
Global Shop In Multiverse.

Our protagonist is suddenly thrown into a new world with a special system-like ability to be able to buy most things he wants using money. join us as he starts his journey toward multiple worlds! Starting from an H-Manga!. Disclaimer: 18+ only, it has detailed adult content unsafe for children.

nkcthereaper · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 20: New issue.

It was already dark by the time Hiroya managed to arrive at Eldest Sister Ririna's place.

'Left from here....'

Following his memory he made his way through the street and arrived before an old-looking apartment building.

Hiroya frowned the place looked congested and the street around the place was also particularly dark with no person in sight.

The environment was terrible.

Walking up the stairs he stopped before Ririna's apartment.

Since it was already nighttime, Hiroya didn't have to worry about her not being home, so he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Sister it's me Hiroya."

Hiroya waited for some time but no reply came from the other side, making him wonder if she wasn't home.

Grabbing the door knob he lightly pushed the door.

'Hm? It's open.....'

As soon as the door opened.

Hiroya's eyes contracted.

For a moment it was as if the world slowed down.

And in this slow-moving world.

He saw his sister Ririna, the girl he met a week ago, standing on a chair with a rope around her neck, her leg slowly pushing the chair to commit a terrible act.

There was no time to think.

Veins appeared around Hiroya's face as a force utilizing all of his body's strength was sent to his limbs making him move at an astonishing speed.

As the seat beneath Ririna's feet slipped, just when her body was in mid-air, Hiroya's figure appeared before.

He hugged her hips using one hand and grabbed the rope using his other hand.

Not giving Ririna a chance to think he quickly pushed away the rope from her neck and placed her down on the floor.

After saving her, Hiroya heaved a sigh of relief but the next moment a surge of rage passed through his body, he grabbed Ririna's face and stared straight into her eyes shouting in a loud voice.

"What the hell are you are you doing!"

Her eyes were unfocused and her face flushed red, he could clearly see strains of tears left on her fair face, and the smell of alcohol emitting from her body only seemed to provide fuel for his anger.

"W...who are you?....", Ririna said in a small voice as she pushed away Hiroya's hand from her face.

Looking at her confused face, Hiroya took in a deep breath to calm himself and said.

"I'm your younger brother Hirkya."

Hirkya said while pointing at himself.


But his reply only seems to make her even more confused.


"Yes, I understand mother...."

After ending the call, Ririna looked at Hiroya who was sitting on the chair with a complicated look on her face.

"You've changed.....", Ririna said while grabbing her arm, avoiding looking directly at him.

Hirkya remained silent and stared at his sister.

She was wearing a U-shaped top which clearly showed her neck and parts of her bountiful chest, on her lower body she was wearing shorts clearly exposing her long white legs.

"Explain.", Hiroya said in a neutral voice.

But even after hearing his voice, Ririna remained silent, with her head hanging down she just stood in place not saying anything.

The more Hiroya saw her acting like this the higher he felt his anger rising.

This was the second time he had ever felt such a strong urge to grab a person and beat them up to get them to talk.

The first time was when he was Riruru at the hospital after she almost kicked him to death....

"Do you have nothing to say? Are you a mute?"

Seeing Ririna not replying Hiroya pressed on.

"Talk to me sister, why would you take such a step?....."

"Why would I take such a step?", Riruru snorted and said in a voice filled with ridicule.

Hiroya shut up, waiting for her to continue.

Raising her head she stared at Hiroya through her messed hair, through her reddened eyes he could sense a deep feeling of helplessness filled with a sense of resignation.

"Look around you brother."

Ririna waved her hand showing the small single-room apartment filled with trash lying here and there.

The place was messed up, he could see a foldable mattress on the floor on top of which lay various cans of cheap alcohol you can buy anywhere.

Using her hand as a support, Ririna sat down on the floor, seeing a can of half-empty alcohol nearby she reached for it in a pathetic manner with her chest pressed against the ground and her legs kicking the trash nearby.

After grabbing the can, She didn't even bother to get up, lying down on the ground she faced the ceiling and placed the can of alcohol against her lips drinking from it while also spilling some of the drink on her face.

Finishing the can she used her hand to wipe her face then as if she remembered something, Ririna turned her face to look at Hiroya.

Seeing him quietly staring at her she suddenly smiled, showing her teeth and said.

"I'm a mess."

Hiroya didn't say anything, looking at Ririna's condition he knew saying anything wouldn't mean much anyway.

So instead of using words, he decided to move his body instead.

Getting up from the seat, Hiroya stepped over Ririna and went to the small kitchen in the apartment.

Grabbing a trash bag he started picking up various pieces of garbage from the floor.

While he was cleaning the place, Eldest Sister Ririna kept lying on the floor but still her eyes followed Hiroya throughout the process.

In less than ten minutes the trash on the floor was collected, packing it up he placed it outside the apartment's door, and coming inside his gaze landed on the various unwashed dishes in the washbasin.

Grabbing the soap he started cleaning it up, and in no time the dishes were also done.

Then Hiroya called up his cheat and looked for a particular kill.


Skill: Cooking Expert.

Proficiency: Beginner.

Cost: $1,000



With a silent command, he bought the Skill and opened up the small fridge.

Seeing the small amount of ingredients present, Hirkya frowned but still after thinking for some time an idea formed in his mind as he quickly got into work.

