
Global Shop In Multiverse.

Our protagonist is suddenly thrown into a new world with a special system-like ability to be able to buy most things he wants using money. join us as he starts his journey toward multiple worlds! Starting from an H-Manga!. Disclaimer: 18+ only, it has detailed adult content unsafe for children.

nkcthereaper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 19: Discussion.

Huroya looked at his image in the mirror, white shirt with coat and black pants which he took from his deceased father's room due to time constraints.

Surprisingly the clothes fit him well, his broad chest highlighted his figure and his straight posture gave other's a sense of deterence.

On the other side, the three women in the house were staring at him in a daze.

But the reason for their reactions was slightly different from each other.

'My son has a company?'

Hiroya's mom was still shocked and unable to believe that her 14-year-old kid had become the owner of a company and launched something called mobile games.

Rio wasn't as surprised since she already knew about Horizon Corp, but still remembering how Hiroya rejected her coming with him to meet the agent from Microsoft made her annoyed.

Especially since the other person was a woman.

Lastly, Riruru was playing 'Subway Surfer' While looking at Hiroya from time to time. She was instantly attracted to the game and shared it with her friends but she was also shocked and amazed at the fact that her brother who was the same age as her could create such a game.

But despite the different emotions the three of them were experiencing, they all could agree on one thing.

That their son/brother was looking handsome.

Seeing that Hiroya was dressed and ready to go, Riruru suddenly put down her phone and ran up to him, wrapped her arm around his chest, and said with a pitiful look on her face.

"Brother, can I come with you?"

Looking down at his sister's pitiful face Hiroya smiled and replied.


Then he grabbed shocked Riruru using her head and threw her off like a rag onto the sofa.

"I'm leaving"

Waving his hand Hiroya left the house under his mother and Rio's dumbfounded eyes.

"Waahh Mom! Hiroya bullied me!"

Ignoring the background noise coming from his house, Hiroya took a cab to the designated meeting place.

Looking at the various houses passing by that looked similar to his own, he couldn't help but fall into a state of thinking.

His family lives on the outskirts of Kyoto region, the house they own has been inherited from their grandparents.

Although they had a house, the majority of the house's income was covered by his Eldest Sister Ririna who works as a typical office employee in Osaka.

Luckily with the state's various subsidiaries for students, the three brothers and sisters didn't have to worry much about education up to high school level.

But college will be almost impossible with their earnings, plus Rio and Riruru were the best at studying, and their grades were average although they excelled at sports it wasn't at the level of winning a prize and getting a scholarship.

Hiroya remembers that his Eldest Sister had to drop out of college due to their father's death and get a job to support the family.

'This family is hanging by a single thread.....the moment the thread is broken....'

Hiroya frowned, being an adult in a child's body, he can clearly see the various difficulties his family will face if something unexpected happens.

'I should also give Sister Ririna a visit.....'

It's about to be a week since his discharge from the hospital and he clearly remembers the last look on his Eldest sister's face when she left his ward.

If this was a normal world then he would have thought that she was simply suffering from work pressure.

But this was not a normal world.

It's a H-Manga world.

It can be seen by the fact that no police investigation took place even after he beat up those gangsters.

'Or perhaps an investigation is going on but they haven't approached me yet?'

Hiroya didn't know, there could be many different possibilities.

But for now, he decided not to think about them and focus on his current objective.

Tokyo Four Season Hotel.

Hiroya's eyes shone as he looked around the gorgeous place, it was his first time inside such a fancy hotel so he couldn't help but discreetly take a few extra looks.

While Hiroya was looking around his tall figure quickly attracted the attention of several employees.

In no time a beautiful woman wearing traditional Japanese clothes came up to him and greeted him in a respectful tone.

After seeing the electronic ticket Hiroya was carrying in his mobile the employee smiled beautifully and escorted him towards the reception.

Then under the guidance of the enthusiastic staff, Hiroya arrived at a small-sized meeting room with a wooden table in the middle followed by four exquisite-looking seats on the side.

Hiroya sat down on one of the chairs and looked out from the window seeing a traditional-style swimming pool with people from various different countries swimming in it.

After closing the window, Hiroya sat down on the chair and started looking around the room, the traditional and comfy feeling the room gave off showed its presence as one of the top hotels, and the placement of various items was just right.

After getting bored with waiting for a while, Hiroya turned on the TV and started looking at the news.


Through his Master level Martial Arts, Hiroya sensed someone approaching the door, with a light movement he turned off the TV and waited.

In the next moment the sliding door was opened revealing a mature office woman wearing a pair of glasses with blond hair and white skin showing her Western qualities, beside the woman was a man in a black dress holding a folder filled with documents, lastly was the hotel's employee, the woman wearing Japanese dress who was responsible for guiding him here.

While Hiroya was assessing the three of them the blond woman also got a clear look at Hiroya.


That was the first thought that came to her mind, She almost wondered if he was even above 18.

