
A second meeting

Later that night, Long He sat down in a cross-legged position on his bed and thought. Flashbacks of his earlier encounters flashed in front of his eyes.

'Even after killing thousands of his servants,' he thought, 'And even after I refused his offer another time, Ilah still gives me a chance to be under his rule again. What does he want? What is so special about me that he tries to proclaim me time and time again?'

Then he remembered the conversation between him and Old Jun outside the ruins of Long Yu Feng city. 'I wonder what Old Jun has heard from the deceased oracle to make him rush outside the city the day I was born in. It must be important; if it's not, then why would he swear on his life not to talk about that matter?'

Yet, even after thinking carefully and thoroughly, Long He could not find an answer. He was now at the mercy of Uion and Old Jun to tell him what actually happened.

He put these matters aside and cleared his head. Closing his eyes, he fell into cultivation.

Long He went deeply into the abilities he has gained earlier, especially the Black Smoke ability. Even though he spent a full night discovering it, he only comprehended a slight part of the whole ability.

In the early morning of the next day, Long He opened his eyes. He touched the spot where he was hit in the battle, groaning because of the pain that was still there.

"System, is there something in the shop that would help recover my wound completely?" he asked, still in pain.


[Host; in general, the healing items in the shop of the system, whether they were herbs or potions, could help you recover, but not completely. The system would recommend that the host uses the Water Healing ability, which has already closed the wound.]

Long he nodded and got out of his room. He informed his parents and flew out of the palace to reach the beach.

He took off his clothes and stepped into the cold but refreshing sea water. After his body was completely wet, Long he felt that the pain receded and soon, he couldn't feel it anymore.

Not wanting to leave that refreshing water, Long He stayed there for the most of his morning. However, the calm surroundings were disturbed.


[Water Healing ability raised to level 2.]

"What?" asked Long He, doubt is clear in his eyes. "This fast?"

However, before he got his answer, the notification ring of the system resonated again in his mind.


[There is a message from Uion, the god of planet Ulliea. Does the host wish to hear it?]

Long He sighed and said, "Open it. Let's see what Uion has to say."


"Greetings god He. I have carefully thought about what you have said yesterday, about the rematch with Ilah and the demigods of planet Earth. And as I have told brother Jun and our fellow gods, I have decided that we make a council yet another time. I hope that you will come and participate.

"Your ally, Uion."


[God Uion has sent an invitation to a virtual world. What is the host's decision?]

"Accept the invitation," said Long He after taking some time to decide, and after putting his clothes on him.

[Invitation accepted. Link in progress.

10% of soul power were taken from the host.]


[Link was successfully made. The system is currently transferring the host's mind to the virtual world.]

Long He closed his eyes, but opened them quickly after that. Like the previous meeting, the gods were sitting around a huge round, wooden table.

Bottles and cups of wine were in front of each god. They were talking with each other so loudly that a few noticed that Long He arrived.

Long He found an empty seat and sat down, waiting for the meeting to begin. He inspected the place where the council was held. This time, it was indoors.

The place was a huge great hall, and Long He recognized it as the hall of planet Ulliea. The room was quite simple, actually. On the walls, banners that held Uion's symbol, a three headed Hydra, were hung.

Just like every hall that Long He has seen, and like his, statues held the fire torches, along with a long glass window at the end of it.

He stayed silent all the time, mostly because the others were trying to get away from him. He didn't mind it, though; he found it preferable to stay alone these days.

After all the gods were present, Uion stood up and raised his hand. Instantly, all fell silent, waiting for the sea god to speak.

"Welcome, fellow gods, to our meeting," he said, his voice echoed in the hall. "I will not ask who is here and who is not. So I declare the beginning of the council."

"As we all know," he continued, "We had a war against Ilah some weeks ago, and none was victorious. And as our old tradition goes, the two sides clash every thousand years.

"However, one of our fellow gods suggested that we attack another time, since we have the upper hand on Ilah's forces."

"Who suggested this?" asked a goddess of wind named Ghulena.

"I did," answered Long He calmly, but there was a hint of coldness in his voice.

"Seriously, Uion?" she said, "You still listen to this traitor?"

"I beg your pardon?" This time, the coldness was clearly heard. However, Ghulena ignored him and continued her questioning, "You still expect us to agree to his idea after we had barely lost that war because of him?"

Immediately after she finished, a fuss was made, and the gods started to talk with each other again. "Enough!" shouted Uion, and it died down.

He took a deep breath then said, "The traitor was Vomir, and he is dead now due to Waterflame. As for I agree or not, that is none of your business."

"Then why have you called us here?" asked a god.

"To make a vote to finally agree about this matter. A box will pass by you, and you just think of your response and it will be recorded automatically.

"Let the vote begin!" As Uion has said, a box appeared and passed by every god.

After an hour, the vote ended, and Uion declared the results, "3999 gods have voted here, which leaves me behind. There are 1999 votes for not going to war, and 2000 voting for yes. Added with mine, they make 2001 votes for going on in an another clash with Ilah!

"I declare the second phase of the war of the gods!"

After reading the comments in those two days, I realized that there are many problems indeed. So do you want me to rewrite it in another novel, to get it better? I need to know your opinions in this comment.

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