
Global Tycoon System

A mercenary who died in war was born in another world. Will he be able to live a peaceful life as he longed for it or will he control the world from the shadows? ****************************** This book is a wish-fulfillment novel. This novel may feel like cliche and crap but I hope everyone likes it and enjoy it. This is my first time writing a book and there may be some grammar mistakes. It contains mature and sexual content. Read at your own risk Tags: R18| System| Harem| Urban| Playboy| Hollywood| Rich | Adult| Romance| Slice of Life| Affair| Anal| Netori|Polygamy| Milf| Crossovers to movie worlds and anime worlds.

Jamestwilight · Otras
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16 Chs

Nova Kingdom.

Lying on the bed, Ethan glanced up at the ceiling, blankly. Ethan digested all of the information in the ring. The kingdom that his family controlled was still there, and it is now known as the Nova Kingdom. It is ruled by the Nova Government. Surprisingly, it is a monarchical administration, and the strange aspect is that there is no king or queen.

The weirdest part is that the government is an absolute part of all things. It's been 500 years since that government established and ruled the country. It has always been a neutral country and has not taken part in major wars.

Ethan opened the system interface and looked at the Nova Empire full history package which is rated for 100 TP. Ethan hesitated and bought the information from the system. 

This world is quite distinct from Earth and roughly three times larger. There wasn't much difference in history, but some new countries were established.

Nova country's official name is Nova Empire, which is recognized around the world. It was in the North Atlantic Ocean, very close to the United Kingdom. It was established roughly 1600 years ago and is one of the oldest kingdoms. Nova Empire is nearly as large as Australia, with a population of over 500 million. It was rich in both water and natural resources. Agriculture accounts for the vast majority of the country's total GDP.

Around 1500 AD, the royal family perished and the Nova government took the place of royal authority. The Nova Government always respects royal power and looks for missing royal families secretly. Ethan also examined that information.

His ancestors migrated to America as a result of the revolution, which failed. The king retained his throne and brought an end to the revolt. The king's eldest son abandoned the realm, and the second was killed in the revolt. The king has designated one of his grandsons for the throne.

Following that, King kept researching the mental method and discovered a means to transfer his mental energy to another person.

King did not want to reveal family secrets to his descendants for fear that they would track down the Eldest Son's family. Instead, he chose a loyal servant who had served them for years.

His name is August White, and his family has served the kings for generations. Out of consideration, he planted mental seeds in the August white and transferred his mental energy to him. After the monarch died, August began to retreat into the shadows.

He wants to find the Lost family, but the former king placed a mental seed which restricts his ideas and if he actively searches for them, the mental seed will explode and perish. He covertly begins to look after the Royal Family.

He is also aware that he will die eventually. He considered the same way that the monarch used him to transfer mental energy. A concern rose in his mind: what if the chosen individual betrays the royal family and the country? August soon began to consider alternative approaches and conduct research on mental methods. In some stories, he heard about possession and looked into it.

August soon devised a means of transmitting consciousness to another person. He is aware that his actions were awful, but who cares? His major mission is to preserve the kingdom and locate his royal family. 

Royal family perished around 1500 AD as a result of many assassination attempts. The king and August collaborated to write the Nova Royal Constitution, which established the Nova Government. The Nova Empire fought numerous battles with Spain, France, and Britain, but it emerged victorious.

The major reason Nova Empire won is because of August. After the government was formed, the Royal family may lose influence in the future, therefore he covertly founded an intelligence unit to help deal with traitors and wars.

He also trained dead soldiers using metal energy and had complete control over the Nova empire. After early 1800, he began searching for the royal family with the assistance of dead soldiers. The restriction imposed on his body was transmitted with him to another body. Although he is unable to locate them, his dead soldiers can.

After 100 years of investigation, he reduced it to 20 families worldwide, including the Nightshade family. He couldn't pinpoint them accurately and was looking for more information.

