
Godfather System

Lorenzo found himself betrayed by a once-trusted ally in the dark underbelly of the criminal world, murdered, and surprisingly woke up not just in a new body, but in an entirely unfamiliar one. To his astonishment, he quickly realized he was no longer in the world he knew. The existence of the Corleone Family and four other mafia dynasties from "The Godfather" became his startling reality. Author's Note: Dive into this enthralling Criminal Underworld Fanfic! Each chapter spans between 1,600 and 1,800 words average. For those eager to delve deeper, the advanced 10 chapters await at Patreon.com/NewComer714

NewComer714 · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
87 Chs

System Mission, Choice and Decision

(This chapter includes some lemon scenes, but nothing too intense. If you'd like more steamy moments in future chapters, just leave a comment!)


Lorenzo confidently strode into the lobby, his footsteps echoing off the floor. Adam, Max, and Patrick turned to acknowledge his presence, their expressions somber. Philip, on the other hand, remained fixated on the flickering flame of the candle in front of him. Tension hung in the air as thick as the cigarette smoke.

Without breaking his stride, Lorenzo took his place at the head of the seat. "Adam, I understand you have urgent news for us?"

Adam hesitated, glancing at his friend before handing a sealed envelope to the boss. "It's from the Barzini family, boss."

Lorenzo's eyes widened with feigned surprise as he read the message. He folded the crumpled paper and placed it back into the envelope. "Well... It seems our little secret is out."

Adam shifted nervously in his seat, glancing at the others. "Not only the Barzinis... the Irish gangs too..."

"I know, I know," Lorenzo interjected. "They've got their feathers ruffled over the O'Neal's demise."

Max couldn't help but interject, "Boss, we've been careful! How did they find out?"

Lorenzo leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers, a smirk creeping onto his face. "Boys, there's no use in pointing fingers now. What's done is done. All that matters is how we handle this situation."

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Philip shifted in his seat, the gun holstered under his jacket creaking in anticipation.

As the conversation lulled, a flicker of white light caught the corner of Lorenzo's eye. Surprised, he blinked, found himself staring at the interface, the words blinking before him.

[Ding! You received a major mission!]

[The gangs in your neighborhood are alarmed by your recent actions, including the formidable Barzini Family. Your actions have consequences, and now your Lupo Family is under threat.]

[Choice Number One: Lead your Lupo Family to wipe out the neighborhood gangs and take on the Barzini family alone! (Without Corleone or other mafia family's help.)

[Reward: +5 Level Up, Ring of the Boss (Boosts charm and intimidation.)

Risk: Death of you and your loved ones, Lupo Family's downfall.]

[Choice Number Two: Your Lupo Family is in a precarious position. Your current resources won't suffice to take on the Barzini Family.]

[Escape and relocate to:

Philadelphia, Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit, or Boston - Established mafia presences, but lesser-known turfs.

Southern California, Phoenix, Las Vegas, or Florida - Territory of established families, but better growth potential. Contend with local gangs.]

[Reward: +3 Level Up, Ring of the Lady (Boosts charm and intimidation for ladies and men, an ideal gift for your lover.)]

[Risk: Suffer casualties during escape, but future opportunities for retribution may arise.]

Lorenzo's brow furrowed as he studied the choices before him. As much as he hated to admit it, taking on the Barzinis head-on would be a death sentence, especially if they enlisted help from other families. He glanced at his men, their faces grim but resolute. He couldn't bear the thought of losing them or his lover over his pride. His mind made up, he chose...

[Choice Number Two: Escape and relocate to unclaimed territory, hoping for better odds in the future.]

[Time before the enemies attacked: two months. The host still has two months to decide on a relocation, prepare for the attack, and ensure a smooth retreat.]

Lorenzo blinked, the interface vanishing as quickly as it appeared. The room came back into focus, his men still waiting for his decision. He steepled his fingers, a calculating glint in his eyes.

As Lorenzo selected the second option, a message flashed before his eyes before disappearing.

[Choice selected! You have received a locked ability!]

[Ability: Slow Motion: Momentarily slows down time, enhancing reflexes.]

{Limit: 4 seconds.}

(Cost: 40 points to unlock (points can also be used for leveling up the ability.)

Lorenzo's smile turned ominous. Such an ability would've been useful now, but it would have to do for later. He had more pressing matters at hand.

He thought about when the enemies would attack, which would be in two months. He couldn't help but wonder if the smaller rival gangs and the Barzini family were wary of his relationship with the Corleone family.

Lorenzo leaned across the worn-out table, his eyes narrowing as he spoke. "The Barzini family wants an explanation. It seems the O'Neal brothers had connections to them." He slid a crumpled letter across the table. "They know we wiped them out, every last one of them."

Patrick, seated on a weathered leather chair, nodded in agreement. "Their informant must be close. They know too much."

Lorenzo's voice hardened. "Their consigliere wants to meet with me, personally."

Adam, usually guarded, forgot to call his friend by title. "Don't do it, Lorenzo! You'd be walking into a trap!"

Max gripped the table. "Your life is on the line!"

Lorenzo chuckled grimly, "A boss's life is always in danger."

He wasn't worried because he had a bullet shield awarded to him by the system during the war. Though if the shield ran out, he would be vulnerable, but with his physical abilities, he could still dodge and fight back in a gunfight.

