
Global Tycoon System

A mercenary who died in war was born in another world. Will he be able to live a peaceful life as he longed for it or will he control the world from the shadows? ****************************** This book is a wish-fulfillment novel. This novel may feel like cliche and crap but I hope everyone likes it and enjoy it. This is my first time writing a book and there may be some grammar mistakes. It contains mature and sexual content. Read at your own risk Tags: R18| System| Harem| Urban| Playboy| Hollywood| Rich | Adult| Romance| Slice of Life| Affair| Anal| Netori|Polygamy| Milf| Crossovers to movie worlds and anime worlds.

Jamestwilight · Otras
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16 Chs

August White.

The capital of Nova Kingdom is Starfall. It can accommodate approximately 10 million people. There was a white palace in the center of the city. It was established in 1200 AD and serves as the palace of the Nova Kingdom.

The palace covers 100 acres and features lovely gardens. Some castles around the palace functioned as the headquarters for many different wings. The palace was well-preserved and cleaned every month. Everyone thinks this palace has been shuttered, yet the world is unaware that it is serving a frightening intelligence bureau. A white young man glanced at the palace, then turned into liquid, and then entered the sewer.


"Boss, I sold all the gold."

"Oh, which bank...?"

"I took it into numerous banks."

Ethan told him to sell the gold. Ethan is aware that gold prices are low, but he lacks the opportunity to take advantage of this. John sold 1,000 tons of gold and made about 1.5 billion dollars. The money was sufficient to meet some debts for the time being.

"How is the audit of companies going?"

"Very good boss."

"It will take us no more than a week to complete."

"I also require evaluations for each company's head and various sections."

"Boss, how about the publishing company?"

Ethan ordered John to watch after the Publishing company, but after some consideration, he purchased a robot that was a specialist in that area and sent him to the company.

"I sent someone to take care of it."

OK, boss. I'll take my leave."

Then Ethan read through the newspapers, and every one of them included news about him. It had been a week, and he was seeing this news every day. Fortunately, they didn't have his photo. For three days, paparazzi squatted around his palace.

His workers approached them with firearms, and the reporters fled in fear. Texas has severe restrictions regarding self-defense. That is why Texas has the greatest firing rate. Ethan took a quick look at the newspapers before going to his ranch.

His ranch included approximately 50,000 acres, the majority of which was used for agriculture, producing cotton, corn, and grains to feed the cattle. There are also livestock such as cattle, sheep, goats, hens, and horses. His farm also grows a variety of crops, including tomatoes, onions, peppers, and fruits.

Ethan purchased a land rejuvenation card from System which covered his 50,000 acres. After using the card, his land became more fertile, and crop production increased. Importantly, the animals who consume these crops will always be healthy, and their meat will taste good. Importantly, no one can notice the change. Ethan glanced at the horses and chose to learn to ride. Ethan began living his life leisurely.


August White glanced at the sparkling stars and sighed.

"Will I be able to discover my master's family?"

When he thought of the royal family, his mood sunk significantly. His master instructed him not to look for them. He did not blame his master for imposing such limits. He began to reflect on all of the previous years, and his mood became rather gloomy. It had been over 1000 years, and his spirit was tired. He attempted multiple times to remove restrictions but was unsuccessful. After a lengthy search, they reduced it to 20 families, and with a little further investigation, they were able to locate a family.

"I hope my master's family still exists."

August detected something and hastily grabbed his revolver and shot.


There were metal clashing sounds, and August glanced at the individual with suspicion and asked.

"Who are you?"

"It took me a while to find you."

"My master wanted me to give you this." He was a liquid robot that Ethan had brought. He heard multiple shouts and realized that guards had been notified due to the firing. Before leaving, he threw the package to August and spoke with him.

"It's best if you come alone, my lord doesn't want to attract attention."

"I'll wait for you in New York."

After that, the man transformed into a liquid and entered nearby pipes. August glanced at the entire process with terror on his face. August took the gift, and before opening it, he heard voices.

"Master, are you okay?"

He saw a man shouting and racing toward him.

"I'm fine."

The man was in his early thirties and went by the name Lucas White. He was the blood of the white family and the current head. August White had two boys; one followed the Nightshade family and the other remained with him. His family lineage has been protected by him for many years.

"What happened, Master?"

"Oh, I sensed something, which is why I shot."

"Okay, Master."

After that, Lucas left him. August took a look at the parcel and entered his study area. In his study room, he opened the gift. There was a photograph and a metal coin.

When he viewed the photograph, his body trembled because he recognized it. This was his master's ring. The coin was golden and exquisitely carved. There was one pair of eyes that displayed no emotion.

His expression was filled with fear as he saw the coin, which was manufactured by his master and represented his royal family. It was unknown to the outside world. His master wishes to use the sun as an emblem, but after some thought, he settles on a pair of eyes.

This emblem represents various things, including their power over the country, any trickery or schemes that cannot be hidden from it, and, finally, their dominance.

Looking at them, he shook and mumbled,

"Finally...I found them...no, they found me..."

"Master...was correct..."

August both laughed and cried for a while and then glanced for a sender and remembered he was waiting for him in New York. August hurriedly departed the location without alerting anyone. He was well aware of the sender's desire to avoid drawing attention to himself. August disguised himself and boarded the plane bound for New York.