
Gods Slayer

Damin_Typie · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Somewhere in an underground laboratory there was an elderly man wearing a purple cloak, and in front of him was a kid chained in bed

"I want to go to mommy and daddy" he said, crying

"Shut up brat, you'll soon be grateful to me for a second life" The man created a dark circle in front of him, which he placed against the boy's body, his body began to shake, his eyes turned black, his hair fell out and blood flowed from his mouth, the child was dead.

"Fuck, Vera, give me another brat"

A woman of seventeen years old approached the man, she had long dark purple hair falling down her back, dark eyes, wearing a black shirt and pants.

"But Mr. Garou, is it necessary?"

"What did you say, Vera? Did you forget that it was thanks to me that you gained demonic power, and who saved you when no one wanted to take you in"

"I...I didn't forget"

"Then obey and do what I tell you"

"Yes, master"

A young man came to the laboratory, he had short black hair and a scar on his right eye "Master Garou, I just wanted to inform you that there is a dragon princess in a nearby town"

Garou perked up at this news "What are you saying seriously?"

"Of course"

"Hohho, who would have thought that fate would give me the key right to my door, we can speed up with my plan, Jasak, bring her to me, no matter what way, as long as she is alive"

"Yes Sir"

The next day, Dakiro stood in front of the mountain with a boulder tied to his back

"Hey, why do I have to carry this rock on my back?" Dakiro asked irritated

"This is part of your training, your task is to get to the top of this mountain with the boulder" Saiga explained

"You have to be joking"

"No, now get to work!"

Dakiro sighed and started climbing the mountain, Saiga watched him carefully "He seems stronger than yesterday, does he have the ability..."

At the end of the day, Dakiro lay panting on the mountaintop "It worked, it was a disaster"

"Good job Dakiro, you have completed your first training"

"Mr. Saiga, what was the purpose of this training?"

"Thanks to this training, we have strengthened your physical strength and endurance. Tell me, Dakiro, didn't you feel different every time you woke up?"

The teenager fell into thought upon hearing this question "You know, I never paid much attention to it, but when I wake up I feel like I've become stronger"

"Dakiro, you have a special ability to dream"

"In a dream?"

"Yes, every time you go to sleep you wake up three times stronger"

"Really, I'm great!" he shouted excitedly

"But remember, this ability can be both your advantage and your curse"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"Once your enemies find out about this ability, they will try to kill you in your sleep, so remember, be careful"

"I see"