As he started preparing food, Ririna supported her upper body from the ground using her hand and said.

"What are you doing?....."

Hearing her hoarse voice, Hiroya replied casually.


"Cooking?....", Ririna asked in a confused voice.

"I can tell you haven't eaten yet.", Hiroya said as he turned on the stove.

Looking down at her stomach, Ririna grabbed it and remembered that she had indeed not eaten anything.

'But after what happened today.....', Ririna bit down on her lower lip as the nightmare that happened today passed through her mind making her fall down on the floor once again.

Glancing at Ririna from the corners of his eyes, Hiroya continued cooking.

After the random dish he made from different things was cooked, Hiroya covered it and went to the bathroom.

Grabbing the toiletries he started cleaning it up, in no time the bathroom regained its shine.

After washing his hands, Hiroya served the food on a plate, unfortunately since there weren't many ingredients to begin with, he was only able to make food for one.

"Get up sister."

Grabbing Ririna by her shoulder he made her sit against the wall and placed the dish in front of her.


Ririna looked at the food placed before her, it looked like a random mixture of things dumped together.

At first, she wanted to refuse but seeing Hiroya staring straight at her made her reluctantly grab a spoon and take a bite.


A thought came to Ririna's mind as she slowly started chewing on the food, gulping it down she stared blankly at air for a moment, and then a gurgling sound came from her stomach making her take another spoonful of food and place it in her mouth.

And just like that the food was gone.

Seeing Hiroya pick up the plate, Ririna raised her head and said.

"Did you eat?...."

Hiroya paused and gave her a nod before moving the plate to the washbasin and cleaning it.

Behind him, Ririna's eyes kept staring at him, his tall and wide figure was pasted in her eyes.

When he was done, She saw him grab the mattress, and take it outside the apartment, followed by some sound of him smashing the mattress to clean the dirt.

After he returned, Hiroya placed the clean mattress on the ground, took out a clean bedsheet from the almira, and covered it.

Then she saw him pat the mattress and look towards her with a stoic expression.



Ririna couldn't help but laugh hearing his mechanical voice and seeing his stone-like expression.

As she laughed, a feeling of happiness suddenly filled her heart.


She looked at the clean room using her half-opened eyes.

'My family...'

Her laugh didn't stop.

"They are still there...But...."

Tears started forming at the corners if her eyes.


The corners of her lips fell down as her laughing expression turned into a crying one.

'The world....it's unfair.....'

Her loud laughter was shrouded by her painful crying.

Covering her face with her hands she cried her heart out.


Hiroya calmly waited for Ririna to express her emotions.

He didn't stop her nor try to console her, because he thought she needed some space more than anything right now.

Finally, after fully wearing her emotions, Ririna calmed down, removing her hands from her face she looked at Hiroya.

Seeing him quietly looking at her made the corners of her mouth raise up to form a smile.

"You know brother..."

Then she started telling her story, something which she couldn't tell anyone about.

Hiroya listened to her words, not interrupting her or encouraging her.

So her story went like this...

It was just after their father passed away.

After his death their family was left with no source of income and her being the Eldest sibling, all the responsibilities suddenly fell on her shoulders.

The sudden situation made her leave college without completing her degree and start working to support her mother and younger siblings.

If it was just her then it wouldn't have been hard to pay the bills, but it wasn't just her, She also had four extra mouths to feed.

It wasn't something that could be done by just doing a single low-level job at a small business.

So she also started working as a waiter at a bar at night.

The work was exhausting but she persisted for years, there were many times she was offered an easy way out by selling herself but Ririna rejected them all believing that her hard work would be enough to push through the hardships.

But it seems she was wrong.

"It happened last week...right after I met you at the hospital....."

Ririna grabbed her face and continued.

"My boss at work said I was fired...for taking an unannounced holiday to meet you....I asked him to reconsider, explaining you're incident...I cried...I begged him.....but he didn't listen....."

Her tone of voice changed.

"Then he said there was a way....."

She got on all fours, making her way towards Hiroya.

"He approached me with a lewd expression...."

She stopped before him and sat down, raising her finger she traced it around her chest.

Grabbing her U-shaped top, She pulled it down revealing her huge white breast and pink nipples in his view.

"He grabbed my chest....."

Turning around she pulled down her shorts, showing Hiroya her round and full hips.

"Played with my ass...."

Pulling up her pants, Ririna fell back onto Hiroya's chest.

"Said one night is all it would take..."

Ririna looked down at the area between her legs, rubbing it lightly with her fingers.

"But I....."

She suddenly turned her face and stared straight at Hiroya.

"Rejected him...."

A plain smile appeared on her face.

"Slapped him and ran away..."

She waved her hands in an exaggerated manner.

"And that's how it all started..."

She suddenly lost strength and fell face down on his chest.

"I lost my job...no other company will hire me...it seems my boss had connections with them.....I did not have a degree either..."

She continued in a self-depreciating tone.

"It seems selling myself was the only option..."

She took out a 500 yen coin from her pocket.

"This is all I have left."

She tossed the coin in the air, making it spin, but as she wasn't sober enough she wasn't able to catch the coin as it fell on the ground and bounced away.

With cloudy eyes Ririna stared at the leaving coin, turning her head up she saw Hiroya's clear eyes looking at her, his new face seemed to connect with the memory of her younger brother she used to play with when he was little.


Her voice reached his ears.

"Can you help me wash up?"