But then when Hiroya got up from his seat to greet them, She couldn't help but notice his tall posture and strong body, Narrowing her eyes she got the useless thoughts out of her mind and focused on the job.

A business-like smile appeared on her face as she grabbed Hiroya's extended and greeted him.



After a simple greeting, they all sat down on the chairs.

After sitting down, Hiroya looked at the Hotel's employee who was still standing by the table, his look clearly asking why she wasn't leaving.

"I will act as a translator sir."

The hotel's employee smiled and bowed to him in response.

"Ms Aiko is a translator, it will make further dealing easier."

Hiroha heard the blond woman's words and turned towards her.


"This is Mr Isamu, he will act as a legal representative for both parties."

Isamu nodded towards Hiroya and smiled to show his friendliness.

Did they want to win his friendliness by getting people from Japan?

Hiroya quietly wondered in his mind as the discussion started.

The conversation went on fluidly, there weren't many times Ms. Aiko had to translate as Hiroya knew English but still perhaps his accent was a little off which allowed Ms. Aiko to play her role.

Linda explained to him that Microsoft was trying to gain a foothold in the mobile games market.

They wanted to expand their Xbox games library, which made Hiroya remember about Xbox game pass which will be released in the future, it seem Microsoft was already planning for it for years.

Finally, after some small talk, they reached the main topic.

"Then Mr Hiroya we have decided to purchase your company Horizon...."

Linda paused for a moment before and gave Hiroya a friendly smile.

"For 20 million dollars."

She waited to see Hiroya's excited expression, the amount of money wasn't something someone so young would have seen in their entire life.

But she couldn't help but be disappointed after looking at the frown that appeared on his face, She knew further discussion was going to be difficult.

"It's not enough."

"Then how much will be appropriate?", Linda asked in a calm tone.

Tapping the table Hiroya shook his head and continued.

"100 million."

Hearing the number Ms. Linda's face hardened, Mr. Isamu gave Hiroya a deep look and Ms translator Aiko felt her heartbeat speed up.

After all, she was just an employee, the talk about millions of dollars exited her.

"Mr Hiroya this is unrealistic."

Linda shook her head and continued.

"You're games have only had 300,000 downloads..."

"A revenue of hundred thousand dollars in three days.", Hiroya interjection.

"But that's because of advertisement...", Linda said while scrunting her brows.

But seeing Hiroya's unchanging expression, Linda thought for a moment before saying.

"The best we can do is 50 million....."

The price was raised again.

In fact it wasn't really raised, this was the original amount the higher authorities agreed upon.

Linda didn't think the games were worth that much so she started by cutting the amount in half.

"100 million."

Linda's expression darkened, this Hiroya was really greedy.

The gears in her mind started moving, looking silently at Hiroya's stoic face she said.

"It seems Mr Hiroya is uninterested in doing business..."

Hiroya frowned, both Subway Surfer and Flappy Birds were hit games. Although he knew 100 million is a bit high for the price of the two games.

After thinking for a moment he said.

"70 million....."

Hiroya looked straight at Linda's blue eyes waiting for her response.

Seeing a smile appear on her face, he knew the deal was done.

"I will need to talk to my superior...", Linda said while taking out her phone.

"Please give me a moment."

She said while looking at Isamu and Aiko.

Understanding her meaning the two of them left leaving Hiroya and Linda alone.

Not wasting any time Linda quickly dialed her superiors number and put the phone on speaker.


A middle-aged man's rough voice came from the other end.

"President I have finished talking to the owner of Horizon Corp....", Linda said in a steadfast tone

"....Is it done?"

Suddenly Linda placed a finger on her mouth while looking at Hiroya making him tilt his head in confusion.

"Sir they are asking for 75 million...."


Hiroya's eyes widened as he understood what the blond was up to.

After hearing her words the voice on the other side fell silent for a moment before saying.

"I have tried the game....it's unique...alright you can agree to the amount, but try and lower it further if possible."

Then the man on the other side hung up.

After taking back her phone, Linda got up from her seat and extended her hand towards Hiroya.

"Pleasure doing business with you Hiroya."

Looking at her innocently smiling face, the corners of Hiroya's mouth raised up as he shook her hand.

Afterward, Linda called back the lawyer, went through a few legal processes, and signed some documents, and the deal was done.

Seeing the lawyer Isamu take his leave Hiroya was about get up as well when Linda stopped him.

"Would you like to join me?", Linda said with a knowing smile on her face while pointing at the Japanese-style pool outside the window.

Hiroya looked at the pool and then at Linda, her mature body was giving off a womanly charm.

How could he refuse? There were also things they needed to discuss.

"Let's go."

Under the guidance of Aiko, Hiroya and Linda left the room.

Since neither of them had swimsuits, they were required to rent one.

Hiroya bought a simple blue colored swim trunks and waited for Linda.

While he was waiting his tall physique and perfectly shaped muscles easily became the center of attention.

He could feel several ladies sneaking glances at him from time to time, even some men looked at him with admiration.

