
Gods Slayer

Damin_Typie · Fantasía
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31 Chs


"I finished five laps around the city" Dakiro said as he entered the house

"Okay, now will you come with me, I want to show you something"

Saiga led Dakiro to an underground passage.

"What's there?"

"You'll see soon"

They both went downstairs, walking down a dark corridor, lit torches were hanging on the walls, and soon they reached a place where there was an altar.

"Look, Dakiro, there is Holy Water in front of you"

"Holy Water?"

"Yes, Holy Water can enhance the user's strength and speed, but when using its power, it quickly depletes the user's stamina. That's why those who drink it use it as a last resort"

"I see"

"Dakiro, since you are a God Slayer, I want you to drink it"

"Oh wait, how do you know I'm a God Slayer?"

"Because I am one too," he replied, surprising the teenager

"Really, who taught you?"

"Neptune taught me, that's why I can control water"


Saiga offered the holy water to Dakiro, the teenager stared at it for a moment and then began to drink it.

"So nasty"

Suddenly, Dakiro's body was surrounded by a golden Aura, his hair rose up and his muscles enlarged.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel much stronger, it's amazing, is this the power of Holy Water?"


When Dakiro stopped using this power, his body weakened.

"You see, the longer you use this power, the more energy you will use up, remember, become strong enough so that you don't have to rely on the power of the holy water, it is supposed to serve you as a last resort"

"I see"

After leaving the crypt, Dakiro returned to training, and while he was training, Sayura approached him.

"Dakiro, you're probably thirsty after training, so I prepared you something cold to drink" she said kindly

"Thank you Sayura" Dakiro was about to grab the glass but eventually he grabbed the girl's hand "Where is Sayura?" he asked in a stern tone

"What do you mean, I'm here" she said with a fake smile

"Stop pretending and tell me where is she? The real Sayura always wears the bracelet on her right hand, not her left"


Sayura's body turned into a man

"It looks like my trick didn't work"

"Who are you and where is Sayura?"

"My name is Jasak, and if you want to know where I took your girlfriend, you'll have to force it out of me"

"As you wish"

Before Jasak could do anything, Dakiro instantly appeared in front of him and threw him several meters back with a punch to the face.

"He's fast..."

Jasak placed his hands on the Earth, lifting nearby stones and throwing them towards the opponent, Dakiro surrounded his hand with energy and began to deflect the stones, then appeared behind Jasak trying to attack him from behind, Jasak noticed this in time and created a blade of the earth, piercing the teenager's body through and through.

"What do you say, brat?"

Dakiro's body turned into a hologram, the real one appeared a second later right in front of Jasak and struck his stomach with a ball of energy, sending the man crashing into a nearby boulder.

"Damn, he damaged several of my organs"

Dakiro walked up to the man and kicked him in the stomach, repeated it many times and finally grabbed Jasak by the collar.

"Tell me where Sayura is!"

"Let it be, my master told me to bring her to the laboratory and get rid of you, I wanted to poison you with this drink, but unfortunately I failed"

"Where is your master's laboratory?"

"South of this place there is a statue of Einstein, just in front is a hidden entrance to the master's hideout"

After gaining the information, Dakiro stunned the man and tied him to a tree and moved towards the hideout.