Meanwhile, the room fell silent, the weight of Lorenzo's words suffocating the air. Fear flickered in the eyes of the men around the table, but no one backed down.

"Deliver my message to Richard and the other captains. Two hours, all of us meet here. We'll discuss our next move then."

One by one, the men filed out, until only Lorenzo remained. He stood, strode to the window, and stared out at the gritty city streets below, contemplating their next move.

Lorenzo's gaze lingered on the cityscape for a moment before he turned and made his way to his office. The door creaked open, revealing a sight that brought a small smile to his lips. Deborah, his lover and the love of his life, had dozed off on the plush sofa in the corner. The clock on the wall ticked off the thirty minutes he'd been gone.

He couldn't help but chuckle, tiptoeing over to her. Her beauty never ceased to captivate him. Gently, he brushed a stray strand of hair off her cheek, an endearing gesture at odds with his usual ruthless demeanor. He leaned down, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Mmm," she purred, stirring from her slumber. "You're such a naughty boy, sneaking up on a girl like that."

"I am, my love," he replied, leaning in to place a chaste kiss on her cheek. Deborah giggled, her laughter like music in the otherwise somber room.

After their brief flirtation, Deborah's expression shifted. "I just remembered, I read in the paper today about a massacre last night. Sounded gang-related." Her worried gaze met his. "Lorenzo, I - "

Lorenzo's nod silenced her.

Deborah hugged him tightly, her head against his chest. "I'm so worried about you."

Lorenzo sighed, then hesitantly said, "Actually, Deb..."

Her eyes met his, filled with concern.

"I've decided, my men and I, we're relocating to Los Angeles, South California." He swallowed, "You... you could come with me."

Deborah's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and excitement. "Really? I've always wanted to go there! It's Hollywood, the movie capital of the world!"

Lorenzo couldn't help but chuckle, the sparkle in her eyes infectious.

Lorenzo's hand caressed her hair, soothing her excitement. "Actually, we have two months before we leave. I want to make sure everything's in place before we go."

Disappointment flashed in her eyes, but the sparkle didn't die. "I can't wait."

He chuckled, steering the conversation. "And your parents, they'll be fine with this?"

Deborah's smile widened. "I'm an adult, remember?"

"Fair enough," he said, "Speaking of that, I've been thinking of setting up my own movie studio in New York. I want to bring that script I showed you to screen."

Deborah's eyes lit up again. "I want to see the filming process! I'm so excited!"

Lorenzo grinned. "Of course, I couldn't do it without you."

Lorenzo and Deborah chatted happily about their plans until the situation suddenly changed.

The tension between them was palpable, the air thick with desire.

Lorenzo's lips crashed into Deborah's, his tongue seeking hers with a passion that surprised even him. His hands roamed her supple body, up her thighs, over her hips, and resting them on her full breasts. A moan escaped her lips, spurring him on.

Deborah wasted no time either, her nails raking along his back, leaving trail of goosebumps in their wake. Her hands found their way to his belt, deftly unbuckling it.

The moment his pants hit the floor, her eyes widened at the sight of his hardness. "My," she breathed, her voice filled with lust.

Lorenzo's hands trembled as he lifted her off the sofa, carrying her to the desk. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her boots digging into his back. With a primal growl, he guided himself to her wet heat, teasing them both before thrusting in with one swift motion.

"Ah!" Deborah arched her back, her nails digging into his shoulders as ecstasy washed over her.

Lorenzo's thrusts quickened, the desk creaking under their combined weight. "God, Deborah, you feel so good," he groaned, his grip on her hips tightening.

"Yes, yes," she moaned, her back arching as she matched his rhythm. "Harder, Lorenzo."

His grunts and her cries filled the room, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. Sweat glinted on their skin as they lost themselves in each other.


After their passionate tryst, Lorenzo and Deborah lay spent on the sofa, catching their breaths. He brushed a stray strand of hair from her forehead, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I love you," he whispered, kissing her forehead.

"Love you too," she breathed, her eyes heavy with satisfaction.

Later, Lorenzo called a meeting with his men. The group was taken aback by the news of relocating the entire operation, but no one questioned their boss's decision. They were all too aware of the precarious position they were in.

The room buzzed with hushed whispers. They were often on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. The Barzini family and the rival gangs silence was deafening, and it unnerved them all.

Later that day, in the lobby of the Lupo Group's base, Lorenzo and Sonny Corleone sat down across from each other. The latter lit a cigarette, the end glowing like a beacon in the dim room.

"So, I hear we're here to discuss a deal," Sonny drawled, his eyes never leaving Lorenzo's face.

Lorenzo's lip twitched. "Came straight to the point, eh?" He leaned back in his seat. "We've got a surplus of weapons, ammunition to be exact. Interested?"

Sonny's eyebrow rose, a sure sign of interest. "And why would you be willing to part with such... valuable cargo?"

"Fair point," Lorenzo admitted, "We've also managed to acquire quite a bit of foodstuffs from our recent... takeover." He smirked, "Stocks, if you will."

Sonny's eyes lit up, and he stubbed out his half-smoked cigarette. "I'll have to talk with my father, of course, but I can't see us refusing this opportunity."

LA Noire?

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