritted my teeth, I couldn't stop the fireball... I am too focused on the Behemoth that I didn't notice it.

I hate it. I hate being weak but I won't die here... Not today and not tomorrow.

Seeing the sword on the ground beside me, I could only sigh. I... am tired, no, my mana is low but somehow it's not regenerating to the normal amount, did I break my own mana reserve? That's impossible.

"Guhhh...." My body hurts. It's hurt, I don't want to move but I need to move.

I slowly get up and with the help of the wall. I notice that my legs are already healed but weak, that's thanks to my High-speed regeneration.

I grabbed my sword on the ground, I clenched the grip tightly. My body hurt as I moved but I need to move to find a safe spot.

Walking on the unknown path, my walk becomes more steady as time passes. But I don't see any monsters even though I have been walking for a few minutes. My sense presence skill didn't detect anything-

Never mind, I changed my mind. I can feel someone behind me.

I quickly turned around but only to see a huge fist landing a blow on my abdomen. I flew backward and got slammed onto the wall.


I collapse forward and my face fell to the ground. Every part of my body feels numb, what was that? A monster?

I took a glance at the monster... It was a bear with blue fur and red eyes, an oversize bear to be exact. Even though I used my time to learn about the monsters in the library, I didn't recognize the monster at all. I waste my time reading and memorizing all of that books.

I slowly get up... Yep, I am fine. My Dragon Strength enhanced my physical body, if it was someone else, I really doubt that they could get back up. But it's hurt standing back up.

My expressionless face clearly irritated the monster, there was no fear in my eyes. I am just tired.

But that's slowly changed as I activate [Monster Break].

"Come, oversize bear. I'll make sure your death will be painless." Glaring at the oversize bear, I growled.

The bear roared and immediately charge forward. The bear is... fast despite its size. But even if I don't see clearly, my enhanced instinct will be enough.


I ducked and dodged the bear's blow. I whistled and plunged my sword at the bear's chest.


The sword suddenly broke into pieces... Shit, why now out of all time? My instinct suddenly blare and warned me.


But my body wasn't fast. My mind may react fast enough but my body just couldn't keep up. I have no choice but to take a hit.

Using two of my arms to block the hit.


"You think I'll fly backward again? Wrong." My arms felt numb that I couldn't move my arms but it'll only take a few seconds for my High-speed regeneration to heal them.

I noticed that my mana reserve only regenerates when I wake up... Did I somehow unconsciously used my High-speed regeneration without knowing? Shit, that's scared me.

But now, let's focus on this oversize bear.

The bear was stunned for a moment seeing that I blocked its attack. I clutch the bear's hand and... I twisted like a jelly, I detached the bear's arm from its body. Blood splattering everywhere, there was some on my face but my lips held a crazy grin.

The bear's arm becomes a fountain. And the bear is still alive...

"A dragon's strength... is much more than stronger than your puny strength." Exuding an intimidation aura, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I was planning to give you a painless death but I changed my mind." The bear tried to attack back but I dodged the punch easily.

I landed a punch on the bear's face but I do it again... again... again... again... again... again... again... again... again... again... again... AGAIN!

Suddenly, a flash of image appeared. A pitiful bully who once ruled the classroom now is under my hand, I beat his face repeatedly so that his mother no longer recognizes him.

I stopped. I let out a sigh.

"I guess I am still a bully after all." I collapsed backward with blood on my hands.

The adrenaline has run out and I'm exhausted. But I couldn't sleep here now.

I slowly get up back up. With help of the wall, I tried to find a place to sleep in. I found a crack that was almost the size I am, it's a bit bigger than that so I entered the crack and lay down.

"My legs gave up... I need to recover my mana and strength." I closed my eyes slowly.

But I never thought that I'll take a deep sleep.

* * *

Over and over again, everything was seemingly dark. The memory of falling into the abyss haunted me. The face of Shizuku made hurt my heart, I promise myself back then not to make her cry.