It was an understandable reaction.

But what he didn't understand was why this hotel employee Ms Aiko still standing there.

Wasn't her job as a translator finished? Why is she still here?

Hiroya gave Aiko a questioning look but she in turn smiled and bowed to him not having any intention of leaving.

Suddenly he felt a presence quietly sneaking up on him from behind, guessing who it was Hiroya decided to play dumb and not react.

Then a pair of hands covered his eyes and a soft sensation touched his back.

"If you guess the color.... I'll give you a reward....."

Hearing the familiar voice Hiroya wondered why this woman suddenly became so daring.

'Am I too good-looking? or is she just desperate?...'

"Red.", Hiroya randomly named a color, he wasn't a magician, how was he supposed to know the color of her dress?


After she removed her hand Hiroya turned around to look at her.

His eyes enlarged as soon as he saw her black bikini, and then his gaze focused on that plump chest and hips covered by the black piece of cloth, her slim waist, and those blue eyes looking silently at him.

"Damn you're build!", Linda suddenly shouted in a loud voice and started touching Hiroya's abs.

Her eyes shone feeling the smooth and strong texture.

"Let's go!"

Pulling his hand she took him towards the pool.

Grabbing his hand, with careful movement she dropped one leg then the other and entered the pool, the water reaching her chest making those plum pieces of flesh float.


Hiroya followed her lead and entered the pool as well, as soon as he did Linda splashed water on his face and started giggling.

Seeing her mischievous behavior, Hiroya was hesitant and wondered why she was acting so familiar with him, it's not even been a day since they met.

But all those complicated thoughts went away when Linda splashed a second face at his face and started running away.

'Well.....she's dead.'

Hiroya's eyes sharpened, and using his Martial Arts he easily caught up to Linda, Waving his hand he created a wave much larger than what she could and splashed her with it.


Then a little children's competition started between them, of course with Hiroya's physical capabilities Linda wouldn't have stood a chance but since it was for fun, he didn't attack her seriously.

After some time Linda's breathing became rough and she requested for a ceasefire.

Breathing heavily she looked at Hiroya who was feeling perfectly fine. The scene reminded her that she wasn't young anymore.

Hiroya walked up to her after seeing her using the wall of the pool as support.

"It's good to be young."

Linda commented while admiring Hiroya's muscular physique.

Seeing him standing up close to her, a blush appeared on her face.

But his next words made her calm down.

"How will you take the 5 million."

Hiroya mentioned about her commission as he came beside her.

As soon as money was mentioned, a professional look appeared on Linda's face.

Raising a finger she circled it around his chest and said.

"You will invest in a foreign company's stock based on textile...."

The more he heard about her plan the more Hiroya understood that her knowledge in business was a little lacking compared to her.

While listening to Linda, Hiroya raised an eyebrow as he saw Linda slowly pressing her back against his front side.

She kept explaining the scenario in detail while her soft and full hips came in contact with his lower body.

Her face remained unchanged and her voice stable, but the movement of her body was changing rapidly.

'This woman....'

The corners of Hiroya's mouth raised up as a dark thought came to his mind.

As Linda was teaching his lower body, he suddenly used his hand and grabbed her chest making her twitch and stop speaking.

But just when he thought she had learned her lessons and would not play games, Linda started speaking again as if nothing had happened.

The scenarios made Hiroya's lower brother rise, as he wondered just how far he could go.

They looked around and saw that no one except Aiko in the back who was blushing crazily was paying attention to them.

Hiroya shoved his hand under her bikini and grabbed her nipples and soft chest.

The bold action made Linda stop speaking and her body suddenly backed up as if to find cover, She pressed her back against his front making his neither region stuck between her two plump hips

The lower brother hardened as it pushed against the gaps in her hips.

"Mhm stop.....", Linda said in a small voice while trying to push out Hiroya's hands from her chest.

However, her resistance was a little weak and not very convincing because of her sultry voice.

That is why when Hiroya suddenly removed his hands and distanced himself from her, She was suddenly left feeling shocked.

'I wasn't serious!'

She shouted in her mind and quickly turned to stare at him with a reproachful gaze.

Hiroya on the other hand simply shrugged his shoulders and pointed at the several people who were sneakily glancing in their direction.

Linda blushed after Understanding the situation and quickly left the pool in a hurry.

Hiroya also wasn't planning on staying, he jumped out of the pool and quickly went to the changing room.

After changing their clothes Hiroya and Linda quickly left the hotel.

While they were leaving the blushing employee Ms Aiko silently placed a piece of paper in his back pocket.

She thought he didn't notice but with his master-level ability, it was hard for him not to notice her little movement.

"After completing the legal processes, I'll call you....."

Hiroya silently looked at the retreating figure of Linda who hurriedly left in her car.

'She left before I could ask for a lift.'

Hiroya shook his head, feeling a little disappointed.

Taking out his phone he looked at the time.

'Since I am here....let's give Eldest sister a visit....'