
God's Genesis: Divine Dominion

Morpheus, a mortal who was granted godhood after his death, seeks to increase his power and rank among the deities by creating and conquering planets. In this universe, the most popular form of entertainment is known as Divine Conquest, where the creations of the gods battle each other to determine the strongest. The victor of these battles gains control of the defeated gods' planets and their resources, and their divine power and status soar. Determined to succeed in this realm, Morpheus sets out to create his own planets and beings to enter the fray. However, as the number of planets under his control grows, so does the number of deities who consider him a threat. Morpheus must navigate the treacherous politics of the divine world while simultaneously managing the ever-increasing power of his own creations. Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-world events, persons, or entities is purely coincidental. The author does not intend to offend any individual or group. The cover art is the author's original creation and is solely owned by the author.

Crixzivion · Fantasía
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39 Chs

[026] Elemental Control and Enhanced intelligence gene

Morpheus lay in a deep slumber, his mind immersed in a realm beyond the reach of mortal beings. He was a god, after all, and such slumbers were not uncommon. But even as he slept, the world he had created continued to evolve, shaped by the actions of his creations.

In the world of Aria, the inhabitants went about their daily lives, praying to their gods for guidance and protection. And while some of these gods were more active than others, Morpheus remained in his slumber, seemingly unaffected by the worship and devotion of his followers.

But the truth was that Morpheus was never truly asleep. Even in his slumber, he was aware of the world around him, and the prayers of his followers reached him in a way that was beyond mortal comprehension.

As the inhabitants of Aria offered their prayers and devoted themselves to their god, Morpheus received creation points – a form of energy that allowed him to shape and mold the world in his image. And so, even in his slumber, Morpheus was working to refine and enhance his creation.

One day, a young priestess named Seraphina approached the altar of Morpheus, her hands clasped in prayer. She spoke softly, her words a fervent plea for guidance and protection.

"Morpheus, hear my prayer. Guide us, protect us, and give us strength in our time of need. We trust in your wisdom and your power, and we offer ourselves to you as your loyal servants."

As Seraphina prayed, a faint light emanated from the altar, and she knew that her prayer had been heard. She smiled, a feeling of warmth spreading through her body. She had always felt a connection to the god of dreams and knowledge, and she knew that he was watching over her and her people.

As the days passed, Seraphina continued to pray to Morpheus, and with each prayer, the light from the altar grew brighter. It was as if the god was awakening from his slumber, his power growing with each passing moment.

And then, one day, Morpheus spoke.

"Seraphina," his voice was a whisper, but it echoed through her mind with a clarity that was unmistakable. "You have shown me great devotion, and for that, I am grateful. Your faith has granted me the power to enhance my creation, to make it stronger and more resilient. I have chosen to bestow upon you a gift – a vision of the future, a glimpse of the world as it could be."

Seraphina closed her eyes, and in that moment, she saw a world that was different from the one she knew. It was a world of wonder and magic, where the inhabitants of Aria lived in harmony with one another, where knowledge and wisdom were valued above all else.

When she opened her eyes, the vision was gone, but the memory remained. And she knew that Morpheus had granted her a great boon – a glimpse of the future, and a promise of greater things to come.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Morpheus continued to awaken from his slumber, his power growing with each passing day. And Seraphina knew that the god of dreams and knowledge was watching over her, guiding her and her people towards a brighter future.

Morpheus stood before the holographic interface of the Divine Emporium, deep in thought. He was surrounded by the vast emptiness of space, but his mind was far from empty. It was filled with plans and strategies, ideas and innovations, all focused on one thing: improving the inhabitants of Aria.

He had come to the Divine Emporium, a holographic interface powered by the MAAS system, to purchase creation enhancements for the inhabitants of Aria. As the god responsible for their creation, it was his duty to ensure their survival and prosperity.

