
Giving Into You

"Please stay inside your homes with your doors locked and do not panic. These creatures may be strong, but have faith that we shall surely pull through this crisis and eliminate the threat." That was just the beginning of the chaos that ensued when Sasha's life was turned upside down. Humans were no longer on top of the food chain. Instead, three factions of supernatural arose from the ashes: werewolves, vampires, and fairies. Being a slave or following new laws that favored supernaturals, however, was the least of Sasha's worries. Instead, after it is discovered that she is a potential mate for the strongest most powerful supernatural from each of the factions she is forced to choose just one. This is a short story of only 27 chapters. It is now complete and it shall remain free to read forever. This is not my best work as it was written over a decade ago, but hey! Free is free!

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
27 Chs

Chapter Two

*Two months Later*

"Is she awake yet? You said she should be waking up sometime this week, did you not?" I wasn't completely conscious and I was still fighting to be able to come out of this hazy darkness and open my eyes. I haven't seen Violet's husband too many times, but I could clearly tell that it was clearly his voice. " Yes, Ian she is supposed to wake up today in fact and is already starting to come back into consciousness. Just give it a few more minutes." That was Violet speaking. "You know she's going to be majorly pissed off at you right? Plus she'll probably still be scared of you too, so I hope you know what you're doing." He didn't really seem overly concerned more like agitated that we were in this situation. I can feel my lower half and almost open my eyes now, but it was still a struggle. "Yes, but sadly she'll have to get used to it. Now, please leave us be and lock the door on your way out, darling." I could hear them kiss and my eyes were beginning to open just as the door closed and I heard the click of a lock coming from outside the room.

"Careful, sit up slowly or you'll probably fall over and be dizzy." Of course, I didn't listen and tried to sit up too fast anyway. When I got a headrush and started to sway Violet giggled and helped keep me steady. "I'm glad you're getting some amusement out of my pain." I couldn't help but smile when I heard her laugh it was such a light sweet sound. "So, how are you feeling? Well, besides dizzy?" "Definitely still a little dizzy, but okay nonetheless. So how long have I been out?" I couldn't help but notice the guilty look on her face as she muttered under her breath "Just over two months." "TWO MONTHS! Violet, why was I out that long?!?!?" Now she really looked guilty as she replied "I used my magic to keep you out for that long so you would awaken once everything started to settle down more with the whole after the war things." Huh, didn't see that coming. "Faries have magic? I thought that was like witches or something?" Since I was trying to remain as calm about the fact that she was a fairy as I could, I guess it made it easier for her, so she gave me a small smile. "Witches don't exist, silly. Faries do have some 'magic' like abilities. Speaking of which now that your awake I'm going to have to explain to you about fairies, werewolves, and vampires. Especially since you don't have school anymore it'll be harder for you to learn except through me telling you and trust me you have to know. They're even teaching the history of supernatural in schools now. Speaking of which, I managed to get you your diploma even though it was a couple of months early for you to have earned it, but I figured you deserved to have some kind of help especially since you can't model or work at your uncle's restaurant."

That reminds me that my life is pretty much ruined and I have to pretty much start all over again. I have to find a job, somewhere to live, and a bunch more stupid complications. Plus I really kind of miss my family, which I don't even know where they are. "I have a question, where is my family?" Violet is pursing her lips and looking away from me so clearly it means something really bad. Oh no, what happened to them? "Please, Violet! They're my family you have to tell me what happened!" She sighed and went to grab my hand and held it in hers. "I"m sorry Sasha, but they're gone. Your dad, brother, and uncle died in the war and not long after your mom committed suicide. Your aunt is the only one left and sadly she's in vampire territory so you can't exactly see her. I'm sorry I didn't want you to lose your family. I'm sure you must be devastated." My whole family, gone, just like that, forever. Now I have no one, except maybe Violet, but I don't know. Her people fought against mine in the war and I lost my family. Sure I haven't seen anyone but mom and my aunt since I was sixteen and my mom started to lose herself without my dad. Then without my brother, I didn't have anyone to lean on and my aunt and I were never close. No, I already lost my family ten years ago, but it still hurts.