She's a strong girl... She won't cry... right? I am just in denial of everything. I am slowly going insane as seconds pass.

I am not a brutal person, I didn't mean to brutally detach the bear's arm, my usual style is to just cleanly and quickly kill a monster.

I.. I can feel it. Outside, I was like my usual self, but darkness was slowly corrupting me inside. The one who pushed me to the abyss triggered it. I am losing myself and I don't know how much longer I can contain this madness.

I read in an ancient history book that someone with a unique class, aka berserker class, goes insane, but that's a very rare occurrence, and even getting a berserker class is rare too.

It's only happened once.

One of the traitors goes berserk and caused havoc and destruction. That man was named "Rage Dragon", and it was believed that Rage Dragon had the Berserker class.

Maybe that's why some of the nobles despise me. Just because I got Berserker class.

What a stupid opinion. I don't give a fuck about their opinion of me, they just acted nice just because I am one of the heroes that will someday save their asses from the demons.

I just want a happy life.

Not this goddamn hell.

* * *

I woke up, I feel a bit refreshed. But seeing that I am still in this abyss, I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Of course, what did I hope for? Waking up outside the dungeon? I am fucking stupid for hoping that." I grumbled to myself.

I sighed, "I am going insane... I need to suppress my emotions. Let's act normal like my usual self."

I smile... The smile of fakeness.

I stood up, feeling quite hungry.

"What a familiar feeling..."

I shook my head, I need to find food but I wasn't so sure that the monster's meat is edible enough to eat.

Looking around the place I sleep in. I notice this crack led through a different place.

I walk to find a wide field of ground. There are no monsters in proximity, I guess it's fine.

I walked and wandered.

"Hmm? What this?"

I dashed off from my place to find a monster... or more than that.

"A dragon?!"

I stopped my movement. Feeling tense, I didn't know what to do but the dragon is peculiar.

"The Dragon is dead."

Words unconsciously came out of my mouth. But it's true, the Dragon is dead.

My stomach is growling. I am gonna starve soon if I still didn't find edible meat.

"What if... Dragon meat is edible?" I questioned myself.

Eating Dragon Heart idea popped into my head. A smirk upon my face.

"I am crazy but I am certainly not dumb."

I walked to the dead dragon's body. The body is more huge than any other monsters I've seen except Behemoth.

I climbed the dead dragon's body to see a huge scar on its body.

"A scar? This isn't an ordinary scar, they are fighting but the dragon lost. Ah, whatever! Let's dig the dragon's heart out!"

With all my might, I stabbed my two hands into the Dragon's chest.

And rip it open!

Blood on my hands and robe. But I didn't stop until I can see the Dragon's Heart.

"A golden heart." I grinned as I took out the heart. It was a huge heart.

But my appetite was suddenly gone and I shook my head.

"What am I doing? Am I really eating a disgusting heart?" I hesitated for a moment.

My stomach growled in disagreement at my hesitation.

"Do or die." I took a bite.

I can taste the blood.

But I haven't swallowed the heart yet. I took a bite again but this time a large bite and almost half of the heart is gone.

Suddenly, a shock wave of pain erupted in my stomach.

"GAH!" I dropped the Dragon's heart and clenched my stomach.

Mana flowing in my veins. It's painful and burning... The mana continues to flow to my heart. Burning sensation in my heart.

"I am gonna die... No, I can't..." I clenched my heart.

If this continues any longer. My heart will explode. Damn.

I bitted my lips.

"Break your limit, High-Speed Regeneration!" If my heart couldn't contain all my mana then I just need to direct it to my skill.


I can feel blood on my eyes and mouth but I continue pouring all my mana into the Regeneration skill. I just couldn't take all the mana to my heart.

The mana is overflowing. My inside felt like exploding but my regeneration keeps repairing them.

Pain... P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈ P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈P̶̯̀a̸̻͘i̸̩̕n̸͗ͅ.̵̦̋.̴̯̉.̶̩̈

Steam came out from my body.

