
Global Lord: Im a Saiyajin

After meeting an untimely demise, a young man is astonished to receive the opportunity to transmigrate to another world. However, his expectations are overturned when he finds himself compelled to assume the role of Lord of All Races in a multitude of worlds. Confronted with challenging and unexpected circumstances, he embarks on an epic journey to find his place in this new universe, facing trials, and uncovering the true meaning of power and leadership.

Abramelin · Cómic
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3 Chs

Visiting the Marcial Dojo(Not Edited)

[Subject: Wei Jian]

[Territory: Nameless]

[Type of Soldier: Lancer]

[Strength Level: Elementary Grade of Black Iron Tier]

[Skill Overview: Since his childhood, he has shown some aptitude for the warrior class, and soon after joining the army, he became a beginner lancer.]

[Skills: Basic Lancer Skill at elementary grade of black iron tier, Elementary level stab at black iron tier]

[Loyalty: 73]

[Potential: Elementary Grade of White Silver Tier]

[Subject: Meifen]

[Territory: Nameless]

[Type of Soldier: Cook]

[Strength Level: Elementary Grade of Black Iron Tier]

[Skill Overview: Raised by her family, she learned to cook from her mother during childhood and decided to specialize in the area.]

[Skills: Cooking skill at elementary grade of black iron tier]

[Loyalty: 70]

[Potential: Intermediate Grade of Black Iron Tier]

[Subject: Xiaoyan]

[Territory: Nameless]

[Type of Soldier: Cook]

[Strength Level: Elementary Grade of Black Iron Tier]

[Skill Overview: Her mother noticed her talent in the kitchen, and since then, she has been taught the family secrets.]

[Skills: Cooking skill at elementary grade of black iron tier, Grilled Fish at Bronze Green Level]

[Loyalty: 71]

[Potential: Advanced Grade of Bronze Green Tier]

[Subject: Chunmei]

[Territory: Nameless]

[Type of Soldier: Cook]

[Strength Level: Elementary Grade of Black Iron Tier]

[Skill Overview: A very shy girl who naturally developed a love for cooking due to her interest.]

[Skills: Cooking skill at elementary grade of black iron tier]

[Loyalty: 74]

[Potential: Advanced Grade of Black Iron Tier]

[Subject: Lanlan]

[Territory: Nameless]

[Type of Soldier: No Profession]

[Strength Level: Elementary Grade of Black Iron Tier]

[Skill Overview: A very hardworking housewife who recently lost her entire family and abandoned everything to try to move forward and overcome her trauma.]

[Skills: No Skills]

[Loyalty: 45]

[Potential: Advanced Grade of Black Iron Tier]

"This lancer has some talent! It's not easy to find a professional with enough talent to reach the Advanced Grade of White Silver Tier! I got lucky right from the start," Gohan thought, pleased with his lancer's potential.

"The cooks aren't bad either; this will ensure enough cooks to feed me and my future subjects," Gohan reflects, turning to address his matters as he looks directly at the not-so-distant building of exquisite appearance.

"I think it's time for me to meet my desired tenant..." Gohan then walks to enter the martial arts dojo, intending to explore and understand its functionalities.

Shortly after entering the dojo, he was quickly greeted by a tall and slender individual, with an athletic and elegant posture. He had a well-defined physical structure, with angular features and a serene expression; his skin was purple, and his bowl haircut lived up to his appearance from the DBZ Super manga.

Seeing Gohan examining him from head to toe, Merus smiles slightly and bows respectfully.

"Greetings, my Lord! My name is Merus, a Former Galactic Patroller," Merus introduces himself elegantly.

"So smooth and serene, I'm starting to envy him for some reason!" Gohan thinks as he observes Merus's attitude and posture.

"You may call me Gohan, Mr. Merus. I'm here for a detailed explanation of your services. Please enlighten my thoughts!" Gohan says politely, causing Merus to furrow his brow slightly impressed.

"Then please follow me, honorable Lord, I will show you the Dojo's facilities and functions!" Merus then begins to lead the way down the dojo hallway until we reach a location that closely resembles the places where disciples trained in their martial arts.

"Sir, this place is called the Divine Martial Training Hall. Its basic function is to provide an almost indestructible location to train a combat skill or technique, but this place has a very peculiar function strongly related to the Laws of Time! Its most basic configuration makes a time ratio of one minute to six hours in the real world!" Merus says contentedly.