"What about you and your family, Violet?" She smiled, but she still seemed kind of sad and worried about me. "They're okay, well mom, dad, and my siblings, anyways. They live with the rest of my kind, but I'm staying here since my husband is a werewolf. Plus you know I wanted to be here for you if you'd let me. I know it's got to be hard to have no one left and how the world is changing and all. I still really want to be your friend, if you'd let me, and I'd like to say you're invited to stay here with us for as long as you'd like and you don't have to find another place to live." She was smiling sadly, but all I could think was "Why wouldn't I want to be your friend. When I said best friends forever that meant forever and I don't think forever has come and gone yet anyhow." I gave her the best smile I could, but I still was unsure of what I was going to do. She tackled me and gave me a huge hug. "I'm happy that we can still be best friends, I was so afraid to lose you. I guess you've always been a bit more positive about the whole fairies and whatnot thing anyways. Now I couldn't bring any of your stuff with me, but I did manage to get your diploma, like I said, even though it was like three months early... Then I also withdrew all your money from your savings account since you wouldn't have been able to use it otherwise. Plus I grabbed your favorite jacket that still has your ipod in it. You'll have to buy a new charger for it, however, but at least you have some familiar stuff and some money so we can go shopping and buy you a new wardrobe tomorrow . Today we have to discuss fairies, werewolves, and vampires and what's real and what's a myth. Then I'll leave you be for the rest of the day so you can just take it in. Oh! Dinner will be done at 7:00 if you wish to eat with us."

With that, she jumped right into explaining and I asked her questions so I could better understand. She started with fairies since she was one herself, then werewolves since her husband was one, then vampires last since she knew less personal things about them due to not knowing any personally. It was definitely a lot to take in and by the time she was done it was 6:00, which she said was perfect since she'd have an hour to make dinner. I laid down in bed for the hour thinking about it and just letting everything soak in.

Fairies definitely aren't those little creatures that fly around with wings and hide in flowers that's for sure. Fairies actually have a few terms, but they prefer Fairies or Fey. A fairy is also known as faery, faerie, fay, or fae. The fairy's name is because they are like the personified Fates who determine the course and end of human life. Not every fairy can see so much about the future, but they do get feelings and see glimpses of possible outcomes of the future. They are human in appearance and have 'magical powers'. Generally, fairies look almost exactly like humans, but they can change to a smaller size with their magic and levitate as well. They usually stay rather young looking and are immortal, unless killed, of course. Much like a vampire, except without the need to drink blood. Plus, Fairies can't lie, although they can confuse with their words or even just not say something. They hate being told 'thank you', as they see it as a sign of one forgetting the good deed done, and instead, want something that will guarantee remembrance. They often enjoy being mischievous and pulling pranks. Iron is like poison to fairies and thus their entire territory and many of their allied territories in Vampire and Werewolf lands have gotten rid of and banned it. There are actually different categories of fairies such as the Seelie and Unseelie court or trooping and solitary fairies. The Seelie court are known to seek help from humans, to warn those who had accidentally offended them, and to return human kindness with favors of their own. The Unseelie Court consists of the malicious and evilly-inclined fairies. Unlike the Seelie Court, no offense is necessary to bring down their assaults. The Unseelie Court consists of the malicious and evilly-inclined fairies. Unlike the Seelie Court, no offense is necessary to bring down their assaults. The trooping fairies contain the aristocracy of the fairy world, but also include fairies of lesser importance. solitary fairies live alone and are inclined to be wicked and malicious creatures. Humans are sometimes made servants of fairies or many other things as well that a fairy may choose a human to be. As children, they usually just play while the faeries watch. When they are older they may be made a hand servant, an entertainer, a lover, or even an ornament. Faries are choosing to not have many humans claimed as anything to them and let them have their freedom for the most part, but they still claim some of them. The fairies also generally don't share humans and once someone has been claimed by a fairy no one else will try to claim it. Because Violet doesn't want the trickery and slavery her people inflict on some people she decided it wouldn't be wise to send me to their lands. The fairies choose to name their country Fayerye.