I collapse on my knee. I couldn't feel anything.

Everything is numb.

Everything is hazy.


Is calling me.

* * *


She is kind and strong. The way I see it, she is a star that shines with her real personality. But me? I am a fake star, I smiled to make anyone think I am a kind person.

Everything I do is fake and I hate it.

I miss her. The way I acted around her is real and relieving, I am not a fake person around her, I am just Akihiro being happy, a teenage boy who is happy. We are inseparable but nothing will ever stay forever.

And I knew better than that.

* * *

I jolted awake. I sat up and check my own body.

"I am alive?"

But something is a little off about my own body. It's overflowing with a strange and menacing aura. My skin is a little paler than usual.

"What just happened? Did I undergo transformation?"

I smelled something.

"Damn, I am stinky as hell."

I looked at the dead dragon beside me, the body hasn't decomposed yet. Maybe Dragon's body needs a long time to be decomposed.

"I really need a bath." I stood up.

Trying to find clean water in Dungeon? Meld said that clean water is hard to find in Dungeon but I won't find out if I didn't try.

And come to my surprise, not far away from the dead dragon, a lake with clean water is here.

"I am lucky as shit." I grinned.

But of course, I didn't jump into the water. I took a sip of the lake water and... it's refreshing.

Huh, something unusual about my hair and eyes. My hair color is now wheat-colored and my once blue eyes are now golden eyes.

[Akihiro's Appearance)

A menacing aura surrounds me.

"I have been transformed? No, since I ate Dragon's Heart. That means I would be a Dragon-Human hybrid."

I rubbed my temple. Feeling quite conflicted about this predicament, I couldn't help but let a sigh.

"I am not a monster but not a human either. A hybrid... But I couldn't see any characteristic of me being a dragon though."

I patted my pocket to see if I still have my Status Plate and it was still there after the fall. I look to see if there are some changes.

Name: Akihiro Tomioka | Age: 17

Gender: Male

Level: 9

Class: Berserker

Strength: 230

Vitality: 200

Defense: 200

Agility: 200

Magic: 120

Magic Resistance: 450


- Monster Break

- High-Speed Regeneration (+Overused Effect)

- Beast Movement

- Dragon Strength

- Dragon Aura

- Golden Fire and Golden Lightning Manipulation

- Mana Manipulation

- Physical Resistance

- Close Quarters Combat Proficiency

- Sword Proficiency

- Intimidation (+Intimidation Control)

- Iron Stomach

- Sense Presence

- Language Comprehension]

"This... All of this changed in one transformation?"

All of the other stats stay the same but Magic Resistance increased significantly to 450. There are some skills that I didn't recognize.

Dragon Aura, Golden Fire and Golden Lightning Manipulation, Mana Manipulation, and Iron stomach.

Those skills is not here before.

And what with my High-Speed Regeneration? Overused Effect?

"Ahh... I see, I see! I acquired the skills when I ate the Dragon's Heart. So, hypothetically, if I eat a monster's meat or heart, I can gain new skills. Interesting... and disgusting."

I shudder at the thought of me eating raw monster meat.

I slapped myself, "There are no such luxuries as delicious foods here, I couldn't be picky with meat. I need to eat and gain their skills so I can survive."

"And the Overused Effect... Maybe it's the reason why I am still alive."

I let out a tired sigh, I need to take bath.

"Alright, let's take a bath first then I could think about the future."

* * *

After taking a cold bath at the lake and getting rid of the blood on my hands. I get rid of my black robe and my only clothes are only a white shirt and black pants.

"I don't have any weapons. I should rely on my new skills..."

I suddenly remember about Hajime.

"That guy... He's not strong but I believe that his luck will make him stay alive. I don't know where he is but I'll try to find him."

3rd POV:

It's been a hellish two days for Akihiro. He trained his Fire and Lightning to the extent that he almost overused it.

So, he spent two days risking his life to train his fire and lightning.