Morpheus studied the list of enhancements available, his mind already calculating the potential benefits and drawbacks of each one. His eyes flickered over the Enhanced Healing Genes, Telepathic Gene, Enhanced Strength Gene, Adaptability Gene, Regeneration Gene, and Longevity Gene. While he recognized the value of each of these enhancements, he knew that they would not be enough to give his creations the edge they needed to survive the challenges ahead.

Then he saw it. The Elemental Control Gene.

Morpheus' eyes widened as he considered the possibilities. With this gene, the inhabitants of Aria could control the elements themselves. They could summon fire and water, control the winds and the earth, bend nature to their will.

But there was a catch. The Elemental Control Gene was one of the most expensive enhancements available, with a price range of 5,000-6,000 Creation points. It would require a significant investment of his divine energy to purchase and integrate it into the inhabitants of Aria.

Morpheus paused, considering the cost. He knew that the Divine Conquest was looming on the horizon, a battle in which his creations would be pitted against each other in a fight to the death. It would be a test of their strength, their intelligence, and their adaptability. It would be a test of his own abilities as their creator.

In the end, he made his decision. Morpheus reached out and selected the Elemental Control Gene from the list of enhancements. He felt a surge of energy as he invested his divine power into the purchase.

As the purchase was completed, the inhabitants of Aria began to feel the effects of the enhancement. The sky darkened, and lightning crackled across the heavens. The earth shook beneath their feet as the winds rose, blowing away everything in their path.

But then something strange happened. The winds calmed, the earth stilled, and the sky cleared. The inhabitants of Aria found themselves able to control the elements themselves, summoning fire and water, controlling the winds and the earth. It was as if they had become one with the very fabric of the universe.

Morpheus watched from his vantage point in space as the inhabitants of Aria experimented with their newfound powers. He saw them create rainbows of fire, summon walls of water, and conjure up gusts of wind that carried them aloft.

He knew that the Elemental Control Gene would give his creations the edge they needed to survive the Divine Conquest. But he also knew that it was only the beginning. There was still much work to be done, many more enhancements to be purchased and integrated into the inhabitants of Aria.

[A slumber once again]

Morpheus stood in front of the holographic interface of the MAAS system, his sharp eyes scanning through the various categories of the Divine Emporium. He had a specific goal in mind, and he knew exactly what he needed to make his creations on Aria stronger and more advanced.

He navigated to the Creation Enhancements category, and the holographic interface lit up with a plethora of options. Morpheus took a deep breath and began to scroll through the various genetic modifications.

As he reviewed each one, he evaluated its potential benefits and drawbacks, considering the long-term implications for his creations. Morpheus was not one to make decisions lightly, and he took his time studying each option carefully.

Finally, he stopped on the Enhanced Intelligence Gene. The description spoke of the gene's potential to increase problem-solving skills, memory retention, and overall mental agility. Morpheus had no doubt that this gene would greatly benefit his creations on Aria.

He placed the order for the gene, and the holographic interface prompted him to specify the inhabitants of Aria to whom he wanted it to be integrated. Morpheus specified that the gene should be integrated into the entire population, making them smarter and more efficient in every aspect of life.

It took a few weeks for the gene to be successfully integrated into the inhabitants of Aria. During this time, Morpheus watched closely, observing any changes or effects the gene might have on the inhabitants.

As the weeks passed, it became apparent that the gene was having a significant impact on the inhabitants of Aria. They began to exhibit improved problem-solving skills, more efficient communication, and enhanced creativity. Morpheus was pleased with the results.

The gene's effects were particularly evident in the scientific and artistic communities. Scientists made breakthroughs in fields like medicine and engineering, while artists produced works of art that were more intricate and profound than ever before.

The inhabitants of Aria were grateful for the gift of enhanced intelligence. They had a renewed sense of purpose and direction, and they felt empowered to pursue their dreams and ambitions with greater ease and confidence.

Morpheus watched as his creations on Aria thrived under the influence of the Enhanced Intelligence Gene. He knew that this genetic modification would have a lasting impact on the inhabitants of Aria, helping them to reach new heights of achievement and excellence.