Then came the werewolves who are human in appearance, except when they shift. They can shift at will but automatically shift during the full moon. They are not created and only born the way they are. If a human and werewolf have children together the werewolf gene is dominant and so the child will automatically be born a werewolf. A werewolf can only have children with their mate and the werewolf pregnancy is only 6 months long. Werewolves are stronger, faster, and all of their senses are much stronger than that of humans. Werewolves can be identified by their curved fingernails, low set ears, and swinging stride. Most werewolves are automatically just naturally hotter than most humans, their metabolism much higher, and they have to eat twice as much food as a human per sitting. Their wolves are larger than regular wolves and retain their human eyes, but will turn black when their wolves are more so in control, whether in human or wolf form. They have faster healing and tend to fall on their feet from high falls. Their aggressiveness and animalistic urges may be intensified and harder to control. They have mates and it has been ruled that if you are a human and a mate of a werewolf you have to move in with them and it is best if you listen to everything they tell you to do. Werewolves never, generally, hurt their mates on purpose and strive to make their mates happy and feel loved. It is thought that mates are paired up because they each have an important lesson to teach each other. They have issues with silver-based weapons much like vampires and so it has been made a law to rid the world of silver and ban it. There is a royal family of wolves that rules over all wolves and the alphas that rule over packs. Their country is named Verr, and that is where Violet, me, and her husband, Ian, now live.

Vampires live in a country called Empusae. Humans either become blood slaves or brides of vampires. Vampires see humans as below them and unless it's their mate they could care less about them. Vampires willingly trade slaves or sell them. Vampires are both born and turned. Vampires cannot enter a house unless invited by the owner, although, after the first invitation they can come and go as they please. Vampires are more active at night but not vulnerable to sunlight, just sensitive. They still have a beating heartbeat and are living creatures, they're just immortal and drink blood. There is one royal family of vampires that rules over all vampires. Vampires mark their mates just like werewolves. Vampires won't stand for any type of resistance whatsoever. Violet, thank God, saved me from staying where I was and living in their territory. She said she would never have let me stay there because she wouldn't want her best friend since forever getting hurt. I was definitely thankful I wasn't staying there.

All in all, I know I'm lucky, but I'm definitely afraid I might be one of these werewolves mates, or even worse a vampires mate. I mean both are so possessive and controlling and then vampires drink blood. Ugh, I couldn't help the shiver that ran down my back just thinking about it. I suppose I'll stay here since Violet says it would mean so much to actually have someone she knows, other than her husband to hang out with. She said it wasn't a big deal to have me stay, but I still felt somewhat guilty I mean she's done so much for me. Speaking of which, since fairies don't like being told thank you I wonder what she wants in return for what she's done for me. I definitely find her being a fairy a bit intimidating, but I still love her like she's my sister. I mean twenty years of being friends does that to you. I guess I'll just see about applying to one of the restaurants around here and see what I can get. I'm glad Violet volunteered to go shopping with me tomorrow cause I would definitely need it. Believe it or not, I actually had a lot of money saved up. In fact, there is $16,569.85 here, which I know is a lot, but I was saving up my money for years and modeling pays rather well. I actually had a bit more, but she said she had to use a couple thousand to get the tickets for the absolute last flight out of there. I don't blame her, I would have done the same if I knew now what I did then.

"Dinner! Hey, Sasha are you joining us?" she has a huge smile on her face. "Yeah, sure." "Um, I got you a dress and heels and I'm going to do your hair and make-up we've kind of got an important visitor who is here to have dinner with us because he has to check up on the fact that a fairy is in their midst." I nodded and let her help me get dressed and wonder who could be so important that she'd have to let me borrow her stuff and make me dress up just for dinner.

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