Using his fire, burning all of the monsters is a waste. Akihiro knew that he would rather eat raw meat rather than burn meat so he crafted himself, a dagger.

Not sharp but not blunt either. A horn from a monster that he recently killed.

He quickly adapts the way of using a dagger.

. . .

Stabbing his dagger at the monster's brain. Akihiro took a quick glance at his surrounding.

Five monsters surrounded him. He couldn't escape but his first plan was never to escape.

"My progress with Golden Lightning wasn't fast as Golden Fire but it was enough."

He raised his right hand up.

"Stand down, pests."

Bright yellow energy enveloped his hand. Akihiro swung his hand to the five monsters in front of him and a lightning blade was created.

The Lightning blade moves faster than the monsters can react. The Lightning blade electrocutes the monsters. They aren't dead but they couldn't move and fall to the ground.

He stepped forward and the monsters growled in anger despite the fact they couldn't move.

"Die." Akihiro casually said with a smile.

* * *

Name: Akihiro Tomioka | Age: 17

Gender: Male

Level: 16

Class: Berserker

Strength: 410

Vitality: 390

Defense: 390

Agility: 390

Magic: 400

Magic Resistance: 500


- Monster Break

- High-Speed Regeneration (+Overused Effect)

- Beast Movement

- Dragon Strength

- Dragon Aura (Aura Control)

- Golden Fire and Golden Lightning Manipulation

- Mana Manipulation

- Physical Resistance

- Close Quarters Combat Proficiency

- Sword Proficiency (+Dagger Proficiency)

- Intimidation (+Intimidation Control)

- Iron Stomach

- Sonic Bullet

- Poison Resist

- Silent Step

- Sense Presence

- Language Comprehension]

Akihiro was walking nonchalantly with a smile on his lips. But suddenly, a familiar and strange sound rang out. He could hear it.

A sound of a gun.

Akihiro started to dash from his place to find the source of the sound.

When he arrived at the scene, all he could find is a dead monster's body filled with bullet holes.

"Huh, someone is here..."

He felt a presence. Akihiro quickly turned around and see a white-haired man with a fierce face.

"Akihiro..." The white-haired man suddenly said.

"You... Hajime?" Akihiro's muscles relaxed when he see the person in front of him.

Hajime approached and suddenly punched, Akihiro's face but Akihiro blocked his attack.

"You are really alive? I thought you are dead." Hajime said in disbelief.

"Hey! Is that how you greet your best friend?!"

"I was just trying to confirm if you are really Akihiro because your appearance has changed."

"Said the white-haired guy. Did you eat monster's meat too and what happened to your arm?"

"Yeah, I ate wolf monster meat to be exact and my arm... A bear ate it."

For a second the atmosphere became heavy but soon, Hajime changed the topic.

"What about you, what meat did you eat?"

"A dragon." Akihiro grinned.

"What?! Dragon?! You aren't joking right?! Did you defeat the dragon?"

"No, I just found the Dragon laying dead and I ate the heart since I was starving."

"Tsk, lucky bastard."

"I am indeed a lucky bastard." Akihiro felt proud of himself.

"That's not a compliment... Haah, whatever." Hajime sighed.

"So, what is your plan now, Hajime?" Akihiro asked.

"Going back to Earth, of course." Hajime answered.

"Then our goal is the same. Let's work together!"

"Work together?"

"Yep, working together to destroy anyone who's in our path and get back home."

For a second, Hajime felt like Akihiro was different than the usual him. But he shrugged it off.

"Alright, we'll work together and don't blame me if I left you behind."

"Left behind? Me? Haha! Nice joke!" Akihiro slapped Hajime's head.

"Don't slap my head, fool!" Hajime grabbed Akhiro's shirt collar.

"Ahaha, sorry." Akihiro patted his back head as he apologized.

- To Be Continue


(A/N: Wow, 3000 words. Completely way bigger than the previous version lmao)

Next chapter