"This reminds me specifically of the time chamber in Dragon Ball! What an unexpected gain!" Gohan is surprised by the revelation; previously, he had considered the idea of using the dragon balls to acquire something related to the ability to dilate time to accelerate the growth of his power and potentials.

"That's really amazing, Mr. Merus. I believe I will make frequent visits to use this function!" Gohan says joyfully as he continues to follow Merus, who was guiding him to other facilities.

After a brief walk, they finally arrive at another location that looked like a polished futuristic room in white tones. The room was fully enclosed on three sides with a single side having a chamber-shaped door and two rectangular windows on the right and left sides to provide a view of what was happening inside the chamber.

"This is our precious Combat Hall, the place is virtually indestructible and can perform combat simulations in any way you desire! Just be sure to communicate to me about the desired format of the simulation so that I can make the necessary adjustments!" Merus says without hesitation.

"Very interesting, Mr. Merus. There's no doubt that this is another sacred place for martial artists to promote continuous improvement," Gohan praises the place, making Merus very pleased.

"My Lord, now it's time for me to introduce you to the place where our dojo sells some combat techniques and martial arts. This place specifically is located in a library where I will supervise for most of my time," Merus then leads Gohan to a spacious room that had some books organized on wooden shelves.

Without saying a word, Merus quickly takes out a small booklet from his pocket and hands it to Gohan, who quickly examines the cover of the booklet with surprise and anticipation under the attentive and smiling gaze of Merus.

'Divine Martial Artist Class Change Certificate from Divine Realm (Unique Level)'

"Thank you, Mr. Merus! I really need this certificate." Gohan thanks the Galactic Patroller.

Without saying a single word, Merus points with his index finger, causing a golden screen to appear in front of him in the next instant.

[Basic Qi Techniques: Qi Sense (1000 Black Iron Tier Mist Cores), Qi Blast (10000 Bronze Green Tier Mist Cores), Finger Beam (10000 Black Iron Tier Mist Cores), Kiai (1000 Black Iron Tier Mist Cores), Solar Flare (5000 Black Iron Tier Mist Cores), ...]

[Intermediate Qi Techniques: Qi Transfer (10000 Bronze Green Tier Mist Cores), Spiritual Control (10000 Bronze Green Tier Mist Cores), Energy Wave (5000 Bronze Green Tier Mist Cores), Kamehameha (2000 Bronze Green Tier Mist Cores), Destructo Disc (8000 Bronze Green Tier Mist Cores), ...]

[Advanced Qi Techniques: Energy Nullification (10000 White Silver Tier Mist Cores), Super Explosive Wave (60000 White Silver Tier Mist Cores), Spirit Bomb (10000 Yellow Gold Tier Mist Cores), Large Spirit Bomb (10000 Diamond Tier Mist Cores), Super Spirit Bomb (10000 Legendary Tier Mist Cores), Final Kamehameha (7000 Bronze Green Tier Mist Cores), Evil Containment Wave (1000 Legendary Tier Mist Cores), ...]

[Divine Qi Techniques: Ultra Instinct (1000 Master God Elemental Divine Crystals), Ascended Ultra Instinct (10000 Intermediate Master God Divine Crystals), Complete Ultra Instinct (100000 Advanced Master God Divine Crystals), Hakai (50000 Advanced Master God Divine Crystals), ...]

"There are so many different techniques being sold here, but the prices are too exorbitant..." Gohan is shocked to observe the list of numerous techniques from each Dragon Ball Z character, with the only techniques not included being those specific to other races.

"That concludes our visits to the dojo's facilities! It may seem small at the moment, but I believe the dojo will gain new facilities every time my Lord updates his territory," Merus says.

"I have to admit, this place is a den of the Gods, but it still left me with a bitter taste in my mouth when looking at the prices more closely," Gohan smiles and says to Merus, who tilts his head to the side without understanding his complaints.

"My Lord, you must understand the reason for the price of these techniques! Each one of them is so strong that they could turn the entire High Continent upside down, except of course for some Support Techniques!" Merus says contentedly, while conveying the real value of the contents for sale.

"I agree indeed! Mr. Merus, thank you for the reception, but my subjects need me at this moment, so I'll bid farewell first."

"Don't worry, my honorable Lord, you can come back whenever you want to enjoy the facilities and products! By the way, don't forget to come back to pick up another Certificate in seven days," Merus says and quickly turns to do who knows what.

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