After reading the information, Ethan determined that the Nova Empire never had democracy and was completely controlled by the Nova government. The citizens of the empire were also pleased, and they recognized the monarchy, making them more eager to locate the lost bloodline of royalty. Thousands of members claim to be royalty each year, but they never prove it. There were a few little revolutions regarding democracy, but they were all handled well.

After WWII, Nova Empire was the second country to develop a nuclear weapon. There were considerable tensions between the USA and the Nova Empire, but the Nova Empire remained neutral. August possessed the most terrible intelligence on the planet.

As time passed, August possessed multiple bodies and his mental energy became larger. That's why he had complete power over dead warriors. He also imposed several limitations on soldiers.

After reviewing the thorough facts, Ethan must appreciate August's faithfulness and dedication. Those who have power become addicted to it, but August does not. He never forgot his aims.

Ethan has a headache. What to do in the future? If he is identified as a royal bloodline, he will become the center of attention, and his goals may shift.

"Your monthly, weekly, and daily sign-ins have come."


"Congratulations on receiving monthly sign-ins for 10 T-1000 Liquid robots."

"Congratulations on gaining the ability Psychic Power for weekly sign-in."

"Congratulations on receiving one million dollars.

Ethan closed his eyes and focused his concentration. Ethan concluded that his mental capacity is limited and that he must exercise daily to get maximum output.

He peered around the system space and noticed ten liquid robots resting quietly. They had all of T-1000's powers, as well as certain otherworldly abilities. The technology cannot detect them. They are experts in all military weaponry and techniques. They can eat like regular humans, and the food acts as their energy.

Ethan took out all the robots, which were all in liquid form. Ethan used 100 TP to establish an identity for them in several ethnicities. He handed them $10 million apiece and dispatched them to various countries such as the United Kingdom, Soviet Union, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, China, India, and Australia. He just assigned them the responsibility of multiplying money in a legal to illegal method.

He dispatched one of them to Nova Empire to contact August, while another was held for his bodyguard squad. All of the robots melted gently and left the palace.

Ethan looked at the genetic serum in the system space and chose to give it to the William couple. William may be a descendant of August White. Ethan gradually fell asleep on the bed.

The next day, Ethan awoke and went through his morning routine. In the morning, he saw William and asked him to enter the guest room with his wife. Ethan gazed at the elderly couple and handed them two bottles of genetic solution. Ethan divided the genetic bottle into two.

"Master, what is this?" Both of them stared at the tube and questioned nervously. Ethan smiled lightly and spoke.

"Drink; it'll help you." Ethan exited the room and spoke before leaving.

"Don't be too loud." They could not understand him and drank the bottle. They felt a pleasant sensation throughout their bodies. Both of them gazed at each other with terror on their faces.

Both of them began to change and become younger. They stepped to the mirror and gazed at themselves.


"I have gotten younger..."

"Me, too..."

Both gazed at each other, and William kissed his wife. They now realized what Ethan was talking about. After an hour, they both got out of the room and went to Ethan's study room. Ethan looked at them and spoke.

"It took nearly an hour."

"Sorry, master." Wiliam was embarrassed and asked

"Master, what has happened to our bodies?"

"Well, that serum strengthened your body, and you have a very long lifespan. Most importantly, you can have children.

"Master, is it true?"


"Thanks, master." William's wife almost knelt. Ethan rushed to their side and supported them.

Don't do that.

"Master, if we get younger, there shouldn't be there problem."

"Don't worry; I've already solved it." Ethan stared outside the door, and so did they. Their expressions were filled with horror when they saw this. There were two people precisely like them, although they were elderly. They were liquid robots, which Ethan purchased from the system for 1000 points.

"Your identity will be replaced." Ethan handed them documentation relating to their identities and spoke.

"Just go on some trip, and I'll tell you later what to do." William stopped and looked at his wife. His wife looked at him hesitantly and nodded.

"Okay, Master."