
God Of Fear

On the Dark Continent "Umbra" several heroes start their journey towards the Gods

godoffear129 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter -2: Gods of the West (2)

"What are you waiting for?" Yog shouted.

The man was just standing there. He didn't move.

"Why don't you attack him?" Adair shouted.

"I don't know what his 'Holy Fantasy' is!" 

"His what!" Adair asked confused.

"Doesn't matter! Just don't go near him! His Holy Fantasy has a short range, otherwhise we would be dead right now!" Slowly Yog made some steps back, towards his horse.

He opened the big bag and started searching something, while constantly observing the man.

Then he found it. He too was holding an amulet, but his was green. He put it on and closed the bag again.

Then he smiled.

"What?" Adair asked.

"I won!" Yog answered.

Then he started running. The man still didn't move. 

"Don't come near us!"

He stopped running when he reached the man.

Then he grinned. "Skull Abyss!" 

Suddenly the floor under the two of them started cracking and collapsed. They didn't fell but a purple-dark hole was gapping under them.

"What the... What is this?!" Adair shouted.

"This is my Holy Fantasy. It's called Skull Abyss. I can open a portal to a dimension called Abyss. The souls trapped there will try to drag everything down to them, that touches the portal except for me!" 

He let go of his sword, and it fell to the ground. It instantly started rusting. The man fell on his knees.

"You are strong old man!" Yog shouted.

The man looked up to him. "I'm not done!" his voice was deep.

With all of his power he managed to stand up. Then he raised his hand towards Yog.

"Silver... Tor...ture...!" the man said.

A silver string shot out of his finger, cutting into Yog's arm.

"What?!" Yog screamed. He fell on his knees. 

"You can't use your arm anymore!" the man made a step towards Yog.

Another string shot out of his finger. Yog was able to dodge it.

"You are strong boy!"